Blizzard should bring back Quinton Flynn and apologise to him

A judge rarely makes a declaration of innocence. You are usually not found guilty which is not the same as declared innocent. It’s a technicality that amuses me with the legal system but some took as some deeper intent.

However the person who started this topic was misinformed.

Quinton was the person who brought the case. He was not on trial. He took another person to court and won.

This has already been pointed out in the discussion, but as with all discussions people just like to go in circles :).

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That’s not technicality. That’s the basis of the whole justice system. Everyone is assumed innocent and doesn’t have to prove it, it’s the prosecutor’s job to prove guilt.


Technically you are not declared innocent. You are usually declared not guilty. That is the technicality.

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It kind of is though. The way it works is that you are accused of a crime, but start off from a standpoint of being innocent of a crime. This being the ‘Innocent until Proven Guilty’ bit everyone bangs on about.

So at this point, your innocence of the crime is undecided, however you are not proven to be Guilty, therefore no Custodial sentence or punishment can be levied after your trial. You are effectively Innocent, until your guilt is proven.

-If- the Prosecution makes their case, and the Judge and Jury agrees, at -that- point you are guilty. Until then you are innocent of the accusation. If the Judge and Jury find against you, at that point your status changes from Innocent, to Guilty.

This is why media -have- to report such things in terms of “They are accused of” or “It is alleged that”. Because until the Verdict they simply cannot state as fact, something that is pending, because until then, you are Innocent.

If any form of Media -does- state that you committed an offence, before a Trial, then you can prosecute them, which has happened on several occasions. Quite a few in fact.

Attempts to sway opinion to prejudice a verdict by the Media can also be punished.

The Exception to this in the UK (Might be the case elsewhere also) is in Scotland. Where you can have the standard “Guilty” “Not Guilty” and -also- “Not Proven”.

Which does seem to me to be a bit silly, because either someone -did- do it, or someone -didn’t- do it, so having a verdict of “We are pretty sure you -did- do it, but we can’t prove you -did- do it” is a bit weird, and leaves a taint of Guilt upon the accused, even if it cannot be proven that they were guilty.

But yes, the verdicts given (In most countries) are ‘Guilty’ or ‘Not Guilty’. Never ‘Innocent’, as that is your default setting from the moment you enter the Courtroom, To have a verdict saying “Innocent” would indeed be implying that your right to be Innocent -Until- proven Guilty had been removed prior to your trial, which is not how most countries work.

Who knew, the whole concept of ‘Innocent until Proven Guilty’ was invented by one of British Histories biggest Villainous Kings (Who probably wasn’t actually that villainous at all!)

Not guilty - innocent until proven guilty.

Combine them :slight_smile:

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I think that was what I posted(but it was too short, i agree)

You clearly don’t understand which has been the problem throughout this discussion, it’s not even all that relevant. If you don’t understand the technicality that’s fine. It’s correct as I explained it. I’m not explaining it again.

However I will point out one final time, he was not taken to court, he took someone else to court.

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Quinton Flynn did nothing wrong!


Just going to put this here.

Good to see people faking reactions and lying get to have their face blurred but not the person they are doing it against.

Cute that you believe that Activision Blizzard would ever apologize for anything ever.

None of that has anything to do with the Quinton Flynn situation at all. They’re not even the same scenario. It was Quinton Flynn who instigated his court case, not the other way around. Also, just saying, if you’re going to link video clips as ‘proof’ of something, it is often best to check who you are linking.
That came from Sky News Australia, which much like Sky News elsewhere, has a very definite agenda, as well as having been found to be unscrupulous in their journalism reports, in some cases inventing quotes that were never actually made.
Basically every branch of Sky News is heavily Conservative, and anything that upsets the Right is discredited in their journalistic slant on things.

Now you may think. “So what, most papers are biased, most media is biased.” and you’d be broadly right. However Sky News Australia is owned by Newscorp, who wanted to basically own -all- Media in Australia, including social network media and websites, so that if you wanted information, you had to get -their- version of information, even if trying to find the facts for yourself. Scary stuff eh?

Get’s worse. Newscorp is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a rather vile spider at the centre of a poisonous web of right wing vitriol and misinformation. He has control over what Sky does and says through his son. The reason he had to step down was that on his watch, The Conglomeration of Media he controlled (He had a 39% share in Sky in Europe, but Newscorp 100% owns Sky .AU ) were found guilty of some rather nasty doings, including, but not limited to;

Inventing quotations whilst blurring out faces of people who did not exist, and never therefore made such quotes using actors to say lines for ‘news articles’

Driving a conservative agenda by doctoring recorded interviews (Cherry picking essentially)

Illegally accessing the mobile phone records of serving British Soldiers, printing information that could very well have gotten people killed.

Harassing the relatives of those killed in the London 7/7 bombings,

And most infamously of all. Having someone hack a mobile belonging to a young girl who had been abducted, and had a national police hunt to try and bring her home safely. Not only did they hack her mobile, they deleted and altered some of her texts, and deleted outright her voicemails, which in a horribly twisted way, gave some hope to the investigation that the young woman was still alive and on media. She had in fact been murdered quite a while previously. Their actions were not only cruel, and overstepped the role of Journalism, but the Police were furious, because they had people working around the clock trying to find a person based on a ‘News’ company’s illegal activities, her family were devastated that anyone could be so cruel as to give them false hope just to sell newspapers.

So before going “This article says it all” Just be aware that you’re linking propaganda, owned by a man who narrowly avoided spending the rest of his days in jail for his criminal and morally despicable activities, who is not interested in the truth, but interested in whipping up whatever outrage will sell his media, true or not.

Seriously, these are not good people to get your ‘facts’ from, as they don’t care about the facts in the first place! :smiley:

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Plenty to do with this. People just get to open their mouth and look what it does. Did you watch the whole video? Did you not see what they did? I got the facts from the Evidence linked in the video they provided. Which is more than what the women require to smear the innocent men mentioned at the start of their video. I’m going by their evidence not the reporter ranting at the start.

Sky Australia words don’t mean anything to me but the blatantly obvious minipulation by social media and journalists with clear evidence is what I’m intertested in. If a news source provides unaltered footage to something clear as day it doens’t matter who it is. I don’t like Trump but it doens’t mean I assume everything he says is wrong. “trump proved the sky is blue” yeah trump is right. “omg imagine agreeing with that source”

The other news sources can be trusted as much as them, However when I’m provided with video evidence of profesional females working together and manipulating and lying in front of my face I’ll call it out.

Deflecting the actual thing that happend with a rant about Rupert Murdoch doesn’t change the video they provided.

What you just did is the issue, “meh! that isn’t a left media source, so let’s ignore the evidence”

Rupert Murdoch didn’t force the females and journanlists to lie and reshoot reactions to sexual assaults did he?

Your point makes sense when someone goes on a rant without evidence to provide what they are saying, Then you can question what their ranting about, However when someone provides video clearly proving their issue. It could be my worse enemy and I would agree with them. If you think someone is 100% wrong no matter what that is what you call biased.

This is why Blizzard and companies just instantly get rid of working with someone as they are scared journalists with an agenda will do the same about the person they are working with and make them look bad. This is exactly the same and is in the same boat.

I guess condemming video evidence proving something isn’t a “fact” because something something Rupert Murdoch

Proof of people going on smear campaigns to cancel men without evidence turns to “cherry picking” because it’s not a side you politically side with. It says enough.

I’m aware of Flynn’s situation and have to wonder if Blizzard also converted his work on Heroes of the Storm as Kael’thas now that they have a new VA.

We’re in a dodgy era where people are praising social media and other outlets for being a voice toward things that too often have been covered up in the past - like many a celebrity scandal - but at the same time, is also used to spout trite defamation that has all-too-often been taken as gospel truth before such things can even see a courtroom.

We’re neither party so we can’t pretend to know the nitty-gritty of it (outside of publicized info), but it’s galling to think that innocent and hard-working people in any industry could have their lives shattered by the likes of accusatory twitter posts and the likes.

You have to understand why so many people in any kind of spotlight become so reclusive, especially now.

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that sounds worrying

most grand conspiracies are at the end of the day. stay safe. wear your tinfoil

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This is sexism against men!

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CAPITALISM, BABY. Companies do not just sell product these days. Corpos sell emotion, they sell causes, they sell… feeling good. More and more people base their purchase of corpo product in activism. “Ooh, this company is friendly to my politics, I’ll buy from them”.

It’s all about public relations, and what activist positions a company takes in order to peddle its goods. Because there’s so much competition in consumer goods, that simply having quality product is not good enough. It’s all about the bottom line and the question is this - can Twitter hurt the bottom line? Reality is irrelevant, because we know for a fact consumers do not base their purchasing choices in reality. They base them in emotion.

And this Brave New World has existed since forever. Jesus was deleted and replaced by Cesare Borgia and nobody seems to notice the… North African they believe came to save us looks a lot like an… Italian royalty? Bruh, that crucifix is sus. But it’s because nobody cares about reality, they care about feelings.

I did indeed watch the whole video, and I saw what I suspect they did. Oddly, I work in the same industry as Quinton Flynn, albeit nowhere earning the megabucks he does, and one of the greatest pitfalls people make is reading from a script as if it was a script, and not a natural conversation. There is a different cadence, and flow of words, if you are reading from a prewritten transcript, your speech is much more distinct and clarified than if you are having a normal conversation. Now that is what you use when narrating, not what you use when trying to make something sound like an exclamation mark exists at the end of every statement you make.

There wasn’t actually any evidence provided at all. They could have gotten some woman off the street to record that dialogue and given her $AU 50 to read a rewritten script (Which is what it actually sounded like). There wasn’t any factual evidence at all. What there was, was a deliberate slant on the clip right from the start, and then very specifically chosen phrases to make it sound like the people saying those lines were unaware that their words were being recorded.

Sorry, but that doesn’t wash. Who works in an industry, especially one dealing in legality, where they are unaware that their telephone conversations at work are recorded? I mean in most nations that is a -legal- requirement.

Exactly. Except that wasn’t Unaltered was it? I mean there wasn’t any proof, apart from the rather splendidly biased ranty reporter -saying- it was insider information.

Sure, and if there -had- been any Video Evidence, which there was not, then absolutely we should call that out.

Hmmmm No. That isn’t what I did. I despise the far left as much as I despise the far right, my politics are much too complex to be pigeonholed in such easily digestible terms. As probably are the politics of every human being on the planet who looks at things analytically instead of being fed their opinion.

No, but we are talking about a man who has a legally proven track record for falsifying information, videos, interviews and written media. I mean that video is literally “Here is a video made by a company controlled by a man who has a legally proven record for lying when it comes to videos and media, but this, this one, sure, you can trust him this time!” Come on, for real?

I look forwards to seeing such. That isn’t what was linked.

It is actually a bit more sinister than that, But yeah, I’d say someone who endorses corrupting a police investigation and removing evidence, wasting police time and causing heartbreak to parents, as well as risking lives, is not someone I would trust to own a company supposed to give a neutral point of view…

Well, if there was proof, then show it! That video was not proof. Using the term ‘Cancel’ devalues an argument, it means that someone cannot actually back up the fact that maybe, just maybe, they are wrong, and people are tired of listening to their nonsense.

As I say, you have no idea of my politics, they would probably surprise you. You seem to have this idea that I will listen to Left Wing media and discount Right Wing media? Really? You get nutters on both sides who will only listen to the news that fits their agenda (That video is actually a good example of this, the entire reporting is slipshod and slanted from the very start).

That video a) Has no relevance to the Thread topic, and b) is sponsored by a man who has been proven in a court of Law to have acted criminally, deceitfully, and against the public interests. Hence he sold his shares and no longer controls it. Who did he sell his shares to?

Oh yeah. His Son. They have regular weekly meetings where Murdoch Senior ‘advises’ his Son what to put out there.

Come on…


Tbh, any competent defence lawyer should advise their client to never apologise for anything ever, since it’s tantamount to an admission of culpability, that can be engineered to bite you in the butt.

Good defense lawyers are like good accountants.

if your defense lawyer isn’t pulling every trick to get you off the hook, you need a new lawyer, and if an accountant isn’t trying to exploit every loophole and trying to get you as much money as he or she possibly can, you need a new accountant.

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In a criminal trial yes however in business should you have done your customers wrong then it would behoove you to apologize. It makes you appear to be more sincere than if you were to swipe everything under the rug, which would make you look unremorseful as well as like you don’t care.

A good businessman would do everything to make more business, and an apology which would improve the light your customers see you in would do just that.

Make them want to give you their money.

Not to mention that starving your workers isn’t exactly a good business model.