Blizzard: The buff to Vulpera won't be enough to bring it in line with the other races

Agreed but lets face it they will never do that. Smartest idea would be to just remove DPS racials period

meta races (nelf dwarf?) are chosen because of utility and not dmg/heal

I say the solution is none of that.

They should absolutely NOT buff racials in any way. In fact, they should nerf them even more.

Racials should NOT be a factor on choosing toons. Its moronic.

If I was a Dev, I would 100% homogenize the hell out of them. Give every race +1% haste or something and thats it.

For me racials is as if transmoging certain armours gave you stats of some kind. NO. It should be 100% purely esthetical. Nothing more.

I agree to some extend Uda, but I do want to keep the unique things that came from the original games such as shadowmeld , or the undead canabalize ability. Those were iconic for the race you played and should stay.

But stuff like 5% increased haste?
Homogonize it or drop it

I see potential in it by stacking versatility + primary stat should scale that up no? :thinking:

Those aren’t the powerful ones though. In the latest PoddyC podcast, Max, Dratnos, and Dorkie were talking about racial and Max said the racial DPS abilities don’t have an on impact RtWF.

The OP ones were ones that let you completely cheese mechanics, like Shadowmeld, Arcane Torrent, Stoneform, or even the Void Elf teleport.

As long as new raids and dungeons can’t be trivialized by racials, they don’t really matter.

There are people, who also care about rpg. Homogenize everything, and you have a soulless aberration of everything for every character

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I think if the game only caters to wow esports, the circle of wow players is gonna be smaller and smaller over time. Maybe it’s a good thing, so Blizzard can do something else with the warcraft IP at some point

I doubt it matters if they cater to the world first crowd.
Just read the forums, everyone here is a pro player being held back by the scrubs

Yeah, or by their 0.5% dps difference between tauren and troll :joy:

In the end, if wow wants to expand their audience, they gotta give more relevance to the cool-factor, and not only to the small loud esports crowd

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That I agree with


Then I want free race changes in the barber shop. That is my condition.

Because you know where this ends right ? This ends exactly where DF almost (I mean, by a the width of a hair) took us : “only NEFL for key XYZ”. Or “prefered Nelf”.

That where this ends. Like in Vanilla: “only Dwarf Priest”.

You live in a modern WoW where performance matters. The pure “RPG” players are a minority.

So you have to take into consideration gameplay as well. And when we talk about race, that is a PERMANENT choice. You cannot change it like you can talents, gear, spec, ect…

And that is why racials need to stay boring and nerfed to the ground. Therefore, I disagree with what blizzard is trying to do here.

They should NOT buff racials to put them “in line” with everything else. They should nerf everything else and make them inconcequential.

Such that if YOU, RP person, wants to RP a particular race… there is nothing stopping you from playing that race. I dont want this to end in the situation where you choose the wrong race and now all of a sudden you dont get invited to dungeons or be at a disadvantage (or whatever activity you wanna do).

Deal :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Yeah that’s what came to my mind as well after posting, and honestly not sure how to combat that. Cause we all know the meta-slaves will do it…

Heck this is like “link achievement xyz” again for getting invites.

But as Roleplayer I don’t want to loose more class/race identity

Like I replied to Broduin, you will loose identity. Because if you cannot choose the race you want to RP with out loosing out on performance/opportunities then its not a choice at all.

Just imagine that you want to RP an Undead, but under the condition that you wont get invites to dungeons because of your racial.

Then its not a choice at all is it?

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I get the point from PVE side, but if I make a character purely for roleplay, I really don’t care about the PvE consequences though. Cause I will either not level them at all, or just enough to unlock the stuff I need.

But yea, down with meta shenanigans!

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+1… I live in this M+ bubble where racials only really matter in the ultra top 0.0001% of keys. Which is fine IMO. I can accept that.

What I cant accept are the Nelf and Dwarf racials. Those allow you to do things in any key level that you could otherwise not do.

A Nelf tank for example can plan a totally different route. Many times, more efficient route than if he was not a Nelf.

That is not 0.00001% territory anymore. And I dislike those things because people actually choose, reluctantly, the Nelf race to play just because of that. And I know plenty of people that do.

And its something I disagree with. IMO it goes against what WoW is. The choice of toon should be a personal choice based on esthetics (or RP or whatever reason). If you want an athletic tree-hugging Nelf then by all means, play that. But if you want an obese Kultiran there should be ZERO reasons stopping you from that.

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False, the people who try to optimize every inch of their character are a minority. Not the casual broad playerbase. Now, I think you should be able to optimize, but that doesn’t mean we should take out the cool-factor and the rpg of wow. You really seem to have a “me- me me”- attitude tbh…

The casual brad player-base that engages in M+ are having difficulties joining groups because of their class.

You want to add race to that ?

Read what I say before answering OK?

You’re assuming everyone plays M+