Blizzard removed Garrosh calling Sylvanas a 'B'

Ah, so we have yet to see this happen

I wonder if they will they will let it stay if the community makes enough noise about it

I doubt that :frowning:

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Well, we somehow knew it would be a new era where changes like this would come :expressionless:

But why though? Is what I feel like. To not repeat too many of my previous points at the start of the discussion, if they felt they didn’t like it, it is their right to change it? It’s their creation, their text, and they can edit it.

I also feel like it’s such a weird hill to die on/kick up this community outcry over a single line in a side-quest from a expansion nearly 10 years ago.

The removal of the line ultimatly doesn’t impact the game itself, or any of the actual story in the end, it litterally doesn’t impact anything, where as several people, including some of Blizzard’s own workers, felt it didn’t fit the game at all/or impacted them negatively.


I don’t personally agree with the change, but it’s not one I care that much about either. Missed opportunity to re do it as ‘witch’ but the costs involved to get the line voiced over again were probably not worth it :laughing:


Because it appears the community hace a problem with this decision.
And they sometimes do makes changes if the community makes enough noise

People are mainly being mad at the reasons provided since the community already provided evidence with screenshots or the books that there is stuff in the game far worse or the word in particular being used ingame as well (garona calling shaw the very same if you wield the kingslayers) but they remain untouched. Add to it that Steve is basically regarding sylvanas as his waifu (which adds more salt).

No one argues (or should) that they can or cant do that (which they can as you said as its their game).

Edit: The main argument was that it didnt fit garrosh character. Which can be argued. Godfrey calling sylvanas the same however is competely going in harmony with his character

So far from what I’ve seen, it’s been mostly this(paraphrasing a bit here so apologies, don’t take this as completly accurate)

60% of the community really doesn’t care.
20% think it was fine that it was removed.
18% thinks it was dumb that it was removed, but ultimatly don’t care.
2% are as loudly as possible trying to proclaim that this is suddenly the worst thing to happen in human history and how the game is ruined forever because it’s missing.

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Imagine that angry #metooagain feminists bombard blizzard with emails about this…

I didn’t realise it was there until I read the thread, and I don’t remember these kind of things in the game :sweat_smile:

I suspect people think that the word was removed because it was addressed to a woman. Ie, if Sylvanas whispered under her breath regarding Garrosh “what a b*tch”, the word would have stayed.

It was quite big when cata launched and people quested in silverpine. Same goes for Garrosh in Stonetalon for instance. But the Stonetalon garrosh was an entirely different discussion since the community loved stonetalon garrosh and hope blizzard would build upon this garrosh than the garrosh we got (they said it wasnt intended to be in the game. Afaik its in the game til this day)

The one with the bombing of the tree?

I like that one… Specially because my char didn’t get thown of the cliff like he wanted to :sweat:

They might get to that in time though if they want to/feel like. But it doesn’t change the fact that if they didn’t feel like it fit in that specific questline they can remove it.

And as I said ,in the end, it literally changes absolutely nothing with it gone.

I know this, and I’ve had that discussion with people, and I am on the side that it didn’t fit personally. It felt personally to me both then and now as someone on the writing team just wanted some shock value for the sake of it.

Steve doesn’t want people to insult his waifu. It’s very obvious that’s why they’ve changed it.

I mean they’ve changed Godfrey calling her the very same word

That B Sylvanas sent you too, did she? No matter, your journey ends in agony.


Sylvanas sent you too, did she? No matter, your journey ends in agony.

They’ve yet to change the use of B-tard though.

It however shows some sort of change in mindset in the people who currently work on this game, precisely Steve Danuser who is a major part of story writing regarding WoW.

I mean everybody and their mother knew that the story was going down the drain for the past years, these changes just show that it’s not going to get better. Those people who wrote those lines don’t work at WoW anymore. The people who wrote the epic stories we loved when we were younger don’t either.

And this is one of the changes that simply shows the change in mindset and direction that this whole game is taking part in.

That and obviously Steve and his self insert simping super hard for Sylvanas, which is weird to the extent of creepy. And now they specificly patch out insults to Sylvanas, but none to the other characters and argue it doesn’t fit the theme of the game, where there’s literally genocide, torture and an ever lasting war between horde and alliance, life and death?

Idk it’s not something to be upset over imo, but I understand why people are.

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Yes. It showed a honorable side of Garrosh. That he learned from Varok during his stay in the Tundra. But as we know they scrapped that.

Afaik it seems even Blizzard regrets this as hinted towards in the maghar unlock quest where the dragon said our garrosh was one of the few timelines where he went bonkers while he became the greatest warchief who ever lived in most others.

Don’t get me wrong, I have some major issues with Danuser’s writing overall, and I do agree that the story has taken a nosedive for several years, reaching a new low with BfA that has in my opinion been mostly trash.

It’s just that for me, this one word/side-quest isn’t a big or good example of how “they are making the game worse” as some people put it, and feels like people are clutching at straws to be mad over the usual suspects being blamed.

People have the right to complain and point out hypocrisy tho at least in regards of the word being used in general (which it happens to be used more often than not. Including the books they always promote)

As i said im not going to argue with that. You think it didnt fit, i say it fits because Garrosh hated sylvanas with a passion. So lets agree to disagree there.

There is no room for interpretation in regards of godrey tho.


Wonder if they gonna censor it in w3 too.

Godfrey it fit/fits perfectly well for in my opinion, the man was basically a Garithos 2.0 that just hated everything and everyone while also being rude about it.