I mean; i am playing 4 chars in M+. 1 is my main. The others are somewhere between 430 and 435. If you want to reward some 447’s at the end of the season you basically say open world content is more rewarding than anyone playing M+ a bit casual (like 4 keys a week). It becomes ‘mandatory’ content for big amount of groups of the playerbase.
majority of people never registered there. majority of people arent even playing game at all as we have how many now ? 200-300k players in retail ? compared to 12 mln in early cata.
I was hyperboling a bit with the 447, I’ll say that . And I think it should work somewhat like AP where you can either progress one character quite high, or have several more average characters.
Personally I’d prefer a specific world gear set which would then drop, say, 20 or 30 ilvls in raids and M+. Especially if they keep the alternative gearing process with the catalyst and what not for those who enjoy some raiding or low M+ besides world content. But that’d mean two sets, I’m not sure Blizzard would consider that route.
there is completly no reason why time rifts souldnt reward couple of crests similiar to what drops in 11-15.
this would make them at least not complete waste of design resources due to how insignificant anythign that drops there is.
its another case of contant with some potential like that reach that next to nobody went to in 10.0.7 because all the rewards there were completly meaningless.
there is so much wasted content in DF that its actually scary .
people in blizz are imo insane that they didnt realease both invasions and reach on launch and time rifts with S2 start.
instead unless you are cosmetic farmer you had 0 reason do any of this
i acually today did rifts for the very first time and solely because i can afk though 5 of them and get points for months 1400 cap .
You don’t have to be registered there for your name to show up there.
Only way to NOT appear there is to manually edit your acc settings on battle net to disable Blizzard API data sharing and etc(or register on raider io and manually hide your data) which I doubt people have done en masse…heck I am not sure if many even know that this option exists.
Bro, did you just… That’s just hilarious. First you say there’s no reason why they shouldn’t give crests, then you provide the reason why they shouldn’t - in the same post.
I quite enjoyed the Rifts, but it did puzzle me why they designed it in such a way that only doing it once a week makes sense unless you really like cosmetics. I understand your point in that sense that DF has some ‘missed opportunities’.
You still show up. For example RIO would still detect your presence in other peoples runs as its more than unlikely that all 5 have blocked their API (plus I still think your armory updates regardless but im not entirely sure about that so they can still detect your runs. They will just also be met with the fact that said char has their API disabled, meaning they wont bother further as they cba having to clash with Blizzard in that regard).
You also appear in RIOs statistics even if you register there and make your char private as the only thing that changes is that people can no longer open your characters page as that will prompt a “this char is private” message to appear.
How about Neck pieces?
I have a full set of Veteran (working on upgrading them) except Neck and I can’t see one for sale on the vendor. Is there a rep one like the Obsidian one from Wrathion?
I don’t think there is, I’ve been looking for one for another character who just can’t seem to get one lol. Maybe I’m wrong tho, would be great actually!
DFs retention has been higher then past recent expansions, meaning more players have remained subbed to the game
So no, if expansions with AP have been hemorraging numbers and the first expansion since to remove it hasnt hemorraged numbers the numbers actually completely disagree with you
Im not gonna say weather they should or shouldnt come back i think systems have pros and cons which appeal to different audiences. Im just strictly saying that the statistic ur attempting to use isnt really accurate to what the data is sayin
We all know the reason they dont lol, if world content sets a player up to walk into +16s for the next upgrade.
We walk into the problem you say “make ur own group durr nobody wants to carry you” to.
The mistake was putting crests that drop in dungeons, to be a currency to upgrade world loot. Now theyre stuck in a situation, where u either hand out the currency to open world and make the learning curve steeper, or open world rewards feel awful. .
Why they didnt give open world its own item progression currencies earnt by renowns / events. I dont know, theyd allow open world to of grown to 440 over the duration of the patch.
Restricting ilevel growth in open world does more damage then just casual players, after 3ksh weeks most pushing players were 440, qt this point allowing open world to grab 441 prolly wouldnt matter at all.
Its their alts their swapping to, or open world players looking for alternatives thst get punched and yes, at this point of a patch thats a majority.
Well, I’m stuck with an Adventurer’s Neck piece until 10.1.7 then. Meh, I probably still be upgrading my other pieces until then anyhow, if I can be bothered - is it worth upgrading Rings?
I’ve had a few necks drop from Fyrakk’s disciple boss fight and Researchers Event (just not on the character who actually needed one hrmph lol) so don’t forget to do those, maybe you’ll get lucky
well do you plan to push for +20 ? if not then its not. you can get into like 14/15s in like 425 gear due to how few people play this patch .
i was shocked how fastmy 426/427 rogue and shammy were getting into 13-15 - problem is quality of other playersi n this bracket is complete trash because all good players either spam +20 or are on break.
oh well - next reset of 15 m+ and im on break till october again after i cap tenders .