Several days later I revisited this topic. You have admitted that your problem doesn’t exist as once again, no direct evidence to support you or your guildies having been banned for reporting bots has been presented.
You even backtracked and moved the goalpost that you would shadowplay record it IF it were to happen to you.
Whilst presenting that it happened to you directly, so you must have first hand proof but failed to present it several times after asking for it.
So did it happen, or did it not?
The quoted thread Bots are more beneficial than dada's does not support your point that you or your guildies were banned. It doesn’t even mention your name, your guild, or even your “friends”.
The thread is about a banwave effectively removing bots that increased material prices as a result of it. It has nothing to do with your point.
It is very likely your presented narrative is either Fake or False.