Blizzard please make rules about kicking for no reason!

I’d say if you can’t solo rares, don’t wander off alone.
If you keep typing in chat people will think you are just messing around not doing what you are supposed to do, people want to get it done fast and easy.
And if you start to argue in chat about anything it’s just time wasted.

I usually just say at the start “i’ll pull a lot just follow me”, then there is no more talking just farming and if they don’t follow i just keep farming solo i don’t start arguing in chat about it.
They usually come running to me after a while anyway :sweat_smile:
I have never been kicked a single time.

Me and my friend like to speed run through dungeons, skip bosses for more efficient xp gain etc. I que up as a tank, so even if they wanted to kick me it would take them ages to find another tank. Damage is high and dungeons don’tlast long. If they dislike it they will be done in no time and they will go back to their slog of a dungeon before they know it. What I am trying to say is put yourself in a position where they lose more than they gain by kicking you.

That being said I have been kicked for doing too much dps with my twink and taking aggro away from the tank and clearing too fast, thus hurting his feelings and getting the boot. I just laughed it off, logged to an alt to do some farming and then kept going.

Since I started playing back in wotlk I did probably thousands of pugs and I got kicked so few times, that I can count them on one hand, really. If you got kicked 3 (three!!!) times in just one day, then you should probably ask yourself some questions.

Is it just me, or do people complaining about being kicked never use commas, so it’s next to impossible to understand what they mean?
The last reason I can see why tough…It’s rather rude to indirectly claim someone is a bot, by saying “lol the bots are on storemounts”, you indicate the person is a bot, people who buy storemounts ride storemounts, kinda duh, that joke didn’t even make sence and also disrespects how the person wanted to use their own money, if they buy a storemount, don’t be nasty about it.
Plus, those of lower lvl DO more damage on Islands, it’s because of scaling and stuff, especially if you also still got the Legion artifact weapon, so a lvl 115 will do more damage then a lvl 120.
If you get kicked so many times in a row, then you are probably doing something of their disliking, when I get kicked it is really that I accidentally pulled something, I did to low DPS or kept messing up with tactics, but 90% of the time it is because I do something, and then I correct it to next time and don’t get kicked, simple as that, sure sometimes I have been kicked just because…But that is 10% of the time.

What rules would you like to create? How those rules should be enforced? Game should just check if you are realy afk or bad or rude? How? It’s not that easy to do.

Or maybe you would like to able to file a GM ticket for every kick so they would have to investigate. That would take so much time given how many times people kick someone.

System is fine as it is. The people would need to change but they won’t.

Making rules on it’s own is a meaningless act. Rules that are made require the ability to also be enforced, or as Thomas Hobbes said “it is not wisdom but authority that makes a law”. Such a rule as you are asking simply cannot reasonably be enforced.

I can’t imagine it would be worth the man power that would be required to police something like that.

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Do you actually play any low level dungeons. Its bonkers mad at times. Tonight I got requests to kick and reason was ‘hgjahs’ or ‘asyjs’ or ‘sygsuu’ or ‘anyrandombunchofletters’. I just say no. I’ve got kicked as I ran down the steps to get to the group as I entered the instance and they were on the last boss cus they didn’t want another member joining. I got kicked just as I was about to enter a room with the last boss. I got kicked cus I got an epic and this player got very angry. I got kicked cus I stopped to get a quest item.

Most of the time the kick goes up and players are so busy they just click yes. Also some players take incredible short cuts with ghost and speed buffs and leave a new player just unable to get to them cus they left the mobs up. As a mage I seem to get forgotten about with healing and I can find myself at the beginning of the instance and unable to get back cus the group didn’t kill the mobs on the way jumping up on walls and taking shortcuts and you have to try and get back. In no time your kicked. Worst is Blackrock cus you get in and there is nobody there. They have taken the drill thing and hopped over the wall and down cus they only want two bosses. They don’t actually want other players so in the time it takes you to work out where they are they kick you.

The one I really hate is the clever guy with his stats for a very low dungeon. I mean what does it matter. Seriously it goes from the sublime to the bonkers. And all it takes is one kicker addict and you are out. Yet you get back in almost at the next loop and there is none of the problems.

It is just simple luck. Get a good group that just take their time and make sure everybody keeps up and allows players to do their quests as necessary. I mean I stopped to pick up a goblet from under the stairs before the next mob and got kicked. Trigger happy and for very little reason.

Me I don’t care. Water. Ducks back. Its just a game.

First time I did an IE I ended up soloing 3 elites and 4 normal mobs after my “teammates” died. I was level 113 I think and on a Shaman.

removing “deserter” debuff is a good enough start.

Yup would pretty much be the best solution indeed.

I thought it was funny that the bots where on store mounts. So i said it in chat. I don’t see why i have to get kicked over that.

Calling someone a bot in a video game is kind of an insult. And throwing insults and people you don’t know isn’t the best idea. Save your bad jokes to your circle of friends.

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I think he is talking about the actual bots you fight on regular islands not actual players? :grin:

to be gonest, you sound like a complete ^&^&^&* and im happy you have experienced all this ‘hardship’. You sound like an irritating baby.
As for the bots in IE, that’s blizzards fault for implementing IE so you cant be surprised, with all the rewards in IE, that people bot them 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Three times in 24 hours? I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you were just an innocent victim. That’s entirely too many times, in too short a time to be even remotely realistic. Bear in mind, too, these were 3 separate groups of people, not 3 times by the same group.

Just, nah.

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You are so full of it. You liked the attention I guess?

Im avoiding suspensions, so ill skip the “calling you names part”

but if you were capable to read and understand what you read - you’d notice that I said I’ll be quitting if i dont get CE, but since I got CE I didnt leave.

hopefully you can fully understand what I just said.

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Lol, he didn’t carve it on a stone tablet… People are allowed to change their mind, you know. :roll_eyes:

Bucky i think he is unable cause some people on this forum dont understand basic common sense and just nitpick post to make themselves look smart but forget about it and move on :smile:.(its me Yolandass).

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