Blizzard pls fix the queue times, which you've messed up succesfully!

During pre-patch, we had 20-25 mins of queues, until you’ve added character boost to the game. Since then, the queue times are skyrocketing day after day! The more people reach 70, the longer the queues will be. We now have 1.5-2 hours of queue times for all BG-s. It’s your job to fix what you’ve messed up! Give us faction change (don’t care if it’s for money), or whatever you can to solve this problem.


:joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Yes Blizzard messed up by giving players the freedom to pick what they want to play …

This statement is just too funny.

To be honest i wouldn’t care if they did implement paid faction transfer but still i don’t think they should.


Yes, they messed up, because people don’t have to grind in boring vanilla content again, they can immediately start in Outland! It’s not the players fault that they play, it’s Blizzard’s fault for making this game retail-like! Then give us retail features!

No, no and no.

Not how it works. i agree they shouldn’t of given the boost but it is not their fault for people being meta slaves for PVP and going horde. That’s a player base/made issue


They gave people boost, it’s their fault, period.

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Not “period”, how can you honestly blame blizzard for giving people the option to boost a character and then the playerbase making their own voluntary decision to go horde in mass for pvp?

What did you want them to do give boosts to just alliance players? Your logic makes no sense.


No, I want them to fix what they’ve messed up. Give us faction change or merc mode, honor gear for rep, or whatever. It’s their job, and we are paying for this game.

You just don’t get it haha let’s leave this hear enjoy your ques.

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And kids remember, guns do not kill people, people kill people !


BLIZZARD please rebalance this THIS MESS!!! Mercenary, Free faction changes!! ANYTHING

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Sure :wink: :wink:

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Yeah they say meta-slaves when alliance mage-rogue (gnome-human) hardcounters undead mage-rogue teams, and it’s a 99% win because of the so-called “meta racials”. xD

you picked the overpowered faction/race, but expect others to not do so? lol

Dwarf is pretty underpowered too!

No no no no. Blizzard did not mess up anything. The game is working as intended. You can blame the min/maxers that chose Horde. What do you think will happen when the majority of the PvPers are in one faction?


posted from the most overpowered race for paladins lol

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I’m sorry what now? Arcane Torrent?


It is their game, people play by their rules, so if the outcome is bad it’s up to them to fix it. And if players end up leaving and this hurts Blizzard’s end of the bargain, I would wager that they will. Though they will probably take their sweet time, just like with Chronoboons and other stuff.

I mean, how long did it take them just to add the keyring to the game? And we still don’t even have guildbanks.

But yeah, I think you’re kidding yourself if Blizzard has any concept of “player ethics” or w/e. They’re a business, they’re in it for the money. And I don’t mean it as something negative in this context.

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This is TBC, and TBC shouldn’t have retail features like character boost, for example. Blizzard-Activision messed up, and it’s time for the fix their game! We pay for it, and we want to play!

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Fully agree with you what players post here doesn’t matter to blizzard.
Horde players are making alliance quit and horde themselves are quitting as well.
This will show up on their balance sooner or later and a fix will be implemented although they will do it on a very specific timing to reap the most possible resubs.