Blizzard thinking of increasing the drop chance for the Big Love rocket (X-45 Heartbreaker)

Too many items started to exist on too unreasonable drop rates in this game by now. A new player would simply not bother wanting to climb that kind of mountain if they decide to look up.

It’s not something for you to decide for me. You don’t have it, so it’s hard to discuss such things.

Whether you agree or disagree with me on my opinion is something else and is fine, but stating that the mount is not exclusive, is just a lie. Yeah it’s against TOS, but if you check all the third party providers that offer wow accounts, the ones that have the rocket, are usually valued way more than the ones without. You can check for yourself if you don’t believe.

Exclusivity creates value, it’s just a fact.

So bscly this is just a mimimi i had it hard so others have to Suffer like i do? Omg

I guess wow is the only achi for those people

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Do you think you’re a godgamerx for getting a 1 in 20k mount to drop?

You were L U C K Y.

It’s sheer, dumb, plain luck getting this mount to drop for you, nothing more.


Yeah, I bought my car for 70k EUR. Here, you can have it for 15k EUR, no problem.

Flagged for going personal.

Did you even read the post at all? I clearly quoted this, if you fail to understand it, it’s your fault and your incapability of reading properly.

i think it should be something like 25% ,i dont have time to waste like no lifers.

You said it makes you “uncomfortable” and it diminishes the work you put in getting the mounts.

Ok sorry but lmfao how is them making this easier to obtain in any shape or form diminishing your dumb luck?

They’ve made stuff easier to get over time and that’s fine, this game is insanely big.

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Exactly, because even if I got lucky with 10 alts in 2019, I still farmed it for 10 years. This is 5 expansions, and way more time than majority of people playing. I didn’t stress myself like some did and yeah, I got more lucky I suppose, but I still put in the work and dedication.

Essentially even the people playing with 50-100 alts get lucky, even if after 4k-5k attempts. There is no BLP and you always roll the same dice, the odds don’t stack in your favour.

stuff such as? If you are referring to the mounts, I don’t recall a single one made easier to obtain, let alone harder. The ones that count, not talking about the boar number 34. All the exclusive items in the game are exclusive for a reason. If the wall to obtain them will be massively crushed, they will no longer be exclusive.

As said in the first post, spit on me as much as you want or portray me as selfish, at the end of the day, it’s just my take on it.

Literally all reputation mounts have become easy to obtain with them adding rep tokens to the TW vendors - incredibly easy to get now.

I have farmed ALL the reps before this happened and I, for one, have no problems with it.

And you saying you farmed it for 10 years with however many character, I can guarantee you, there’s people who farmed it for longer, with even more characters and still haven’t gotten a drop. You were lucky, that’s it.

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And here is my problem? What work? seriously dude…what work…you got lucky …nothing else. Its 10 sec boss…if you all are lvl 50 its a 11 sec boss…i do believe they would eventualy die even of you all were afk. If you need 150 alts to get 10 000 tries every year and still missing it meanwhile Johny gets it on first try and it sits in his bags for two months because he doesnt even know its a mount…then thats not a healty way to present a mount. Its stupid lucky lotery that promotes unhealthy playstyle and should be changed alongside the others. These where you actualy have to do something for it like cutting edge mounts or the glad mounts etc should stay the same.

Its like my anecdotal story. I know its not about mount but w/e.
Recently my friend did decided to try wow even though ive did not recomend to do that curently. But he did…bought epic version of shadowlands, bought some store mounts like the perfect casual andy and started leveling. After he hit 30 ive told him ill take him trough old raids starting in Sunwell plateau. So he went in his wery first raid in his entire life…we got to KJ …first kill…first epic loot even and he got Legendary bow. I was like what the actual f. He didnt even know what it is. Leveled up to 53 and after ive explained to him what he needs to do after hitting 60 he quit. You can check his profile Sejmosek-Drakt’thul. He put so much work to get his legendary bow you know…

I do love recently after the blue post…every time someone post about it in a negative way…meaning they dont want it to change …its someone who already has it…and ofc its not because “of envy”…

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I dont rly think you could efford a 70k car

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And reputation mounts are exclusive? Give me a break. Usually a recolour of a recolour, it’s very rare that any reputation mount is highly valuable.

And I literally said that aswell, are you even reading what I’m saying?

By actually trying for 10 years. This is my work. Even if it’s a 1 minute encounter. I was trying in 2009, when some people playing now were in diapers. That’s why.

Yeah, tough luck. I’m over 5k kills for the timereaver. Guess what happened previous reset in Vortex pinnacle, a guy that didn’t even knew it existed got it. Can I blame him? No I can’t, since he was putting in the same effort as me, and he got it under the circumstances that aren’t changed.

Good story, and yes I agree things like this happen, but the drop chance of the bow didn’t change. It’s the same as it was back then. And this bow is something that is not very elusive nowadays, while this mount.

That’s why I’m up for not implementing something rare ever again, 1/100 is minimum. But stuff that are exclusive, let them be.

Flagged once again kiddo :slight_smile:

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Well, they made the Mecha Done meta achievement from Mechagon a lot easier to get, which consequently made the mount it rewards easier to obtain as well.

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Several mounts got buffed from being under 1% drop chance to having 1% drop chance in legion or bfa can not remember the exact thing

Ok, this is a good example! I’ll take that one :slight_smile: I also did the achievment pre-nerf, but for this one (despite being a really elusive reward) I welcomed the changes.

I believe you are talking after Cata, and this was mostly regarding the Rivendare’s deathcharger, which had a even lower drop chance than the big love rocket. I don’t recall any mount changes in these 2 expansions, but I may be wrong ofcourse.

I’m reading what you’re saying but you’re just whining lmfao like who cares, it’s just pixels.

Another example would be Rivendare’s Charger, changed from a 1:1k to 1:100.

But whatever, keep whining.

Ah yes, they also buffed the drop rate of Legion paragon mounts.

they should increase it and the horseman mount to 1/100 simply due to the limitations of 14 days per year. The 4 MoP world bosses should have their drop rate increased to 1/500 to match the Solar Spirehawk in WoD.

I’m not whining. I’m giving my take on it, and also reading other opinions. As said in the original post, I won’t argue with anyone or prove anyone wrong, since we are only discussing opinions. If you disagree with me, it’s cool. You made several very good points that I respect, but I just don’t agree with you.

At the end of the day, Blizzard will do whatever they think is right, and I doubt the decision they will make, will be based off comments in this post, and trust me, I won’t sleep any worse even if it gets buffed to 1%. However my personal opinion as stated a couple of times, is that I don’t agree with it.

EDIT: To reply to Kotarnus aswell:

To also add to your list, I remember the Island expedition mounts. They got massively buffed in 8.3. aswell, I bet the droprate increased atleast by 5-10 times, and there was a 20 something % to get them out of the boxes. If I remember correctly, the numbers were very simillar to big love rocket / timereaver pre-nerf.

I was spamming them, probably did close to 700 and I managed to get 1 mount. With 8.3., I had enough coins that I bought all the satchels and got the remaining ones within a next few resets :slight_smile: