Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

I’m looking forward to next week to see what trivial new thing people get “upset” about.


I can only imagine how stressful such a life must be though, that someone actively scour a video game in search of anything, even the smallest detail, being changed or removed so they can cry about it on the forums and how it is a big SJW conspiracy etc etc.

They sound very sensitive for someone who likes to boast how everyone else is.


Ye, pretty ironic isn’t it? lol


What if in Shadowlands we meet Garrosh and he help us to kill Sylvannas.
Oh no i don’t want the redimer card played again.

Doesn’t this work both ways? :thinking:
Blizzard changing such an insignificant thing


Not really in the same way though, because we literally don’t know why they changed it or anything unless they directly state it. It can be for any number of reasons, from that they just wanted too, trying to change what they can that they don’t think is kid friendly etc.

Any talks about how it is the fault of women, feminism, SJW’s, and “triggered” people is just wild speculations and very unlikely in most cases.

Not everything is a conspiracy by the “leftists” even though some people like to make others think it is too, in most cases, justify their less positive believes about things.

Lul americans are so weird


I don’t want to know why they changed it, but if we’re all for equality, then Maiev’s line to Stareye, in Val’Sharah needs to change.

I don’t agree with them changing for a few loudmouths who likely don’t even play the game, but equality dictates Maiev’s line must be changed. If a male character can’t call a female character a “b!tch”, then a female character can’t call a male character a “b*****d.”


As I just said though, we don’t even know why they changed it. But they could easily just change both into calling the respective character a “monster”. It still packs a punch but is more friendly to their own age-rating in the game for both characters and still fits with the lines and characters.

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We don’t need to know why, because if this is the route we’re taking now, then the next line that must be changed is Maiev’s.

Change “b*****d” to “fool.”
“This fool leads the guards in this prison, he must pay for his crimes!”


I look forward to the future encounters with sylvanas in Shadowlands.

Anduin: I don’t agree with your actions but I respect them Sylvanas because you’re a strong independent women. Let me hold this raid door open for you as you leave.


I have no problems with that at all!

Gone are the days when female characters could also be written as “motherly” and “protective.”

She may have been a background character, but Priestess Astarii Starseeker was one female character that I truly empathized with, in the War of Thorns novella.
She died ensuring the unfortunate populace would pass on, without pain and Elune answered that prayer from Astarii.

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Where is rape referenced within the game?

I disagree 100% with this change but I’m curious where your claim to that is coming from. Not saying you’re wrong, just to my knowledge the only rape within WoW i mentioned in the books about Garrosh force breeding Orcs.

There is actually a pretty open hint to it in Legion, where harpies captures a male npc and are fighting for who “gets” him first.

Which shouldnt have been there.

Is there any evidence - anywhere - that anyone complained about it?
Before you all lose yourselves in some conspiracy spiral.


I really don’t mind the change, it was out of line with how the lore was presented to us. Nowhere else in-game have I heard NPCs use these kind of terms to insult others, so now it’s consistent.


Ok tell us, Why would they change it?

I don’t know - that’s my point.

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It’s pure speculation because people like to blame someone for it.

For literally any reason that isn’t the fault of the “sjw’s”?