Blizzard, pls move Horde starting cave to the south, so the Alliance has a chance to win

tbh i just would like to see AFK and BOTS fixed

at least Alliance wouldnt start with 25/30 vs 35/40

not to mention the harpie farmers and fishermans

To many Alliance play AV not to win but to relax and watch/laugh others strugle

i really wish they would do it, so you alliance whiners would finally realize its not the cave but the 10 afk people every game thats loosing you the game.

In TBC, with the cave moved back, I remember Horde not entering FoS at all to begin with, but awaited the Alliance at IB/Galv to have a first skirmish.

I am no tactician, and Iā€™m as terrible now as then at pvp, but I think the point was to break their assault up, as you ress in waves, and make the assault of SHB and IWB easier. SHGY was still off limits for capping without having the chat fill with groans and abuse directed at the capper.

I am unsure if it was before or after reinforcements though.

So fun to watch how hordes trying to convince themself they are winning because they are good, not because everything in this game horde favored, from horde playing developers to cheat racials and av map advantages


Ya I guess thatā€™s why every alliance zone was done before they even started the horde content at all, leaving us with unfinished quest chains, an absolute insane amount of kill/fetch quests compared to the alliance.

But then again you will find anything to cry about to make your victimized mentality feel legit.

Marmeladeā€™s in this topic again XD.

Heā€™ll find something else to moan about the horde, if horde racials were removed and the cave moved south.

I started to think average horde rollers iq is not high enough to understand simple things, like how alliance control abilities do not work in pvp, while hordes working all the time.
If you dont see problem here you should seek medical attention honestly, this logic flaws can make your mature life handicapped in future.

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Iā€™m going to need a translation of this spaghetti to make a proper response.

Cause you sound mad.

Doctor will help you with it, just make sure to save screenshot.

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As has been pointed out quite a few times, back in Vanilla you had the same map, same racials, same gear available and Alliance won AV loads. If you want the TBC AV map then wait for TBC but if everythings the same and Alliance arenā€™t winning nowadays the problem doesnā€™t lie with the content.

Sure I can do that, but Iā€™m pretty sure he will just tell me that you need to git good and stop playing the victim card all the time.

Why you canā€™t fly like a bird, just git good and defeat gravity and stop playing the victim card all the time.

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