Hey guys, I spent a lot of time (like 30min or so at least!!) last week getting 15 HKs in order to get Scout rank for my character.
Now after the weekly reset it shows 11 honorable kills last week but 15 lifetime?? Where did the 4 disappear from last week? What is going on?
I am angry and disappointed and very sad

Please help Bobby
Same for me - I did 24 HK’s last week but only 11 were counted into last week. Now I didnt get rank 1 but it shows 24 HK’s in total.
I was wondering if it could be bots? If an account was banned or character deleted or something? Annoying anyway even though not a big deal.
Somehow they are showing in lifeftime kills which could not be gained before last week, but are missing from last weeks statistics.
ROFL! That musta have been an awful experience spending that much time getting some HKs… How did you cope?
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Noticed this aswell. Hope they get ontop of this.
Nice and constructive.
Point is, it is a weekly reset/award system.
It telling you the wrong info in this case delays that progress by an entire week.
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