Blizzard /spit in the eye of the playerbase

At least there IS an ingame vendor for it.
Which is good, I suppose.

You do you. It’s fine you enjoy Classic and TBCC.
I personally wouldn’t touch THOSE with a 16" pole. :blush:

Get ready to be frustated for them all. Because all those ‘‘angry’’ people will make demands from blizz now. Forcing things to get removed from game. People forget this is ‘‘world of WARcraft’’ it is not fluffycraft. In rpg games you immerse yourself to roleplay in some sense.

İ remember getting ‘‘spit’ed on’’ me when i won a very intense 2v2 match within these years, it was on bfa i think ; it made me suprised and laugh a bit; because it is so ironic and very ''roleplay ‘’ like ; his partner died , and he stopped fighting and started spitting. ıt was funny .

But sometimes it happens when i wave to an alliance player or try to talk a random player in game. Some people are really sensitive to interracting with peopele and antisocial and dont want to bother talking with people.

Considering the recent events ; flirt and kiss can go away(which i foresee and dont approve)
can be done in dev team’s eyes to ‘‘virtue signaling’’.

Removing emotes are ‘‘woke cancel culture’’ . And i really hate that fact.

I also hate as a player that a game system, a unique ability; a story or a important lore character or a feature of game being removed.

After clearing the inside company ‘‘infection’’(what i call it) They should purge the wound with drastical changes,because the damage is already done to company games alltogether. ; starting from purging the incompetent employees of the company who says ‘‘bla bla bla ;players are part of the problem’’

Competence and ratracing always results in more toxic gaming environment.Competence attract all type of competent players ; and some are toxic. Also timegating, m+ ladders ,arena tournaments ,arena ratings and mythic raids and the biggest problem is
BOOSTiNG PROBLEM adds on top of this list of problems.None of this problems would exist if the game was more casual friendly and has less competence.(and this comment is comming from an old rival pvp player and also m+ ksm player)

Wow token solved a lot of ‘‘gold seller’’ problems. But ‘‘pvp boosting’’ and ‘‘raid boosting’’ problems didnt get addressed. This can easily be fixed by adding certain parameters or requirements to game to disable or slow the boosting process of people.

Also gold sellers existed because they wanted to game differently then others; to gain money by grinding gold in game. Some people used bots; which should be always watched for and never should be allowed.

Dont take me wrong ; you cannot battle an illegal or ‘‘disabled’’ activity by ‘‘banning’’ it. Best way to ensure it is reduced is ; to control it’s flow. You make a rearranged version of it ; so people dont disrupt your game by selling boosts.


Virtual signaling should really stop. And they should really start reading forums in 2021 now.

And i thought American culture was so different then my country, how wrong i was lol.

Even though i dont like systems or features of the game being removed ; I suggested this drastical solution quite while ago. 14 people liked my post 8 replied me with weird responses including 1 ‘‘remove enumar’’ lol.

Pretty much.

As i wrote above ; some people confuse game with real life.(or want to)

I’ve written my huge feedback about toxicity in wow here. Toxicity and entitlement ruining WoW - #21 by Enumar-karazhan

I also wrote a solution for it. We need an overwatch type of ‘‘endorsement system’’
So we can encourage players to be more ‘‘friendly and cooperative’’ instead of being ‘‘overzealously competent’’.

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So you are going to maintain it is plausible that your character spits on people who own the mount, despite not knowing where it comes from? Assuming dishonesty?

If your character reacts to other unknown events suspecting dishonesty, I would humour it. If not it’s a thinly veiled attempt at an “RP defence”, for example does your character /spit on all rogues, a class defined by dishonest actions?

Note: this this purely academic. Whatever your motivations are I don’t care honestly, I just think this defence for the tbcc mount one is weak. Just own it and say “i do it because I want to show the player i dislike them”.

A /spit for lore reasons in pvp is plausible and I’ll hold that, as for some other interactions in game, for people buying a specific store mount, it just isn’t to me. It’s very shoehorned. Along the lines of “my character has this weird aversion to people riding this mount and this mount only” which would be hard to justify as to where it came from. We must remember what we know and what our characters know is very different. For classic characters it may be the first time they even see a warpstalker.

Think of it like this. It’s like you seeing someone riding a camel in the high street for the first time ever (assume you’ve never seen a camel before) and because it’s new and exotic, for some weird reason, you jump to the conclusion they obtained it illicitly and then spit on them. Putting it like that, it only sounds plausible if your character is a bit of a weirdo. Maybe they are?

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People are allowed to criticize games while still playing them, not a difficult concept to grasp. I’ve seen you do this on every thread.

someone criticizes the game
you: why don’t you quit then


Strange words for someone who chose NOT to criticize the game, but instead opted for the snide ad hominem:

Such class… :roll_eyes:

Piss off. Don’t bother replying to my posts if all you just want to present me with is the stick you’ve shoved up your own butthole.

If you are gonna draw that conclusion, you can pull it the other way too, which we both know never happened: “If we allow /spit, we’ll have XX coming in next”.

/spit is purely used for bullying. Never, ever have I seen it used in any other context than mocking and bullying. If you actually think /kiss and /flirt fit into that category, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Fair enough, I have. Plenty of times, and I have been on the official forums + MMO Champion forums since 2007. I did a search on these forums(which btw don’t go further back than a certain year, iirc 2011, because that is the last time Blizzard changed forum format.

I specified posts older than january 2021, several months before /spit is actually being removed;

Very wrong. Maybe you should ask people from argentdawn / moon guard for more info about that.

Also… this is a video game not real life. Comparing being spat on with it happening irl is just complete nonsense.

Fair enough, I am on a PvE server.

Edit: What are you actually using it for?

Even if you say you do not really care, I want to explain how I see it:

  1. Not despite - because. My in-game character in TBCC is a holy paladin, he’s a collector and a know-all on recipes and mounts. So if he does not know where people got their mount, it’s a reason to be suspicious. Of course, to stay with your camel-analogue, he wondered the first couple of times, but when he asked, people hawed and hemmed, and could, or would, not tell from where it came. And as I said the first time around my Paladin has never /spit on another characer. He does however avoid Rogues and other suspicious persons - he’s awfully holy, and yes I’m RPing, though not heavily so.
  2. Now that he has found out that you get that mount by going to Booty Bay and whispering a secret password in the ear of Landro Longshot - if there ever was a shady dealer it’s him - he is going to give people riding on that mount an even wider berth.
  3. Of course it’s partially - but only partially - an in-game rationalisation for disliking players using micro-transactions. Plus I really do not like that mount. It’s ugly as F and looks so out of place in TBCC according to me. I actually shun people owning the other things handed out by Landro as well: Imp in a bottle, and Netherwhelp :wink:

lmao, looks like someone is salty

Not at all.

But what did you expect?

You chose to reply to me with snide and rude commentary.

Do you think I’m going to respond in kind and with a smile?


You’re going to get a rebuttal with the exact same snide and rudeness.

And then you have the gall to afterward insinuate that I’m in the wrong, totally omitting the fact that you came out of nowhere and presented me with a blatant insult.

So I trashed you for that, because that’s just infantile behavior.

And now you’re responding with this pretentious attempt at holding any kind of ground in this conversation? C’mon man. Just let it go. You’ve made 4 posts in total on the forum and I’ve trashed you in 3 of them and I duly note that the remaining 1 post didn’t fare much better.

Make constructive input in discussions that interest you and you’ll be much better off than trying to pit your ego up against other people. It’s dumb.

By not care I meant in the passive way, not a confrontational way. If you decide to have lore reasons for doing it or not it makes no difference to me is all I meant!

I will say you’ve at least gone to the length of actually entertaining plausible explanations for it IC which I’ll tip my hat off to you for.

I agree on it being ugly but personally I wouldn’t spit on a buyer. My issue (if I had one) would be with the store provider rather than a single customer. I see it as akin to vegan activists harassing meat purchasers rather than going after meat companies. Easy targets, but ultimately fruitless. You pressure a provider? You knock out all the customers. You harass a customer? There’s ten thousand out there just like them. Just my stance on it anyway.

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It was not meant agressively, sorry if it came over this way - I’m not English, I just wanted to explain, so I say: Thank you for reading and understanding.

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Except no, since the game or the world for a while hasn’t moved into a place where we are given more options, especially crude things. If they added peeing, then indeed it might be logical to say “omg they’re gonna allow pooping too next?”, but it’s just not realistic.

I obviously don’t think /kiss and /flirt are in the same category, but it’s enough when woke Blizzard employees and Twitter thinks that it doesn’t matter what other good uses there are, since the so-called “bad” uses outweigh the good, it has to go.

Forced personal loot was introduced the same way. It took away options from the player, for example when I got an item that has like +5 item levels and stats I don’t care, and instead I want to give it a to a friend / guildie. But now this good, kind interaction can’t happen anymore because of “protecting bad players from abusive guild leaders”.

Ok, a quick glance through the topic titles without opening any of them, I see 2 of them asking for the removal, and one is from as recently as Dec 2020. Hardly what I call extensive discussion, but fair enough, it’s more than literally nothing.

Yikes, and now you respond with a wall of text, take a chill pill. Sorry, didn’t read, I have better things to do.

No offense mate, but knowing who you are i am quite confident there are personal reasons involved in you being happy over the removal of the emote.

Sure. Over the years I’ve definitely been on the receiving end of a /spit a few times too many for my own liking. One time is honestly one too many if the intent behind it is malicious.
It’s not a nice experience, and I wouldn’t want it for my worst enemies, so I’m obviously in favor of removing that emote.
Shouldn’t have existed to begin with.

My post btw was meant completely neutral. We have had our share in the past so i wanted to clarify this.

Regarding the emote i don’t really have an opinion since i have deactivated them anyways and i find becoming emotional over an emote in a game pretty… immature.

That’s just my view though.

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The topic has been coming up from time to time, which was the entire point. Whether everyone agrees on it, is another subject. I also picked 2020 as latest posts, but posts can be tracked back to as long as I can remember. The original Blizzard forum is however long gone(the black one I started off at back in 2007). There was another version after that that is also not part of this one. That used to have an archive, but my bookmark don’t seem to work anymore. MMO-champion might have some threads too.

I don’t understand why you make it sound like you don’t believe people actually asked for it’s removal though? Does it really sound that unlikely?

What about when someone is being ganked and they spit on the ganker? They might as well remove warmode as well if they want to remove toxicity.