Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

Wait, there was a second instance that they changed and it was directed to Sylvanas as well?

Well, I didn’t care much before, but now I do.

And yes, I thought it was about something else but it is obviously about Sylvanas. Effing Danuser.

Change it back!

PS: And now I don’t believe the incident described in the tweet that he says was the reason for the change actually happened. He is lying.


People figured as much as soon as garrosh was detected so they went in and checked. Given Steves history with Sylvanas.


Oh yes, I agree. There’s much better examples of them writing characters or even entire storylines into the dumpster.

It’s just that this change feels so random and the quest is insanely iconic, so everybody, even people who haven’t played WoW in a few years, remember it.
That’s why people are talking about it.

It’s honestly not about that single line, it’s about the entire direction the story of WoW is heading and has been heading, at least for me that is. And this line is yet another example of retconning, which I absolutely despise, as well as Steve simping. Two things I genuinely don’t want to see in my WoW.

Yup, it was changed.

I do believe the incident happened in one way or another, however, if a child can’t handle the word, but can handle dead humans being resurrected against their will to mindless servants of an undead banshee, I feel like there’s something wrong with the priorities.

Also I’m pretty sure nobody has asked the child, whether that one word was disturbing to it or whether that one word gave the whole verbal fight between Sylvie and big G a bit more oomph to it and showed the gravity of the entire situation.

If you despise retconning, this is really the wrong franchise for you.

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Danuser did note the word somehow, and then went and removed it, then remembered a different phrase with that word (or did a search) and removed it there as well. Then, after people noticed, he made up a justification. That’s what I think happened.

Frankly, this is disgusting behavior from the side of a Blizzard employee, someone should slap him and remove his editing privileges.

The motherf…

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Yeah I know :frowning_face:

Idk, given how he acts, I can see that being the case, but I’m not one for throwing accusations without proof and to be honest, there will never be any proof for either. Even if I believe that you’re completly right, I still won’t say that I know you are, I’ll just keep saying I believe you are :wink:

I feel like the way the story has been going there should’ve been quite a few changes quite a few years ago regarding privileges that people working on this game have.

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