Blizzard should bring back Quinton Flynn and apologise to him

I would say, I myself am against this “culture”, whilst I do hope that the term will indeed not be spread around like “racism”, since that one has lost its meaning to me.

Swifty is not being cancelled, but that was an example of a company doing something over someone sharing his opinion about a political situation (one which I share with him, but let’s not go there now :slight_smile: ).

This Kaepernick was also the face of Nike I believe.

But I think cancel culture now is more about Twitter or social media, trying to cancel someone over what they did or said in the past.

I don’t think in these cases twitter mobs spammed the internet until they got fired etc. That is active at the moment.

But in general I don’t agree cancelling someone over their opinion, or even bad jokes. When I look at movies or comedians from the past, if they did those jokes in this time, they’d be shred to pieces.

Funny, how people try to defend the blizzard’s witch hunt, and claim, that they know more about this case, than the court itself, because they red an article on the internet. :clown_face:

And! Everyone IS innocent, until the court condemn him as guilty. This is the very base of the society and laws itself. Nothing to discuss here.


So I guess I won’t be getting an answer then.

Fair enough, have a great day.

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Very possibly wrong. When it comes to games development, it’s not unusual at all for people to have multiple roles and qualifications, and be part of multiple teams. A company of Blizzard’s size is likely to mostly have dedicated professionals, but it’s equally possible that people work on multiple fields if they’re qualified to do just that. If you stick to saying different teams have different budgetary constraints however, you’re more likely to be right.

Also, it’s “Blizzard”, not “Blizz”, mr. Nitpicky :stuck_out_tongue:


I whole-heartedly agree. The cancel culture is a cancer that has started spreading to the innocent and all it takes is being accused. Soon you can bring down Blizzard by falsely accusing Kotick of no-no touching at Blizzcon for the promise of an internship. Enough is enough. Bring Flynn back.


The original film with Yul Brynner was excellent…haven’t seen the reboot series on TV… also, HERESY…fetch pitchforks!


It’s normally lost on them. Theres generally zero self awareness that they are infact what they claim to hate.



Unfortunately that is not the case, Conservatives know exactly what they are doing, which is trying to prevent their pulpit for extremist grooming and shifting the Overton window in the Mainstream Media, being removed.

What’s weird about it dear fox ? :wink: What I mean with that is, that people draw the racism card like there’s no tomorrow. Everything is racist.

It’s getting so ridiculous, that in the US, one insane congresswoman (and she is a first-class nutcase) blames the climate crisis to racial injustice. Sorry but I can’t take these left weirdos serious.


Can’t be bothered reading nearly 300 posts of off-topic political party arguments, so I don’t know if someone pointed this out already but…

Quinton Flynn is also the VA for a very popular character in the most popular moba game (and that isn’t the only big company he’s worked for besides Blizzard). The company of said game is infamous for being as terrible as their playerbase and recently giant behavioural problems of that company came to light.
They, if anyone, want to really heavily virtue signal and avoid any trouble right now.
And yet… no mention of their popular character’s voice being re-done. As of right now, Flynn’s iconic work remains in place.

It makes me wonder, if the whole “meh, company risk-assessment” excuse is really what’s going on here. If anyone had nothing to lose but everything to gain from dropping Quinton Flynn, it’s that moba game - not Blizzard. We can’t be sure why the other company didn’t drop him yet, but this whole fiasco ended up looking like they waited for a conviction and Blizzard didn’t. Which makes it look like Blizzard’s risk assessment department is perhaps not very good at its job.

It’s a strange world where That Infamous Moba looks wiser and more just than Blizzard. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Incorrect…if the lens of 20/20 Hindsight was reflecting a conviction, then the situation would be entirely reversed.
Blizzard’s risk assessment was on point… however, after an acquittal, Blizz should reinstate Flynn’s work.

Ya, sadly.

It’s free and easy to make an accusation, but prohibitively costly to fight or seek compensation for the damage done. The odds are stacked in favor off throwing accusations.

Unfortunately nowadays, once an accusation is thrown the damage is done. Millions of people will blindly believe the accusation because of “believe all victims.”

Like how about no? Let’s back to innocent until proven guilty and anything else is just hearsay.


Should apologise to Swifty and bring back his NPC.


This is why world should burn.


Isnt Swiftys case still ongoing or inconclusive? If so they are better off not doing anything. Flynns case had been finished.

That’s how VA work goes I’m afraid. You need to retcon it if you get another actor in, for continuities sake.

Now the -smart- thing for Blizz to have done is just never have come up with the idea of ‘Vanity’ NPC’s in the first place, and saved themselves a lot of hassle.

VA work is different, but it does still just work that way. Pretty sure Lor’themar’s original actor isn’t miffed by the fact that his work has been replaced by Gideon Emery’s. It’s still on his CV, he still got paid for it.

Given how long in advance these things are recorded, the case would have been ongoing when Kael’thas was being recorded for SL, so it kind of makes sense. A blow to Quinton Flynn’s professional pride? Maybe. Probably, I know I’d be miffed, but they don’t -have- to keep your VA work in game. It is an open and shut contract style of work, so as long as it is on your resume, and you got paid then, ehh, not much you can really complain about.

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This thread literally started with obnoxious people who are like " I just want to disagree no matter what!"

Literally the most annoying thing on the forums. :roll_eyes:

Well, Puny is also wrong in some ways.

The courts assume innocent until proven guilty.

Sometimes the innocent verdict comes as a result of a perfect counter-proof.
Sometimes the innocent verdict comes as a result of a complete lack of compelling evidence.

Either way, the court judges the defendant innocent and he/she cannot be tried for that particular crime ever again. The case can be escalated, however - but once that stops happening, that’s the end of it.

The case does infer innocence if guilt is not proven. Whether you personally agree with the courts or not is another matter entirely.

EDIT: Honestly though, even if Blizzard apologised to Quinton and asked if he would come back, he might be refuse. I definitely would. I’d be pissed off that a huge company just goes along with hearsay and assumes me guilty.

In doing so, and in broadcasting that to the fanbase, they have abetted defamation. Although you can argue that they did it in good faith and that it therefore doesn’t meet the standards at first, as soon as the courts say it was false, a retraction or reversal should be offered. Otherwise the company is actually itself committing defamation by knowingly continuing to imply the narrative that Quinton is guilty maliciously.

I really wish California would just… grow up. The whole state, honestly. :expressionless: