Surprise surprise. Yet another teeny tiny issue in a game that people decide to wave their credentials around over and make about some grand social point. The same people arguing that this change is “sexism” and that they’re “advocating for women’s freedom” weren’t exactly offering huge choruses of support during the big issue threads like the lawsuit. Because defending the rights of pixelated virtual women and how hypothetical women “might respect them” is way more important than listening to the views of actual women in this thread who are saying “nah, I get why they’re doing it, it’s cool”. Way to “support all women”.
I LOVE it when people pick the absolute lowest hanging fruit to try and virtue signal over. It really does make their motivations easy to spot.
Honestly, if you think “fighting for the right for pictures of nude women to remain” is THE feminist issue for a company that is undergoing a huge cultural audit due to actual proper “we’re gonna pay you less, harass you and make you feel uncomfortable with our nerd bro culture” feminist issues, then you’re missing the point by a country mile.
And as for the comparisons for the Taliban or Islamist. Get some freaking nuance. So anywhere that advocates for covering up in a social space is some hotbed of Islamist influence? Churches? Schools? Pretty much 90% of places of work? Okay then. Enjoy that ludicrous comparison.
Sorry for having a job, we’re not all unemployed and don’t have time to fight about anything and everything.
It’s funny because you’re taking a shortcut yourself, “surprise surprise”. Nobody is talking about not covering up anywhere, we’re saying that denying the existence of the female body (woman → fruit), particularly in a PAINTING, is just a dangerous puritanist move. Bodies exist, and in painting more than anywhere else, they’re a subject of art. There is no legitimate reason to deny it. Absolutely nobody is saying that we want nude paintings everywhere in wow, it just makes sense to see some of them in a thieves hideout or some shady secret services HQ.
Blizzard is literally on a burning crusade against anything that could offend anyone, and THAT is exactly what religious extremists do.
Maybe you don’t understand why this is so problematic from a feminist perspective. By covering up “sexualized” images of women, which basically means any women with a curvy physique or who likes to wear revealing clothing, Blizzard is sending the message that the way women dress is responsible for the type of sexual abuse that occurred at Blizzard, and not the sexual abusers themselves. Blizzard is telling these women that their bodies are inherently sexualized, and they better cover up or stay at home if they don’t want to deal with the consequences.
A burning crusade? Are you for real? Drop the hyperbolics for a second. Changing a few poxy paintings in some locations barely anyone visits isn’t the beginning of some burning crusade.
I sense you WANT it to be a burning crusade because then it will give you an opportunity to be justified in your anger in your mind. But until then you’re going to behave like it’s “surely the start of one” to cover your bases.
I can’t believe people are comparing changing an asset in a privately owned and maintained virtual world owned by the company (an asset they control and exert authority over and which customers have liberty to walk away from) and a small asset at that to religious fundementalism and the intolerance of it in the main. Are you actually serious? I mean holy smokes that is a huge leap.
Puritans went about burning pictures EVERYWHERE and changing images everywhere! To comapre them going about declawing every museum of images and every church of imagery and books etc to a single company changing a few pixels they own in a private platform they own, to a more modest form is a reach of gigantic proportions!
Ye, you’re so punished by in-game paintings getting changed that you probably never knew existed in the first place. It’s not the women who got harassed who are the victims here, it’s people like you. I hope you will be ok.
You missed the part where it isn’t “women deciding how they want to dress” and it was male game developers drawing these images of women?
Are you seriously telling me that the feminist stance is the one where the male artists get to depict women naked and women “should like it, because it’s empowering” whereas women who express objectively that they’re “okay with the change” are being told they’re wrong, in favour of letting these male artists determine what is and isn’t the type of depiction women should be comfortable with?
How about nah.
Men depicting women as they see fit =/= women choosing how they themselves dress, so don’t even try to pretend it is. A woman being comfortable to be naked or dress skimpy on her own terms does not mean it is suddenly okay for men to depict women that way.
Unless you’re suggesting that it is indeed “feminist” for a man to acknowledge that a woman in his workplace seems to enjoy being open with her body (and dressing quite revealing) therefore it is now okay for him to stick up images of naked women everywhere at work? I don’t follow your logic here.
Who decides the nakedness and openness of body is the key thing here. Feminism is about women being empowered to make their own choices. It’s not about men being empowered to make the choices they think women want. For example “you guys are about freedom and body positivity so you can’t have a problem with me sticking up naked pictures of women.”
That is funny how YOU single out MEN but clearly IGNORE WOMEN why is that? Are you saying that WOMEN can not objectify or sexualise MEN? Do YOU know what the majority means? Did YOU know that YOU exist because a MAN and a WOMAN had sex? Beside it is a game why are YOU who is a WOMAN against ART that shows a WOMAN’S BEAUTY? Are YOU saying that WOMEN should cower them self UP because YOU do not like it?
From your comments you have nothing to respond to because YOU have no argument to begin with all you sound like are a selfish prick who dislike women because of your poor feelings.
Do you know what the MAJORITY of women wants? And not just a few in the forums? Do you even know what empowering even means? Is it okay for female artists to depict MEN naked and MEN should be okay with that?
That is funny since nothing you wrote is proving me wrong. Talk about ignorance maybe you should try too prove people wrong FIRST before you make stupid comments. But then again YOU ignorant people really are poorly educated and a sad bunch.
That’s kinda funny coming from someone who has demonstrated to be utterly ignorant and tone deaf to the situation that was present at Blizzard’s workspace and the correlation to the actions taken as a result of the lawsuit that came from it. And then try your best to downplay it.
Seems neither of us can, so making any argument that assumes either way is going nowhere.
But I refer to facts of the case that the early wow development team was overtly male in employment- this was clarified in the legal docs recently, so the onus of the assumption is on my favour, not yours.
I mean yeah, you can assume if you like that it’s incredibly likely that the minority female artist employment at the time “jumped at the chance” to create assets depicting naked women. It’s a plausible probability for sure, but I wouldn’t wager it’s the case that many if any of those early assets were designed by women based upon the employment makeup of the time. I certainly haven’t seen any current or ex-blizzard female artists creeping out of the woodwork to criticise blizzard for changing “their work” with this move and undermining the “feminist message” they were going for.
So as said, i cant assume any certainties, but on the balance of probabilities and a sprinkle of common sense i’m going to err towards my version of things being that bit more believable than the “possible, yet unlikely potential” that would have to be absolutely true for me to be wrong here.
Okay, you’re talking around two points here.
one; i never said that i knew what the majority of women wanted, I just noted it’s interesting that people claiming they’re arguing “for women” are sat here telling women that “their take is wrong, because I know what women want and what feminism means” but the women they’re invoking are purely hypothetical body-positive feminists they’ve conjured for the purposes of their argument. They’re ignoring literal women in favour of imaginary ones that happen to align with their views.
Second, this has nothing to do with the depiction of men and whether that’s right or wrong, so trying to detract the point onto that serves no purpose other than “whataboutist handwaving”.
I never said I knew what the majority of women want or know, on the contrary, you have people here claiming they “speak for feminism” and “the women feminism supports” arguing against women here whilst doing so.
So if you want to critique a side for taking the view of assuming things for women, then please direct it to the side that is trying to tell these women here “they should be okay with this, because a real feminist would have X view of the naked female form.”. Ironically done by male posters. Interesting isn’t it?
Women are entitled to have a modest view of their own body under the tenants of feminism. Trying to coerce women into viewing their body in a way other than they are comfortable with is counterproductive to the goals of feminism. Whether you’re telling women they should cover up, or should be okay with being uncovered, if the one doing that is not the women themselves in question, that’s not feminism.
And seeing as how pixellated pictures can’t express rights over their own depiction, trying to treat this as some form of advocacy for women is laughable, it really is.
WOW you really are a ignorant fool if you think this have anything to do with what blizzard did at their workspace and the correlation. Clearly YOU are the tone deaf one here. Beside you clearly can not read or comprehend basic english since nobody is trying to downplay anything. Beside can YOU even prove that those art works is the cause of such behaviour at blizz?
To be honest they made the right move in my opinion.
Not because women need to cover up or any bs but because I am sure there were people that were ready to bring those paints(or they did already idk) to say:
“sEe nAkEd pAiNts oF a wOmAn tHeRe bEt iT wAs aDdEd bY aFraSiAbi, gG bLizZ oN lEaViNg tHeRe a mOlEsTeR wOrK, iM uNsUbBiNg rIgTh naaaaaaaaaaw”