Blizzard start regulating your game now?

I never compared you to anything and most certainly not anyone with any health issues. I never insulted you or attacked you personally either, whereas you did call me ‘basic’ and called people reasoning with you ‘insane’, so it sounds like you are projecting your own behavior over to me. All I said was that you were being unreasonable. That’s it.

I am not scared of random people being unreasonable on a gaming message board. It’s exasperating, but certainly not scary. Why should it be?

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Really now? Must’ve misread something there then?
And i love the way how you’re trying to reflect it unto me, but keep at it, it’s ok you can’t help yourself can you?

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This is complete BS.

Multiboxing is using logging in with more than one account, nothing more, nothing less so please start using the correct terminology.

What that player does with his multiple logins is another matter entirely, I sometimes will log in up to 3 characters but I don’t use any 3rd party software and when I want to do something on another toon I alt tab, are you saying that’s cheating ? Because it isn’t.

Apparently so.

Lol, that’s exactly what it is though? You issue the commands on your main character and the other accounts replicate it.

Multiboxing is legalized cheating as (technically) there’s nothing automated about it. Only multiboxers themselves will argue it isn’t.

Do you not understand that you can have multiple accounts logged in and NOT use them simultaneously ?

I’m assuming you’re illiterate because you obviously didn’t understand what I wrote nor do you even know what multiboxxing means.

Obviously you can only operate one character at the same time while the others are idling. That’s the difference between multiboxing where those additional characters are in use through software replicating the MA’s actions to gain an unfair advantage.

Alright tough guy.

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Obviously you’re making the wild (and wrong) assumption that everyone that multiboxes is using a 3rd party program to run all the characters, which is what I said previously and which is what you failed to understand because your answer makes little sense as a reply to what I wrote.

‘Multiboxing’ is the wrong word to use, I don’t know what the correct term would be and nether do you apparently.

well blizzard has already made clear that it is not against the rules so the whole discussion is pointless

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Apparently this won’t stop the same exact people starting it again tomorrow.

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Move all nodes to all new Garrison and this drama will be over.
Multiscummers subs are safe, they can farm rares and WB etc, resource farmers safe as well


exept 5 people do not ever compeate for same node, it happens so seldom none notice it, but when you have 2 multiboxers whit 5 char each going different routes, you pretty fast notice there is not a single herb up at all, and only option is to buy them off ah, becuse you can not farm them your self.

the problem is that the herb all needs comes from one tiny zone, and this is the problem.


That they have and they can’t because of Activition.

I think, we have reached into an understanding for the past couple of months that they dont even care about the community at this point but money is something they value the most like gollum’s precious ring.

They they have, by avoiding community feedback, destroying the lore and doing whatever they so please…

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Well doesn’t that sort of show that there’s a problem there? Multi-boxers used to be few and far between and you could be pretty certain it was a person behind them before and while I don’t like the idea behind multi-boxing, its not the main issue here. It’s the fact they are bots.
Now I’m willing to bet that the majority of the groups of druids you see are controlled by bots. Because you see these players on 24/7 and are never out of the same zones. If the bots went away 2/3 of the people complaining would go away I reckon.
It should not be harder to herb in a zone now that there are less people in it and its old content than before when it was a daily hub for quests and was packed to the gills. That’s what people are taking issue with mainly.
I don’t know if the problem was less obvious before due to more shards? But it literally hit the fan with the new AH and prices went up, all the bots came out to play.

i think they must have tools to know if the real person is farming or bots ? no ?

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I multibox 3 accounts at once, Sometimes 4. I buy 3-4 expansions, I also pay for all they subs because Blizzard said it was allowed. I also refuse to do anything that effects anyone else, I don’t sign up for groups and leech, Even open world stuff. I just level and do my world quests. I also don’t purposefully farm nodes over and over all day. So let’s say Blizzard bans it like you ask after saying it’s allowed, Who’s paying me back for the £100s I’ve spent after Blizzard flip flops back and forth?

I do agree with you though, I think most of the ones farming nodes are botting. As it’s the same ones all day constantly. That’s an issue with botting not multiboxing.

Blizzard can make rules aimed at multiboxers that effect other players. I would be fine with that, As I said I follow my own set of rules about messing with other people. I don’t even attack people questing beside me alone when multiboxing unless they attack me first.


One big thread doesn’t detract from showing anything. Instead we are getting one or more a day where everyone says the same thing, then a new ones starts, less and less people comment because they are just endlessly repeating themselves.

Most of the druids I come across are multiboxers. I imagine most multiboxers regularly get reported as being suspected for being bots. That is just par for the course. That is not to say they are bots. Most people don’t even understand that it’s a player in control of the flock of druids going around herbing.

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But wow token blurs the difference between money and gold, right ?.. It’s just that… It’s blizzard’s money vs not-blizzard’s money.

So it’s really like multiboxing in fact : 5 paid accounts for blizzard, so it’s fine. vs 1 paid account + some extra 3rd party program to do some stuff (possibly taking advantage).