Blizzard & Twitch Team Up To Censor Gamers

You are going to hate me but i support it.
I really dislike people swearing and being angry it has no place in a game designed for 12+

Ofc its good to express your feelings and give feedback and like ive said time and time again you can give constructive negative feed back in a correct manner.

How some people act on twitch leaves a sour taste imho .

Yes its good to have fun and banter and rivalary but people dont have to be toxic and vile about it.

Your boss wouldnt stand for the use of the c word or f word infront of them or your parents why should others have to tolerate such actions ?

Toxic actions need to be reigned in .

I expect a huge backlash now and to be called whiteknight and other things but we are all meant to be adults and able to converse in a proper manner which some dont seem to do.


okey to start with, we all do it, including you. there’re limits, and there’re places where you shouldnt express it, but this change isnt to “stop people from being angry” its another clown fiesta, just like blizzards current report system is.
they cant fix their game, and they cant design games properly, and they’re too busy with “behavior this and behavior that”. its a joke honestly.
more censorship, more taboo, cant even tell a joke without someone getting hurt over it, even if its not about them, and even if its completely harmless.
we live in a world of censorship, fake “tolerance” where we can only “tolerate” “good” things but not “bad things” even if its not a behavior.
that’s what and his regieme did, they burned books because books were “wrong” and “against them”, they silenced people because they had “different” and “bad” ideas, etc.
what this is, is a typical power move, where activation is trying to expand its reach. and seize more control.

its not about this game, its not even about wow, its about and when i signed up you had to be 18+ in order to stream, not sure if they changed it.

that’s exactly what I do.
you know what I wanna do tho? I wanna joke around with friends without someones granny getting upset about it, I dont want to go to underground and hide there to tell a simple joke. this is getting ridiculous, simple jokes are censored. you dont like the joke i tell? fine, move aside, its not for you, you like the joke i tell? that’s great, maybe tells urs, banter around, have fun.
only place i feel free rn is discord voice chat online, because i can speak my mind without someones granny and some corporation trying to shut me up because “im baddie”.

dont make me bring up my ban/silence history on wow only, its straight up ridiculous lmao.

yeah, im not a fan either, so I avoid it, you dont like asmongold? fine, just avoid it, objectively he’s alright, he doesnt promote violance, he doesnt spew hate, he’s a persona, a commedian and if he doesnt fit in your standards its alright, you’re not supposed to like everything and everyone everywhere. i dont like him either, I never watch his streams but i’ve watched some of his funny videos at job because i was bored and it was somewhat fun, that’s it.

aside from that, twitch has its own policy about “baddies”, from personal experience, their policy works “fine”.

yeah you mean when people get banned for saying “easy game”? you think that’s not extreme? being forced into things or being silenced isnt extreme? silencing jokes isnt extreme? and i can give 101 examples of modern extreme behaviors.
and if those arent extreme, how was burning books extreme?
what differentiates those 2?

as a kid I always wondered how middle years of Europes XX century happened, and i studied psychology, and i did understand how, and honestly, if there was a charismatic leader in europe right now, it would happen again, and worst part is, people would clap and cherish it. its so sad that its actually funny, that people become what they deemed to hate.

there are so many words that i dont even know which one you mean, regardless, my boss is my boss, its my job, i go there to work, I enter the building, check in, work and leave. the moment i check out and step out of the door i do whatever the hell i want.
and we should tolerate each other because the core foundation of tolerance is letting things you dont like exist. that’s the key in tolerance, if you’re hot 10/10 looking very educated girl i dont have to “tolerate” you, ill like you instead, but if you’re and i dont like you, that’s when tolerance steps it, and idea is, just because i dont like you, doesnt mean i should beat you up. its simply wrong.

and let me guess, big brother will be the judge jury and executioner and he’ll tell us what’s toxic and what’s not. do i get headpats if i behave well?
the entire idea is, that tolerance =/= liking and some stuff you dont like, you should tolerate.
of course, all my ideas are equally subjective, you can take it or leave it.

and while at it, no you cant “stop anger”, you can mask it, you can turn it into frustration but at one point POOOOOW, and it will explode. frustration is nothing but a son of anger, its born out of it. the more you try to supress anger and “baddies” the bigger the explosion. its a fact. that’s the reason why “calmest” people “explode” the loudest. lol


Is it tho? I’m all for freedoms, but this isnt the streets. They run a invite only club.

I’m not big on streams but the few times I watched some crowded streams the chat was nothing but constant spam of emoticons mixed with some random insults. I closed the chat quickly cause frankly what purpose does it serve?

Not that I think censor will make it any better, it will just be a constant spam of emoticons without the insults and I’ll close it quickly cause frankly what purpose will it serve?
Anyway, not my circus, not my monkeys

I get the point your making but that may not be the best example.
Looking at me, most of the jobs I had everyone used any words, especially the bosses. And in my family the same.
But maybe it’s also some cultural difference, that kind of censor of using the initial letter-word doesnt make any sense in my language


Why you expect people to call you white knight my girl?
What if i call you …Black knight!

Maybe you are racist with black knights and you support white only?
Reported anyway!


Drawing that comparison to Blizzard’s Chat Moderation Program is just ridiculous.



there we go typical “dRaWiNg tHaT cOmPaRasIoN iS rIdikUlUz”

do tell why.


Yes omg someone said it, I wish more people would realize this, the anonimoty that comes with being on the internet is being misused way to often, which is such a shame.


Because the motivation of one was to wage a war of world domination through oppression and persecution of select people, and the motivation of the other is to create a friendly atmosphere for people in a chat.

Drawing a comparison between the two is ridiculous.


at least get your historical facts right if you’re trying to argue or argument about something.
no it wasnt the motivation for burning books.
the motivation was to separate “differnt” and give it a face of “wrong” and “bad” while everything else was “good” and "right that supported the idea.

typical subjective things to make one look better than the other.

their reasoning was exactly same as what you said tho. "creating a strong, good, great country and environment, where goodies are happy and baddies are punished!!

why do I bother arguing, we’re done here, wont reply to this anymore. just a tip tho - licking blizzards face wont get you your MVP back.


I fail to see how that supports the comparison you’re trying to make.
You’re litterally saying that the propaganda-driven book burnings by you-know-who during you-know-when is the equivalent of Blizzard testing a Chat Moderation Program for Overwatch Contenders.

That is insane.

Don’t quote me for saying something I haven’t said, especially not in this context.

Yes, we’re done. I assumed you would retract what you said, writing it off as a whoopsie!
But you doubled down on it.

That’s insane. We’re done. I’m out of this thread.

I wonder if the banned emotes include a certain bear…

I wasn’t going to port in here, because I find this a bit silly.

I tried to watch the vid, but he annoys me so much that I only got half way - I seem to get the gist of the point in vid by your replies.

I believe that there’s a huge difference between losing your freedom of speech and getting grounded for saying naughty things.
I taught my kids all the curse words I know, but I didn’t say “now go out and spread my wisdom, you vile creatures!” I had to teach them when and where it was appropiate to say those things, and when the words slipped I had the adults from the kindergarden standing in front of me talking about responsibility and how to behave.
This is no difference - behave in public, what you do behind doors is none of my business.

But what made me enter is this one thing:
I am a living history and war reenacter for almost 15 years now, and I am beginning to get a little tired by all these “historians” who wants to compare one war to this - stop it!
There is nothing to compare it to, if you have any doubts, please go to your local reenacter group and talk to them, because we as reenacter has to study every aspect of the that war (and the others we make) in order to talk to the audience.
And to talk to the ultra geeks why we of ethic reasons don’t do the things he point out is inaccurate.

And I know most of you are close to a local reenactment department, because we have a very good community across Europe, because we attend each others shows and events.

In stead of doing this stupid comparison based on ‘I want to win this discussion’, why don’t we try to find out the need to post those damm emojis, and what jokes is ok in a chat like Twitch.

When does the ‘protection’ by avoiding some words, jokes and emojis do more harm than good?

Blizzard isn’t a governing entity, and as such can’t truly “stifle free speech”.
They, and Twitch, have their own platform, and much like companies and enterpreneurs, reserve the right to select who they offer their services to, a right I view proponent to free speech, not against it.

So, conflating this to something like an oppressive regime I feel is missing the other side when making it a matter on freedom of speech. People, and companies, as of now, have the freedom to choose who to associate and do business with, which is very much not the case in a totalitarian state.

Like I said in my earlier post, you, as in people overall, are free to express dissatisfaction on the matter here right now on the forums, your post equating Blizz/Twitch behaviour to 3rd reich was likely deleted because it was, frankly, inflammatory and offered nothing of value to the conversation, just going “hurr n##i mods”.

If you feel so inclined, I suggest you use that freedom of expression and simply walk away with your support of Twitch and Blizzard, show them how much it really matters to you. You have the right to do that after all.

As with this stuff always, I do still ponder the question, what kind of expression of self are you truly afraid of losing with this change?

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When no one knows what words and emojis are banned, and that said emojis and banned words can change on the whim of a moderator?

Has anyone searched the site for those words?

Did anyone search for the place to write and ask for them?

It’s really not that big of a secret for anyone with an upbringing.

Free speech is also not caring for the platform, unsubscribing etc. If no one uses the platform because they disagree with the moderation, then those platforms will disappear.

Freedom of speech is also agreeing with something. I agree with some moderation, like the laws we need in real life. There’s a huge difference between china and no laws at all…

People here seem to think that if they can’t utter racist slurs that they are immediately living in 1984, forgetting that they are well beyond 1984 just by using social media and all of the profiling based on algorithms (!) happening there.

In other words: you are being silenced by the people throwing about “free speech”. Isn’t that hypocritical?


Indeed. In my opinion, having moderation is a component in what the concept for “freedom of speech” truly stands for, and complete anarchy of expression is something that goes against it’s ideals.

Yeah, the potential profiling in this case with the account linking was the only concern I found somewhat legitimate, though like I said earlier, it’s still such an easy opt-out with the current system that I don’t view it directly as a problem in this system, with it’s scope being what it is. For now…

(I also view the overreaching of the whole information gathering through social media and whatnot as a necessary step in societal evolution but that’s very offtopic so cba to elaborate)

It’s almost as if the people who cry about politics and free speech don’t really have a principled stance on the matter and are only upset because the decisions don’t cater to their leanings :D.


I’m sorry but this popped in my head when I read that…

I thought about something similar:


Expected clever answer from Puny…elf…

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