Blizzard time may be up

With the upcoming Expansion Shadowlands coming in October 2020 and the pre patch out in 9/20 it may be this time Blizzard division coming to an end. With every cycle of monthly reports I found the 1 by Motley is not a growth stock any more and many man/woman agree across the platform.

Growth at Activision Blizzard has been driven by acquisitions for more than a decade. Or to be more accurate, one acquisition: King Digital in 2016.

You can see in the chart below that the only time in the past decade that Activision Blizzard’s revenue grew more than 10% was after the acquisition of King Digital.

ATVI Revenue (TTM) Chart


You may say that all Activision Blizzard needs is a new console cycle (which is coming in the next year) to drive growth, but that’s not true either. In fact, most of Activision Blizzard’s sales are from non-console games and even if consoles were important the number of consoles sold each year is falling and the dollar value of games sold to those consoles aren’t very cyclical. According to Statista, the three best selling Call of Duty titles came out in 2010, 2011, and 2012, at the end of the console cycle and a year before the PS4 and Xbox One were released in 2013. I don’t see any evidence that a new console cycle with a small installed base will help sales in the next few years, especially with Call of Duty sales falling long-term.

Despite 2020 being a perfect storm for the video game industry with millions of people laid off and looking for activities to fill time at home, revenue is expected to grow just 12.1% to $7.28 billion. And that COVID-19 fueled growth is still below 2018 revenue of $7.5 billion.

The problem for Activision Blizzard is that it doesn’t own the growth platforms driving the video game industry, it only makes games. And that’ll limit its upside from the industry’s growth.

Platforms are where the growth is

If you’re looking for where the video game market is growing you need to look at companies like Steam and Unity, which make the gaming platforms consumers and developers both deal with. Steam is the centralized platform where PC and VR games are distributed easily to users around the world. According to Statista, the number of concurrent Steam users in any given month has increased from 6 million in November 2012 to 20.3 million in March of 2020. The total number of active users exceeds 90 million and there are over 1 billion Steam accounts.

Unity is the gaming engine behind games like Call of Duty: Mobile , Beat Saber , Marvel Strike Force , Rec Room , and a massive number of VR titles. The company makes money when games make money, only charging a fee once creators make $100,000 in revenue. Last year, it got a $6 billion valuation in private markets and may be worth even more with the growth in gaming engine needs for mobile, VR, and even movie applications.

Unreal Engine, which is owned by Epic Games, is the other big game engine and it powers the popular Fortnite game. It only requires royalties after $1 million in gross revenue, giving developers a big incentive to grow on the platform.

Activision Blizzard isn’t making the hardware people are playing on or the platform developers are building, both of which benefit from a wide variety of games. The company makes discrete games and its fortunes rise and fall on the success of those games. But the reality is that even if the video game industry overall is growing, Activision Blizzard isn’t.

Gaming may be moving away from Activision Blizzard

From an investment perspective, I worry that the best years for growth are already behind Activision Blizzard. Console sales are slowing as more people have mobile devices and as a result console games like Call of Duty aren’t selling like they used to. The number of active players using Blizzard and King games is also falling, which is a troubling trend long term.

People may be playing more games today, but they’re playing a larger number of games and the growth is in mobile devices and VR, where Activision Blizzard has struggled to build compelling offerings. The company may be priced like a growth stock, but it isn’t performing like a growth company and I would argue it’s not in the segment of the video game industry that will be growing long term. That’s what will keep me out of this stock right now.

The trouble is the falling numbers MAU across the board so my WOW community enjoy this expansion as it may finally be the nail in the coffin.


Thank you for the Pension and Hedge Fund market analysis… tomorrow we will be getting a monkey to throw darts at corporate stocks pinned to a board, then comparing their performance against a basket of analyst recommendations, for the next four business quarters.


who cares about stocks!? activision can sell wow and the superman actor can buy it and make wow great again.


They already said in 2018 Blizzcon no matter the sub numbers they have atleast 4 to 5 more expac’s planned even with subs at 1million that is still alot of money per month its 10 mill per month with subs alone and 120 mill per year . I am sorry OP you have no clue what you are talking about . There is game’s that run on less then 500,000 players and still doing well.


if any corporate lawyer talking always assume hes lying. 100% true


Was not Ion who spoke of expac’s though as i do not trust him one iota.

doesnt matter who., they say what law dept says to be able to say to please suits investors ;0 so pr/law=lies

So are you hoping blizzard are lying or what ? because i really do hope they carry on making expacs and prove the OP wrong .


Thank you. I really enjoyed reading this. While reading it my imagination became lively and I visualised lots of interesting things and was reminded of various experiences that I have had over the last 6 years. I’m not making fun or joking. More please.


Why would they stop making xpacs? What is growth anyway? Is it where you make more profit than you did before? If so, then oh my god, imagine not making more profit than you did the last time you measured profit, I’d say you’re lucky to be making profit and just be thankful. If my understanding of growth is wrong, then please forgive me, I will try and look it up.


The fundamental flaw in Capitalism.
The entire system revolves around a concept of infinite growth…on a finite planet.

However, in reality this relies on a boom/bust cycle of approx 10 years to flush bad debts down the khazi…more recently the system has been rigged by ever more creative ‘credit’ mechanisms, to mask the fact that debt management is the new basis for ‘wealth’.

It is with good reason that Usury was regarded as a sin of avarice, back in the day… the entire shenanigans is a Ponzi scheme, that requires global participation…and it almost fell apart in 2008. Now Covid-19 is really going to stress test the house of cards.


t. conspiracy theorist revolutionary from iphone

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Nope, cold hard facts… and Apple are a corporate giant…so, welcome comrade.


quality post. respect


Thank you.


If everything was gauged purely on a market analytics profit margin standpoint then no products that werent already established would get made.

Props to Vulpie for bringing up how stock speculation and drawing conclusions like doom and gloom over wows existance from how a stock functions is just dumb.

Market analysists have ZERO clue about how a future market will look, zero, zip, nada. They can speak from experience sure, but they dont know the graphs function. You think a market analysist could ‘‘predict’’ WoDs progrssion from launch to 6.2? No.

Market analytics is literally casino games and astrology for people with dunning kruger and a lot of money.


Omg, this is my type of humor :joy: thanks!


idk man, I’m just here to play games and people be throwing charts in my face and talking about stock. what.


Honestly that’d be pretty neat. I’d be interested in seeing what Caviil would do with WoW if he had control over it.


ah look its a doom and gloom thread we haven’t seen those in ages hey you been saying wow is dead for like 15+ years now … just give up already

its the same cycle every damn mmo … oh i don’t like this game or i don’t see any players it must be dead … you know if you hate the game there is a solution talk with your wallet and unsub