Blizzard not protecting their players from harassment

No no, I meant… keep the same character IC. But rename her with a nickname/brand new name. For example “Glimmer” or another Quel’dorei like name. I’m sure you can find a reason IC for a name change. And a new hair do/colour would work too.

You’d also most likely have to redo your TRP a bit/make a brand new one. It can be the same, just rewrite what you’ve already written. The roleplay addon does link together various characters who uses the specific character trp, so when people uses the map location search (if you have it on), they can see where you are (So you kind of have to make a new character sheet for her).

Ofc this is not fully safe… since he can look you up on the armoury and compare pets/achievements, but it will work somewhat the very least.

I will consider all of this if my reports and tickets still go unanswered, thank you.
I also wish that if I did an OOC namechange, my character would disappear from other people’s friendlist, but that’s sadly not how it work.

If the troll has Lolalight on his friendlist, and I change name to Uggabugga, then it will say for him that Uggabugga has come online, and with a quick check he will find out that it’s me again.

I’ll keep posting updates on how the saga continues.

I also ran into an alliance player, and they had supposedly been harassed for several years by this exact same person.

If anything good comes from it, as long as I am the target now, I hope that this other person will get a break, because what had happened to them seemed even worse than what is ongoing with me.

No one should have to hide in order to play the game the way they want to.
so - no -

The more people that can report the player for disrupting RP the better as well.

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Ngl this is hillarious.

Some other player mentioned that there is a toy, something like “Eyes for you only” or something similar. But it doesn’t hide mounts. And it has long cooldown.

-=Nostalgia goggles=-
Does anyone else remember that people would get banned for covering a mailbox with their mammoth? Or for actually attacking a PvP-enabled envoy of a funeral?

Its not RP only.

I was talking to a group by portal event, and this player that I wont name kept spamming:

“Bing ------
----- your life”

to make the chat unreadable.

we moved to boss and he followed doing the same thing, I said I was reporting…
But these people are “soooo afraid” of the reporting system that he just answered: “Go ahead”

and resumed doing it.

Its really sad.

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Ignore function should do the trick there. Doesnt solve the other problem but its a start

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Blizzard doesn’t care unless its done on a level that can be shown to the world.

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Sadly, the best advice I can give is to make a thread on Reddit. r/wow seems to get much more attention than our backwater EU forums. Maybe someone important enough will notice your post and help?

Don’t do put the masked words on the forum. This is just a heads up, I don’t make the rules but it’s against them.

Don’t shoot the messenger

Oh, I didn’t know.
thanks for the heads up

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There’s some advice been given here but addiotionally reporting them ingame, take screenshots, video, write the name/'s up. Make maybe a reddit post for extra visibility and I’m not but you can always try and make a ticket about it.

Been here before. I had such bad issues I ended up having to call the non-emergency police number this is over 10 years ago and had them help me get it dealt with they pressured Blizzard to take action and given the evidence I had logged down it that action was taken, and the issue was then resolved and both I and them were instructed not to interact with each other.

Nothing has happened since then and yes going to the civil authorities was in my view the right thing. This game is connected and run by telecommunications and people who do this on that system are misusing it and the law does not just apply to crank or silent phone calls it also applies in tthe same way on your use of the internet.

You may or may not be in the UK but if you are you have a right not to be living in fear or distress online as you would do day to day in the real world.

The fact that Blizzard is not taking you seriously indicate a nudge from those who have the kind power to lean on them to do something is a good idea. All I can say is if it is indeed that bad, then you have a right to take much more serious action to stop it.

Also law enforcement has a really low view of this kind of thing too. I did it once never needed to do it again and it landed some people in hot water real hot water too.

Careful with sayings here people tend to not understand them and take them as exact fact.

There is a broad spectrum of nationalities on the eu forums, not all of them undrstand sayings.


The report system is messed up beyond belief. I made a joke in trade chat the same as 20 others did and an hour later I’m 1 week muted, meaning I can’t play the game at all past random dungeons and old content. Meanwhile people can talk freely about politics in trade chat without problems despite the conversation being majorly negative to a conversation. I’ve given up on argent dawn just for that and I won’t return to that realm. I rolled there just to chill out a bit while I did some content months ago but returning back, I’m eager to wait out this silence and transfer my character off. Not a good community to foster tbh.

I wish it was!
But it’s really annoying, and other people don’t really want to stick around me when the troll is there the whole time.

Yeah but it ruins imersion, the player never even whispers me or talks to me, he just uses toys and stands on top of me.

I did this too but apparently it was against the rules or something.

Use Twitter, post screenshots of the player(s) harassing you and the responses from Blizzard and blast them for encouraging them continue by taking no action.

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I’ll give it until the time of my latest ticket and then I might just do this.

And get your own account banned at the same time.