Blizzard thinking of increasing the drop chance for the Big Love rocket (X-45 Heartbreaker)

Oh, I forgot about that! I might actually start doing Island Expeditions again then! :grin:

Just to give you a nice reminder, you can actually solo queue for them since 9.1.5.!

Although I still recommend to bring 2 friends along, since you will stomp through them alot quicker, and the rewards are personal loot anyways. Don’t forget your Heart of Azeroth aswell, you will receive quite a nice bonus with it :wink: Especially if you have blood of the enemy & King Mechagon reduced cd essence :wink:

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A flat % increase to 1 or .5% would be the easy way. But it would also be very cheap and, might I add, stupid.

There was a good post on a discord server I am on, saying low chance drops are not inherently bad. MoP world boss mounts share the same % and thousands of people engage in the hunt without demanding for higher drop rates. Mounts, pets, mogs and other cosmetics that rare are good for the game, even important. They are desirable, keeping players invested. And the feeling of accomplishment after a long hunt or extreme luck is a very, very rewarding one.
But add to that the limited time frame, the instance cap and the necessity to level and maintain myriads of alts, and you have yourself a spicy recipe for frustration.
Increase the chance to .4%, like the HH mount, and we’d see a LOT BLRs drop. But we’d see them drop across the board, for every player, regardless of how much they desire or are willing to work for it. One might personally feel lucky the first year, the year after (if you were actually lucky enough to get it)… but soon, the BLR would loose its prestige and diminish in value, turning into just another ridable vehicle. This mount (as difficult to grasp as it might sound) should stay rare. Very rare.
But in the same time it is so laborious to farm that overall the frustration for those hunting it is starting to outweight any possible feeling of reward. Is it okay to spend thousands of attempts farming for something rare you desire? Absolutely. Uldaman for example has a few vanishingly rare transmog pieces that are very exciting to hunt for, be it on the auction house or in the dungeon itself. Is it okay to actually never get it since its just a video game? One might argue so. But every “just a video game” is also aiming for players investing time and giving them a feeling of reward. Regarding the BLR, I’d argue that, due to the overall circumstances, it can be just too frustrating at times. Got it on your first try? Well, that is some serious luck, grats, savor it! You are on your 900th attempt? Hang on, you’re doing great! You have beaten the boss like 2700 times and have yet to see the mount? Damn, you have earned it and if I was to decide you should be granted it!

Circling back to possible solutions… objectively there is no need to just increase the % by X amount only to have more and more BLRs drop, but there should be systems in place so it can be farmed more reliably and to keep players from having so much bad luck that frustration is all that’s left. There are many good ideas from plenty of players (whether they have the mount or not) who want it to remain very rare and an accomplishement but yearn to remove the most frustrating aspects. They could for example remove the limitations altogether, making the mount farmable with one character indefinetely, giving you the chance every time you burn down the boss with your main character, as often as you like. Of course that’d require the 10 dungeons/hour limit to be lifted which, frankly, does not make sense for holiday dungeons to begin with. Although what I’d like to see even more is the event set in non-instanced location where players could freely engage with the boss (this would also elegantly negate the waiting time for a dungeon <3).
Enabling you to farm the mount so easily at your heart’s content and removing the need to level and maintain tons of alts to have a fair shot would free up an incredible amount of time around the year, and by that you would also perfectly cater to every newcomer and those just starting the hunt.
In addition to that, some much talked about bad luck protection could also be a way, guaranteeing you to see the mount after 2000-3000 attempts would be fair.
To re-iterate, the low % is not a problem. The low accessibility in event uptime and characters to attempt is.
With all of the above in place, the mount could remain reasonably rare while at the same time no longer being so frustrating.
This could also be in for the other event bosses - not the brewfest ones! We are drowning in kodos and rams! hick

Just having a clear goal and a lit path, instead of uncertainty, would be so much more rewarding and satisfying on their own, knowing your efforts will come to avail.


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