Blizzard thinking of increasing the drop chance for the Big Love rocket (X-45 Heartbreaker)


first of all, I’m sorry if the topic has already been brought up. I didn’t see it anywhere, if it’s a duplicate, I’ll just delete it.

Second of all, let’s discuss something that surprised me quite alot. Blizzard is thinking of increasing the low % drops of the holiday mounts, specifically the Big Love rocket mount (yes, it’s the X-45 Heartbreaker, but for me it will always be the big love rocket).

Blue post & maths behind the drops can be found here:

Let me just say, that as a hardcore mount collector (613 unique at the time of writing, 0 TCG, 0 store mounts, meaning I have the majority of wow mounts, only the pvp ones missing as I don’t pvp) I have mixed feelings about this. Out of these 613, I have all the holiday mounts, meaning both Brewfest ram & kodo, the horseman’s reins and the big love rocket. I have been playing the game since classic, and trying to get the mounts for every year. I got lucky with the ram** on Brewfest 2011**, then a looooooong break of not getting anything (even though I attempted every year), got horseman on Halloween 2017, Kodo on Brewfest 2018, and finally the most elusive one, the Big Love Rocket on Love is in the air 2019.

I don’t envy anyone the mounts, nor do I care if someone gets it on the first try. So what, I got lucky too. I was farming the 2019 event with 10 alts, and not 50 - 100 like some do. I got lucky, majority of us got aswell. Despite all that, I still don’t think they should increase the chance after 12 years. It’s just not fair in my eyes. If you perceive me as selfish, go ahead. But it doesn’t sit well with me.

It’s also not just for the holidays. Yea I get it, sometimes people get IRL responsibilities, and they are not able to play during the time. I understand this, and let me just say that I’m very much against FOMO events and rewards. However, I don’t think it’s fair you just masasively increase the drop chance of one of the most elusive items in the game.

What about other mounts in that case, that have the same logic of being so hard to obtain? I got Oondasta mount, and missing the other 3, while I’m having a few thousand kills on each. Why not bring the drop chance for these aswell? Or Rukhmar? I got a few 100 kills on it, and nothing.

What about the long spawn mounts as mentioned in the post? Soundless, Harvester, Rustfeather. All at 0.1 - 0.5 %. Took me a few 100 to get all, some people spent thousands and don’t have them yet. Should we increase these too?

I personally don’t envy newcommers to get the mounts a tad easier, but at the same time, it’s making me uncomfortable and it completly diminishes my work towards the mounts I took ages to get. As said, feel free to spit on me as much as you want, for being selfish. But it’s just the way I think.

Any other opinions?

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It was loosely posted in another thread.

But it’s a good thing that they are considering other possibilities.

These low drop rates just promote players to undertake unhealthy practices to attempt to get the drop (i.e. have 50+ toons to run daily), and then they still feel disappointed when it doesn’t drop.

It will be interesting to see what they come up with. Because I got the impression they were thinking outside of the box of just increasing the RNG drop rate.

Easy, because you have access to them year around, while the Hallow’s End and Love is in the Air events are available 2 weeks (or so) a year.

I have over 400 mounts myself, and I wouldnt give a darn if they changed drop rates on any of the rare mounts I have - Its irrelevant to me.

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They should absolutely increase the drop rate.

It’s something like 1 in 16000.

That’s not reasonable, nor is your take on it if I’m honest.

It’s a degenerate stat, a degenerate take and it promotes degenerate behaviour.

It’s awful all round.


I do not think it was intended that way to be honest… but that is the way addiction took players to do it…

there is nothing making player make multiple alts in order to continually farm the mount.

the only thing making them do that is themselves.

You’re not wrong… but Blizz know there are players that will do this. they really do have a responsibility to discourage this behaviour.

That’s not addiction.

It’s FOMO.

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After 14 years of farming i am happy for the change and here is the thread it was talked about in

Good luck on Love Rocket farm - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


they are taking steps to do just that, by looking at the possibility of increasing the drop rate, which is good news…

i do however feel it is as much as the players own fault as it is blizzards at the end of the day though.

the fault mainly lays with blizzard themselves ofc for setting the drop rate so ridiculously low in the first place…

but then i’ll repeat myself… “there is nothing forcing players to farm it on multiple alts only themselves” paraphrasing a bit for clarity.

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**Yep, this isn’t fun**. I’ve done the event a dozen times a day on my characters before in previous years and probably would be doing it again this year if I didn’t have other real-life stuff going on.

Right now, if you want to maximize your chance of getting the mount, it’s in your best interest to repeat this event every day on as many characters as possible. That’s… mathematically correct, **but not a great experience**.

We hear this frustration and the good news is that we’re discussing this issue amongst the team and evaluating possible solutions for holiday events in general. The bad news is that even if we do end up making changes, they wouldn’t be in time for this year’s Love Is In the Air holiday event

The above is Blizz’s response from wowhead.

I agree its in players control not to do it, its also Blizz’s responsibility to protect players from themselves sometimes. I personally don’t do it except to help a friend out if I happen to be on a tank but more than a few people do it on many chars, I refuse to engage.


It falls on both parties really. But Blizzard should discourage the behaviour, unfortunately, I tend to believe they encourage it more.

Think about when you’re in a Pub. If you’re too drunk, they stop selling you alcohol, because they have a responsibility to look after you and everyone/thing around you. But you can still go on drinking somewhere else… but that’s not the pubs responsibility anymore.

If you go to a shop and you trip up over a Mop and Bucket left in the middle of the floor. Is it your fault for not looking where you were going? or was it the shops fault for leaving a mop and bucket in the middle of the floor?

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if you honestly want my opinion of it …i think they should remove as a drop … and add it to a vender and create a new event to farm tokens to obtain it… at least then you know you will gain it after a certain time regardless…

having it a a low drop only breeds the negative side they strive to implement in this game over the past many years … “GAMBLING ADDICTION” i didnt get it … but maybe i’ll get it tomorrow that idea of “i dont want to miss my chance” … they feed you on that to keep you playing.



They stop selling alcohol because they can lose their license to sell alcohol if they continue selling to people that are plastered. It’s purely because they can face a penalty if they didn’t.

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It’s never as clear cut as that though is it? Some? Sure. But theres a sizeable percentage that want their clients to have a fun time and care for their wellbeing.

Well oversimplified, as usual.

Yes, it is. These things got regulated because of the selling to people that are plastered and endangering them.

You can be sure if they removed any and all regulations and licenses with all stuff, a lot of people would be getting hurt because companies don’t care, they just want the money. If food safety wasn’t regulated, you’d be constantly in danger of getting food poisoning, they don’t even care when you point out they have old stuff(stuff that has mold on it) in the stores until the people responsible for making sure they adhere to regulations start being concerned about it, that’s when they actually start caring and not because they’re concerned about your wellbeing but because they can face penalties, now imagine deregulation on it and you’d have people dying or getting hurt just so they can make some money.

i completely agree … everything in this game is designed on that “what if i miss out” especially the shadowlands expansion as a whole it has never been as bad as it has been right now…

and that is why this expansion is failing them massively…

they have taken it too far and are now slowly paying the price for it.

Sure I realise the pub just has its licence in mind, but the idea of the rule/law in general is to protect people

They could just do this across the board, the amount of times I’ve seen someone mention the thousands of times they’ve attempted to get various mounts just makes the game less fun.

They should also remove the 10 instance lock out, makes no sense anymore to have that, and just make the drop chance decent for the event.

Would be good to see the world boss mounts at least 1% like all other legacy mount drops too.


it was fun once… about 15 years or so ago … its such a outdated and time consuming way to do things these days though…

the system to getting mounts needs to be modernised.