Blizzard says women should cover up?

I hope that all the women which got harassed (or more) at blizzard now feel safe and protected knowing that their body must not be seen and that we’d rather see a bunch of fruits. How relieved they must be now!

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Wrong YOU assume that because majority of men who work in blizz at that time did all the art it doesn’t mean that they did not buy are from other sources and then change some of it.

You’ve got to be incredibly stupid if that’s your conclusion. It’s quite telling that people like you are simply unable to understand simple concepts.

No but we have seen OTHER WOMEN CRITICISE IT and it doesn’t have to be artist but women in general and from what i have seen more women where against the changes than for it.

So you’re trying to tell me that a company that had something like 90% male employment in their early tenure, probably had a majority of their art assets designed by the 10% of non-men in the company, and you expect me to believe that’s a reasonable conclusion?

Without evidence to suggest why, it’s mere conjecture, but it’s conjecture that requires a good deal of assumption more than my position does, therefore I won’t humour it. If a company is by default 90% male, it is reasoanble to assume 90% of the work is done by men, unless we have facts or evidence to tell us otherwise. It is not reasonable to assume that for reasons this is skewed when we have no facts to confirm that.

Personally i disagree with the first part but i understand your reasoning and i respect that.

Where? i never said all women were against for it record, or all supported it.

I find it highly unbelievable that “most female players of WoW are critical of this change” and without you providing some form of proof of that i’m not going to believe it if it’s all the same to you.

As you said earlier to me, you have no proof, you have some anecdotes. WHoop de woo. So you’ve found people you interact with happen to agree with you on the matter.

This just in: i’m a football fan and most of my friends like football, therefore most people like football. It has nothing to do with me gravitating or socialising with people who share my views at all.

Who even said that the artworks were the cause of the behaviour at Blizzard. Do you even comprehend basic English? Kinda hilarious that you tell other that they can’t read while not being able to read yourself.

Keep on demonstrating that you simply do not get it. These changes are a direct result of the lawsuit that come forth from the frat boy culture at Blizzard. Blizzard themselves have said that they would start making changes to the game because of that.

P.s more caps please and less ignorance

Going by your logic Renaissance paintings like this should be pulled off the walls of museums and burned because they were mostly painted by men. Such paintings are a celebration of the body, which is pro-feminist.

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I only clicked the link because I was hoping for nudes

Again just because a company have men as a majority doesn’t mean that all of them or 90% did all the art work. So your conclusion have no basis at all. Beside even if majority work is made by men doesn’t mean that they are not allow to draw how they want, even women in skimpy outfit because that is their right and blaming them will not change anything.

this is getting out of hand… wont be long now before they remove any gear showing 5 % skin

Nice try.

I never said “should” anywhere. Look at my posts.

I’m simply contesting the idea these pictures remaining are “for reasons of feminism”, i never said anything about them needing to be changed at all, so good luck with your strawman.

And keep invoking the comaprisons to the Taliban, it totally makes it look like you’re being reasonable here, oh wait you just edited it out. Maybe you’re realising what a stupid comparison it is? We can have hope.

And renaissence paintings are indeed a celebration of the female form as it was defined to be celebrated according to the precepts of men if you cannot see the difference between that and women celebrating their own bodies in a way they see fit to, they you need to actually understand what feminism is because I dont think you get it.

With your logic a strip club is a “palace of feminism” because you’re totally blind to the context of in which the female form is being celebrated and viewed. Strip clubs can be feminist friendly absolutely, but it doesn’t mean they all are simply by virtue of them parading naked women around.

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You wrote and i quote “I certainly haven’t seen any current or ex-blizzard female artists creeping out of the woodwork to criticise blizzard for changing “their work” with this move and undermining the “feminist message” they were going for.” and i responded with “No but we have seen OTHER WOMEN CRITICISE IT and it doesn’t have to be artist but women in general and from what i have seen more women where against the changes than for it.” if you miss understood that then that is not my fault.

Well obviously if what they did is right or wrong is up to personal opinion.

If I was in their place I would have done the same trying to avoid any other drama of people trying to come back at me.

Seems unfair but it’s the thing we need to live with for living in a society where a scandal like that not only screws up the responsible but all those close to them.

Clearly unlike you i can read since you clearly can not even remember what you wrote your self. “That’s kinda funny coming from someone who has demonstrated to be utter ignorant and tone deaf to the situation that was present at Blizzard’s workspace and the correlation to the actions taken as a result of the lawsuit that came from it. And then try your best to downplay it.” So yes unlike you i can read.

checked today these tmogs are still there
and judging by wowhead new topics today its about overlords of outland guilds who cleared ssc/kael thas raid? and some m+ affixes getting nerfed

yep and i would also do the same if i was in their place.

there is a consensus among some parents, especially in USA (but also in other countries), that violence is ok as long as there is no nudity/partial-nudity.

whether its dumb or not, thats personal opinion, but it is how it is…