Blizzard please provide at least 1 usable "Classic" PvP version

Dear Blizzard,

Considering that PvP is a sidenote for WoW since 2004, would it be possible to channel the limited DEV resources to one of the below options, and try to make a working PvP experience for the “Classic” flavor playerbase?

For now I tried to find my place between the 3 below options, some portions are working better here, some there, but all 3 are lackluster if looked alone (compared to the golden age of Wanilla - Wotlk).

Era - mostly only AV popping, queue times between 9-30 minutes, PvE rushfest for honor grinding. AB almost non existent, WSG occasionally pops, you get deleted by premade on other side.

Wotlk - currently dead, at least there is a chance that it will be working in the first months of Cataclysm - depending how well Cata will do

SoD - P1 was awesome, but due to the crazy power creep now it’s unplayable, you get literally blown up by 1-2 instant casts while walking, no real chance for counterplay, I have strong doubts that simply the damage reduction will solve the issues

Go to Retail - no thank you, hamsterwheel is not for my taste

As you describe problem, is not - except for maybe SoD - something Blizz can do. If all Era/Wrath is as bad you say (I trust - don’t PvP myself), is because people not WANT do PvP.
I say this because all EU is already one Battlegroup for BGs.

So really, short of enforcing PvP … what you want done?

Key message is to pick 1 iteration of Classic where they can focus on PvP as well, hence making it a desired part of the game, which is worth to do, but not a must, and it’s not ruined by huge gear / damage disparity - eg. fun to play.

Experience is that if people are provided some stuff they like to do, they will tend to participate.

For example SoD P1 PvP was a blast (not perfect), I wish it was not “improved” further, but just polished.

I hear this as complaint that PvP in SoD was change, not as belonging to general WoW, and Era/Wrath not change.

SoD pulled a large playerbase from Era / Wotlk.
P1 PvP worked great
Not that much since
Era PvP has it’s known problems, most likely not fixable
Wotlk → Cata, may be a solution unpredictable at this point

If SoD will remain in some form, would be nice to have a working PvP scene

Problem is that with launch of Cata there will be 3 iterations of classic, which is fragmenting further the population interested at all in PvP.

If there was 1 out of these where it’s clearly targeted by Blizz to put efforts to bring PvP to a healthy state, that would be awesome.

I would definately put my limited capacity in that version.

Cata will bring no new fragmetation. Instead of now Era (with HC) - Wrath - SoD we have Era (with HC) - Cata - SoD

I cannot see is a problem Blizz can solve. But what I know, never do PvP, and never play SoD. I only think you cannot force people like me to PvP no matter how. Many PvP af far I know went to HC, still is there, and you miss them wehever you are. I sorry for you, but honstly forcing people is not my cup of tea. Forced to PvP I would just not play.

I prefer era pvp other any other wow version and I love it. It seems weird for me that I am minority of such player base.

However I think pvp is not that terrible, yes its mostly AV honor rush, but not all AV are 8 minute games, everyday I get at least few 1 hour games in AV which both sides turtle in middle and during WSG/Arathi weekends you can find a queue there and not every match will be against a premade.

What will save era is new players coming back to play, some people didn’t like sod and came back to era (me included).

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