Thanks for Wrathion!

I really don’t care what anyone’s ingame sexual perference is UNLESS it’s somehow important to the story. If it serves the story, I’m fine with whatever Blizzard comes up with.

Now the problem comes when it’s put into a game just to push an agenda. There’s no need for that. I’m fine with any genders, any sexual preferences etc etc, but that doesn’t mean things like that have a need to be addressed without cause all the time. ‘that character is gay’, yeah cool… does it actually matter to the story? Is it part of it? If not, I don’t think it should be addressed because it doesn’t matter.

Do you in real life keep saying to people ‘Im gay!’ in all kinds of situations? If so, I think that’d get annoying for people really fast. If we’re going bowling, you being gay doesn’t matter. It’s fine that you’re gay, I’m all for it. But pertaining to the situation it has no place to be addressed sometimes. You’re a person. Being gay doesn’t define you. It’s just one particular aspect of you as a person.

Just my two cents. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: