Never done a M+ and don’t intend to. I’ll get by fine with my 414 (inching towards 424 when I get the Drakes and Flightstones). Only time I face anything that hurts is in Suffusion Camps or similar and I only really do those when the Weekly Aiding quest prompts me to. So much of the open world needs groups to do that me being lower geared than most doesn’t really matter.
What may help is spec resto, I’ve had zero issues on my priest even at low ilvl, while on Cyl it was more challenging to stay alive at first lol. Bonus was being able to keep others alive, esp when it is in the Plains dps classes with not so great self healing struggle there. Fun to plonk heals on everyone!
I have no idea how busy it is for you tho when you go there, a lone healer will have a tough time. The rewards for both the chest and the boss are good (veteran/champion) and it gives drake fragments
Been a while since I did one (was away for 3 1/2 weeks for family stuff this month) I saw a mage running around with that fire bubble around them and that was it.
I did one a while back on my pally that I started leveling. At level 66 was running around rolfstomping everything in prot spce but I dinged 67 in the camp and suddenly the tables turned and I could hardly survive anything. Must be some scaling issue between 66 and 67.
Most? Find that very unlikely, theres far more open world players then m+ players i mean what is it. They estimate only 25% of wow accounts total have stepped foot in a m+.
If u wanna go to a even smaller niche who do content that awards 440. Ur looking at about 5%.
If u wanna then extract that niche of players from there who do gear at 440, and then go onto also dont do any aesthetical or optional content.
The number gets even smaller.
Im 441, currently farming aspects to upgrade my crafted gear to 447, and im still going with finr amounts of content.
Done archeology, got 2 of the 3 mounts. With a few more to farm.
Maxed all my renowns, working on crafting rep, cobalt assembly rep and seballion / wraithon reps.
Doing legion old reps aswell recently decided imma main a single class.
If you have time then, I’d check the Wednesdays. For most events that is the best, if not the only, day to get some of group events done somewhat comfortably. I don’t like that it works that way, I think it highlights the weakness of the design of these events, but it is what it is for now. Meh
You may well be right about the 66/67 scaling switch, I remember noticing it on Cyl as well.
Yeah, I do this sometimes. Also a Saturday.
But I dislike having to schedule when and how I play the game around outside factors. I want to log in and play the game and choose what acitivities I do and when.
But as you so eloquently put it, meh…
The interesting thing to me is, that usually this group gets painted as early quitters in patches or irrelevant. While from personal experience (and I don’t mean just my own lol) these are often very loyal subscribers and they’re not a small, niche group. They deserve to have content properly tailored for them, and it not just being cosmetics and mounts.
I dont think any audience are early quitters, i think this is simply a broad thing, alot of open world WoW players are known to also bounce to ffxiv during their patchs for their story content in between WoW also.
The problem occurs at the standpoint WoWs ilevel progression is sooo staggered by difficulties. Its impossible to equalise everything entirely without something getting pushed into the floor.
Howeveer blizzard could do a better job to reduce the issues here. Problem is WoWs never rly had open world content past this.
It ironically does a better job today then it did years ago, as open world players rly coulr only farm rep. Grind gold, and completionist tasks.
Atleast now open world players can get closer and also access the tjer sets. However yes i can agree i think improvements could be added to make it better then current.
I think ironically solo content is something legion / BFA did rly well. Didnt kill any end game systems but still had both solo and group methods of solo content. Espicslly with visions and things.
Yeah those systems worked well for players who prefer solo world play. I think the reasons they remained vibrant is largely due to AP and such, the content was important to all players. And then you come back to ‘mandatory boring chores’ which is pretty much why they made all side content as optional as possible this time around no doubt
I was thinking on your post, it crossed my mind before how odd it is that they improved on quite a few things, indeed also for world content players. And yet the progression system feels quite hollow, world content is still sort of ‘tacked on’, and if you want progression you should just engage with M+, raids or rated PvP.
I think one of the main issues in DF is that it all revolves around events. And they’re usually ‘do once and you’re done for the week’. Or you can’t even do them because of content being so optional that there are not enough players around.
My guess is what is sorely lacking is a daily system of slow progress that you can do solo. And I don’t necessarily mean dailies or WQ’s as we have them now, often the rewards don’t actually provide character progression once you’re past the entry level.
It has created this situation of there being avenues of obtaining gear, some weekly events that give you your drake crests, and then you’re done and can log out again for the week while that’s often not what this group of players wants.
You sure as hell are an image of positivity on the forum from what I can see, you really seem to despite this game, not sure why you’re playing, and I am one to never say those things because I think it’s cringe, but in this particular case, looks like you really do need a break, and if you are already on one as you mentioned, good
Thats because they made AP demanding specific content for progression.
I dont think the issue would repeat as hard if we saw item progression from the same sorta content.
Which i think was the issue. They did a ok system, which was recieved well by most, but then AP went too far as a system and caused a host of issues regarding blizzard being in a state of continously repairing the last patch rather then anything new.
But in retailiatoon they wiped everything.
Renowns now offer no gear rewards for maxing overall.
Seballion / wraithon offered nothing amazing.
Ilevel rewards from this sorta contrnt kinda got ruined. There was no reason rep rewards couldnt of yielded decent upgrades, blizz honestly gonna be scared players would max out renown instead of raiding / m+ing.
I think it’s more that the M+/raid crowd would have complained about renown grind being mandatory.
I don’t mind they moved away from ‘mandatory chores’ design, they went overboard with it and even as a casual player I could see it was mandatory this on top of mandatory that on top of mandatory something else etc. It affected me far less because hey, if I don’t like content, or if I want to do less of certain content, no carrot is going to make me do it. I could understand it was quite different if maxing out your potential as much as possible to remain competitive is key in assuring a spot in M+ groups or raidteams. I sympathise with the burnout that inevitably creates.
But if the rewards are earnable in raids / m+ at a equal value, in a similar demand for grind. Remmebering renowns arent a fast progression.
Then its not mandatory at all.
For example if loam had 2 pieces of 441 gear on it, but u can also get 441 gear from m+16 onwards and heroic raids. Why would loam be mandatory.
If blizzard intend to apply compromise to the situation to improve the game overall with more opportunities for everyone they gotta ignore people saying “mandatory”. Ap did make it mandatory because u couldnt access the grinds outside the content they dedicated it too.
Base items however, are earnable in all game modes.
Also. If raiders and m+ expect open world players to do their content for upgrades, they cant then say they shouldnt have to do open world for upgrades.
As one of those open world players I know an AP grind wouldn’t make me play more, it didn’t in Legion nor BFA.
What I would like is open world content that I can just do when I want. Currently they’re all on schedules and most require large groups of other players to complete.
I’ve avoided professions as it just seem daunting, perhaps if I gave it a go it’d be ok but from what I’ve read it seems a faff.
MOP had the Tillers Farm, that was something to do and helped with professions. This concept was taken too far with the Garrison and unfortunately that killed the idea.
I used to do fishing and cooking dailies but haven’t for quite a while (my fishing / cooking alt is only 67 and I don’t have the motivation to play alts). Perhaps Fishing and Cooking could be made Account Wide like Pet Battles and I’d be more inclined to engage with them again.
WQs are scattered all over the world, I miss Dailies being grouped into a little area. I do some WQs for rep to get the 3000 for the Aiding weekly but I’m not out clearing them every day.
MOP had rares out in the world that were soloable with a little gear and mechanics were done right. Now they’re all group one (maybe a well geared tank can solo one in 20 minutes).
The reason players aren’t doing open world content is not a lack of AP, it’s a lack of suitable open world content.
As Netsjerian (I probably butchered your name, my apologies lol) pointed out, there is no guarantee M+ or raiding will fill all your slots. So people who care about this, will do the content whether they want to or not.
I’m a bit torn on this, as it means all content below the threshold of where competitive players congregate cannot reward items in any way that might be interesting to them. Even vaguely.
I guess what could be done is create a progression path for world players after a month or two or so. I got the impression the Dreamsurge patch may experiment with that, but I may be wrong, I haven’t looked at it properly and thoroughly.
It’s stupid that we’ve gone from ‘group A’ were suffering, but ‘group B’ had it good (talking about AP, TF and such here) to ‘group B’ are now suffering because ‘group A’ complained.
That’s just a completely bad ‘solution’ imo, because it solved the issue of one group, at the expense of another.
That is the part I take the most issue with. And I can only blame Blizzard for making this dumb decision. I can’t fault the players for complaining.
I know, and on a personal level I agree. Because it impacts my game experience, and that’s a bummer lol.
I have no wish to see gameplay mechanics (back) that make people feel they are either forced to engage with content they dislike or get stuck on their character progression. The only thing that peeves me a bit about this tho is that quite a few players don’t seem to (want to?) grasp that puts others in this exact same position. The situation is simply flipped. And because world players ‘don’t need gear’ for ‘oneshotting boars’ there is very little to no sympathy in return to how that hollows out the gameplay experience for another group.
I don’t really get that. Even if I don’t engage with content, and actively dislike it, I’m still bummed out for them when players express it’s not in a good situation. And I of course wish them a better experience.
I guess the ‘mandatory chores’ have not helped to garner sympathy for the world player’s plight