Blizzard needs to reintroduce AP to save wow

Hahaha I am in the exact same situation, except DF has been so boring I have not even been able to grind the monthly tenders yet…

Hopefully I can grind the cool mog tomorrow but I honestly have no idea. If only we could get closer to filling the quota by posting on the forums instead of playing, because honestly being on the forums is less painful than playing the game rn.


More and more content creators doing the entire… uhm… ´´why are DF numbers so bad? they did everything I wanted´´. Numbers heading for disaster… Like OP predicted.

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Not really accurate.

DF sold 6 million copies. Sl sold 12 million copies, BFA sold 9 million copies and so did Legion.

Its obvious why the posts are happening and the answers obvious.

Blizzard took a huge law suit against it. Several worker protests with workers speaking out about working conditions.

And to top it all off, the game released 2 back to back expansions which the player despised.

DF doesnt have the numbers. Because DF didjt sell to begin with, because theres not a singular expansion concept thats gonna ressurect the games condition at this point.

They spent too long in the borrowed power era, and they burnt alot of bridges in the process and the games paying for its continous mistake.


DF hit a record for player retention compared to the games recent expansions. This means, DF has held more players comparitively.

So saying theyre falling, is tbh uninformed at best, and a outright lie at worst, there are no numbers to make such a bases off. Game didnt sell as well we know this. But we also know theres a TON of factors to why it didnt.


All statistics show WoW isnt plummeting numbers. The reason content creators are worried is because DFs sales are half of the norm. However that isnt DFs fault. There are outside factors that have driven players to boycott Blizzards games. Trying to say otherwise is making information up, there are litterally 0 numbers 0 statistics and no evidence of the games player count.

DF is fine.

Its not exceptional, and it isnt exciting either. It rectified alot of issues, however introduced nothing new. Core players stick around but theres nothing to get players wanting to get back into the game.

It feels like the game just took the safe option, sell what they know their primary playerbase will want. Take 0 risks on anything new.

Sorry Valos but if you had actually watched the videos or tried to look at the kinda numbers OP is talking about. You would see a big problem is actually just in retaining players in Dragonflight. M+ and raids are just massively losing players recently (before summer, BG3 and HC WoW).

I mean let us be real. The dungeons are straight up just bad. Let us stop beating around the bush. Not even a fun seasonal affix. Made M+ harder. Classes more bloated than ever. Worst M+ meta I can ever remember after .5 patch. No reward for playing except weekly vault and terribly boring deterministic loot system where you are alrdy done after like 4 weeks.

I am not here to tell ppl not to enjoy Dragonflight. I enjoy things that are unpopular too, like Ska music. However, clearly the average person does not enjoy Dragonflight, just like the average person does not enjoy Ska music.

M+ numbers have been dropping off a cliff and I honestly don´t even know how S3 will save things. Even a fun season affix and banger dungeons won´t be enough, would be cool if it happens though!!

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And im here to tell you, no one has any statistics numbers engagement values or evidence to say anything anyone says on this matter is or isnt true.

And thst goes for myself also.

People spend more time trying to spesk as some sorta majority, and not enough time posting their own feedback on the situation.


That doesn’t stop people making claims.

The only official statistics we see are the numbers in the financial reports.

We literally do though.

Yeah as far as im aware the only thing stated by blizzard was regarding positive numbers concerning player retention being higher.

However i dont think they ever even disclosed number of sales.

But we litterally dont.

Blizzard took all their statistics off the internet. Unless ur gonna phone every player on the planet whos owned WoW account and ask they when thry left and make a tally. U wont ever know lol

We can make a pressumption based of circumstance, DF did not sell as well as expected / as prior expansions.

However given so much happened concerning blizzard during this reign including 2 back to back poorly recieved expansions, theres a host of reasons players didnt return.

However we can only base that off, DF sales never being released. However that speaks 0 on Dragonflight as a expansion im afraid. If people didnt buy it full stop, thats nothing to do with retention either.

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It’s not even grinding, honestly.
If you haven’t gotten them ‘naturally’, you’re hardly playing the game.

Well if you go by that standard then every single poll, questionaire or referendum isn’t valid. Because those always just ask a smaller group of people and then apply those to the overal population.

And in alot of cases they simply arent valid.

That aint to say DF is perfect, as i said on my orginal post, DF feels like just a over safe expansion as a result of a freak out concerning SLs absolute hemmorage of playerbase.

However, blizzard did announce retention statistics, being notably higher, so it isnt simply his poll isnt valid, its simply his argument doesnt align with avaliable statistics.

We cant speak on how well DF itself sold. Im under the impression poorly given its the first expansion of 4 they didnt announce numbers on.

However the variation of issues blizzard took.

2 back to back poorly recieved expansions cocnerning certain points of high tension.

Blizzards lawsuit.

The huge strikes of blizzards work forces.

Aswell as on several occassions the devs themselves making statements which caused anger.

Lets throw in the swifty drama, aswell as that aurthors twitter driving anger.

All play into that

We know, DF was a let down to casual players also, which may have ment a audience simply didnt buy DF as other mmorpgs defintly offer that audience more.

Espicslly knowing alot of players fled to ffxiv / gw2 from SL they simply may not return sadly what those games

We know DF isnt perfect however to hahd out information saying the polar opposite to avalisble statistics is fishy.

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Sometimes we see them post about sales but only so now and then. I have no idea how many copies sold of DF.

I agree :dracthyr_nod:

The only grind is if you want to do it all day 1 IMO.

The months where I’ve ignored the ‘tasks’, I’ve just clocked them off by playing, like you say.

Well we know the covid caused a boom in gaming industries, SL sold 12 million copies. But hemmoraged hard so im guessing regardless it will sound bad if u compare sales now which may have been why they simply said nothing

Even 7 million sales, would throw ammunition to those that enjoy to doomsday post and ud see 5mil sub losses paint the internet without the context applied

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The doomsayers always want to make out the take up is tiny or the drop off is huge. My favourite is when people cite that a streamer told them so. They are just players like the rest of us. They are just popular and have followings and presumably are entertaining to watch.

It’ll be fine.
If they apply the same sort of ‘freedom’ to the next expansion but make it a bit more ‘explosive’ and less ‘feely’, I think the general Warcraft audience might be happier.

I’m fine with ‘feely’, but I get that not everyone is.

Interesting… hmm where have I heard these kinda arguments before…


Please don’t tell me you are trying to compare it to AP which was not limited monthly. That would be very silly on your part.

Im hoping for more new things rather then whats deleted next time round. DFs oki to play a few days a week.

However DF isnt exciting. Blizzard deleted alot of systems that fed into content, and gave nothing new which kinda drove this.

It looks more.alike a platform to build ontop of rather then a complete product

And I think that’s exactly what it is.

They’re developing several evergreen systems, so those will stay. Building upon what’s there already.

Blizzard like to experiment, like they removed tier and gave us Azerite which was awful to start with because you needed neck levels to be able to unlock the abilities, they tried changing stuff a bit so you got the first unlock easier etc. It was all a big experiment.

Same with moving from AP being power gain in Legion/BfA to AP being a currency for cosmetics/collectibles in SL.

Now we’ve had interactive flying, less WQ rotation (which has been hit and miss with people), upgrading gear not limited to M+ only etc, big overhaul to professions etc. More frequently content patches which many asked for but now we see complaints from others who feel they can’t keep up. I’ve not liked all the changes myself but there are also changes I’ve really liked.

I guess we’ll see what they take going forward.

That’s par for the course. Nothing’s going to be to everyone’s liking.

I’m not a fan of taking away daily reasons to log in for the most part. I don’t want them to be made mandatory either, but having a CHOICE. Not be made to play one way or the other.

But yeah, they’re never going to please everyone.
I have hope though; which is more than I had from patch 8.3 up until Zereth Mortis.

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