Blizzard thinking of increasing the drop chance for the Big Love rocket (X-45 Heartbreaker)

I think Blizzard has some moral responsibility to ensure that their games are designed with the player’s health in mind – mental and physical.

Design that encourages or requires players to sit for excessively long sessions in front of their computer should be cautioned.

Design that imparts a sense of obligation to play, out of fear of missing out or falling behind, should be cautioned.

Design that taps into gambling and spending value without certainty of outcome should be cautioned.

Design that invokes a strong demoralizing sense of failure or frustration or disappointment should be cautioned.

And there are a lot more, but Blizzard struggles with the above, so I’m just writing those. :grin:

Should they do something about drop rates for rare mounts in time-limited events? Yes, absolutely.

Precedence doesn’t trump reason. And if anyone saw a design of a time-limited event with a restricted amount of attempts for a astronomically low chance of a highly desired collection item, then they would say it was an entirely unreasonable design. Because it is.

The game being 17 years old shouldn’t give pause for change where it is reasonable for change to happen.


It really has hit me hard this event 14 years of doing it with a lot and i mean a lot of kill between 3000-4000 and i am worn out in the head.

Sha you can do 104 times per year with one char and bonus rolls and has same drop chance as this one which only has 14 per year :frowning:

I have 600ish mounts and tbh people call is prestige i call it a pretty pixel i would like.

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I’ve had my Sha mount since 5.0, and I see zero prestige in it. There is no prestige in a rare drop. I consider my Garrosh Curve mount prestige, as I worked to get it - same with the Brawler Mushan.

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they’d need to hire more than 1 gm per region to ban bots then. unfeasible economically

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of Legal Obligation for a games company to look out for peoples health, like there is for Gambling Websites, and Pubs etc.

It’s considered a game. And there aren’t really many games as big as WoW out there.

I remember when WoW first game out, there were news articles about peoples addiction to the game, but nothing was ever really done about it. I think for a while Blizz did try and reduce players commitment to the game (post TBC maybe… I can’t really remember). But they certainly have forgotten that philsophy now.

Warcraft really should be a driving force in promoting Players Mental Health. Instead, it’s taking advantage of it.

I just quoted these 2 opinions, I noticed others pointed out this aswell, so let me just say that I 100000% agree with this.

The only problem I’m having, is that they should have thought of that earlier. And I wouldn’t say ‘earlier’ as in 1 month ago, even 1 year ago. But since 2009? Cmon…

Yeah I know, I mentioned FOMO and I’m aware of that, it’s just that esentially every low drop chance is a bad decision for the game. As mentioned, as a hardcore mount collector, I would say a 1 % drop chance should be minimum. Not 1 in 2000, 1 in 4000 and so on.

What I meant with the post, is that revolution will start, other things should be looked upon aswell. Not just the love is in the air event.

This is also a good point! I would love to see it, I think 9.2. will modernize it abit, sicne it’s quite unique to be honest. I can’t wait for the Synthesis, so I could actually obtain mounts with my own pace, rather than wait for x time for a 0.8% drop chance.

We’ll see more in the future I suppose :slight_smile:

Yes, 1% would be better - if they had to keep it low.

Anything under 1% is dumberino.


I do recall this being a thing back then (and I am very much going from a hazed memory, so don’t expect sources here). Especially after news broke that a player died from sitting at his computer for 3 days solid.

They even tried making a lot more of the game less time consuming and give players a chance to have a life outside of the game. It’s just that this philosophy was lost over time… or just buy a WoW Token so you can buy your way through :wink:

You agree yet you say you dont think it should change in your OP. Colour me confused.

I agree with the facts you posted. Such drop chances, such systems and such things shouldn’t be in the game in the first place. That’s what I’m trying to say.

But since it’s like that since 2009, I find it abit unfair it would change after so many years, especially for an item so exclusive. I’m not saying I will be extremly mad or anything if they do infact change it, but it doesn’t sit comfortably with me, not lying. I’ve just got mixed signals about it, especially after going through years and years of disappointment of not getting the items.

It is really weird that the X-45 Heartbreaker has so low drop rate compared to the other event mounts.
The other mounts from the events have had their drop % changed over the years. (or at least made it easier to get)

Life isn’t fair, why should the game give you everything on a silver plate just because you cry loud enough?

They need to remove old mounts like they did with the naxx drakes and tournament horses, having the mounts dropping for so long only makes them lose all the value.

Look at glad mounts, it still mean something.

To Me isn’t fair to have a plebian raid finder hero running around with the things I worked and progressed for.

This game is running on fumes and it all started with the nerf and %buff on players in icc.

Easy things aren’t desirable!

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Yes, increase them all. Anything above 1% chance is an act of manipulation by blizzard in a game marketed at children.

The amount of simping for blizzard in these threads is depressing.

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I have some mounts that has been removed now - and I wouldnt care if they added them back and/or made them easier to get. I’ve then had it for years, so the prestige - to me - is gone (not like I felt any prestige over it to begin with…)

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Youre playing on activission-blizzard :smiley: :+1:

I respectfully disagree. There’s a reason why they stopped removing mounts from raids. The backlash they received for removing the Black and the Plagued Proto Drake was immense, and they themselves admitted that it was a mistake.

Removing stuff because 1% of players want to feel special is a sure way to bleed the game dry.

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I fully agree with this. As said, as a hardcore mount collector I made several posts about this. In SL, they did it abit better since they received so much hate for 8.2. mounts, only Famu is under 1% if I’m correct (took me 194 attempts personally, which is alot).

But it wouldn’t be ok in my eyes, to just change the ones I spent 200 attempts+ acquiring. Yes, it should have been that from the get go, but now after few years, I don’t find it fair. It devalues my effort.

Life isnt fair.

It isn’t fair that some people get mounts on first try, while others spent 2000+ attempts. But that’s how it is with RNG.

About world boss mounts u can pick em up from black market, love rocket it’s only this.

My lord its an in game pixel. You can not hold it and you do not even own it , it is a brief moment of joy in a fun game stop making things out to be more than they are.