Blizzard was right with forced personal loot

Your problem is you are trying to play the game solo, grouping with random people and expecting all loot to be rolled for fairly and squarely.

This is your mistake. Go with friends, guildies or whatever else. Personal loot was personally one of the worst features they added to the game. I want to have full control over loot IN MY OWN groups.

If you feel like loot should be handled in a particular fashion then make your own groups. Do not remove features that force social interactions and force you to communicate and trust other people. It goes against anything an MMO is about.

Personal loot also lead to a ton of other issues, especially in Vanilla. Say I play Hunter, and I want to go for some weird spellpower based arcane shot build to solofarm a particular boss in a dungeon, and I make a group specifically to get this gear. With personal loot I cant, because Blizzard have decided what loot I can get and what I cannot get. It would never work in Vanilla.


From my experience, extremely few GMs and ā€œloot councilsā€ were able to balance their own greed vs what was ā€œfairā€ā€¦

Nepotism ran rampantā€¦


It works, but by God how I miss the excitement of rolling against fellow players.
Personal loot is everything that is good, but it is unbelievably boring

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I am happy with the looting system now.
No more Xxxx guild/player is a ninja looter and raids dispersing before they start because of master looter and lack of trust.

I did get quite angry when guilds were funneling gear to a certain player for a slight upgrade vs being a huge upgrade for myself just because that player was in the guild longer.

Many guilds fell apart because of this issue.


So sharing loot system that is in place at raids? Well that is a shame that same system does not work there. :wink:

I feel like personal loot is perfect for a casual player. The traditional looting system will always feel more rewarding as far as iā€™m concerned and it also provides more control for guilds too as they control who is most deserving of the loot.

I still come from an age where everthing was done via DKP. The regular raiders got first and once they were geared our, the tourist / casual players (which iā€™m now a part of) rolled second.

Removing class sets was infinetley more ridiculous as far as iā€™m concerned :smiley: Though not without logic behind it!

Loot drama is unfortunately still a thing, there are still players who feel entitled to every item that drops because they tend to deal a tad more dps then the average player in the guild or because they are an officer and do ā€œthe extra workā€.

All under the guise of ā€œits for the best of the guildā€. However when they donā€™t get an item assigned they are also the first to cause drama and are standing with one foot out of the guild.

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ā€œLoot council.ā€ Lol! Why should another player be the one deciding what the other player gets!? ā€œRNG God,ā€ Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m not religious so I donā€™t believe in that argument, it was the RNG even before Personal Loot.

Personal loot is great. It is as fair as it can get. But, yes of course it could further be improved! Letā€™s start with erasing this condition which prevents you from giving away an item you loot. Followed by, perhaps, the increase of the number of different items that may drop and then proceeding to the increase of the chance that you loot an item after each boss. Artifact power or whatever the substitute to AP is just not rewarding nor satisfactory.

By removing this ā€œgive awayā€ barrier, you may say, there may be problems like somebody demanding you give something away you donā€™t want to give. A solution?
It is simple! Donā€™t show on chat window or anywhere else what dropped and who looted (got) what. Make it even more personal for each player.


personal loot is necessary.

Donā€™t get me wrong. We have a major problem with the loot system, but personal loot isnā€™t one of those issues.

Here are the issues.

1- Titanforging/warforging/sockets being RNG.
This is one major issue. They should be earned, not by luck, but by effort. Purchasable by a currency or something, instead of this running the same thing 50 times and being disappointed whenever it isnā€™t titanforge.

2- too much gear comes from mythic+. Yea i know people love mythic+, but we gotta admit, it has become the fastest and most reliable source of high end gear in this game. People reach 440ā€™s without touching mythic raid, in a matter of a month or two at most. Take mythic+ away and you see that raiding provides once a week opportunity, pvp AT MOST gives you 2 decent gears per week, and word quests just donā€™t drop anything relevant either. But add mythic+ and you get a chance for 430 with each 10 run, plus a guaranteed 440. They need to tone down the gears from mythic dungeons. Once a week is what it should have been. not 50 times from the same dungeon in mythic, if you spam it enough.

Once mythic+ has a balanced amount of item drop, and the game is back to a balanced number of high tier items, and titanforging isnā€™t there to ruin it anymore, things like pvp vendors, pve vendors with currencies you gain from mythic+ or raiding, can take over and believe me. I doubt that anyone disagrees with currencies you earn from raid and mythic dungeons, replacing the random RNG we have in the game.

i know RNG has been a part of this game for years, but itā€™s kind of time for a replacement. That awe and hype when you get a mysterious item for the first time back when you played classic, is gone. Now you have bis or garbage. Itā€™s time to adapt to how people feel.


They can, oh, believe me, they can. Getting a lot angry when a staff is +5 item levels or has move speed and is considered an upgrade for me so I canā€™t give it to somebody 40 item levels lower on weapon. And frustrated too, both of us.

Yes, but at least people get angry at the game itself, and not each other. In a way, Blizzard re-directed a lot of rage and frustration from fellow players to themselves. How heroic lol.


Iā€™d be happy if they didnā€™t lock the possibility to trade something thatā€™s an ilvl upgrade, other than that I like having personal loot everywhere. Feels much better than rolling for everything and while I donā€™t think the guild Iā€™m in would go jerk mode with ML, I saw it enough times to decide that if it ever came back and if I couldnā€™t find a group (if anything happened to the guild) that wouldnā€™t be using it in raids, Iā€™d probably jump over to one of the games I play on side that donā€™t use this system. Sucking up to leaders to get a change of getting any loot isnā€™t my idea of fun.

We can still give away the gear we donā€™t need or want for ourselves in most cases (in the guild raids we use an addon to determine who needs it and it works very well for us, everyone gets geared up), but Iā€™d just remove the ā€œhigher ilvl isnā€™t tradeableā€ thingy. If people want to trade something, just let them.

They can of course. But there is a difference between getting angry at a programed system and John A who was the master looter. You can ā€œdamnā€ the computer, but it wonā€™t cause any more drama.


And the drama bomb gets lit. :rofl:

You raid heroic, calm down big man.
The post literally says that they experienced ML in classic.


You didnā€™t read the post at all did you :frowning:

WTF was wrong with need/greed?

well over the years the need to be social got taken out and with all the crossrealm stuff with people you wouldnt see anymore it caused problems

during tbc people rolled on what they needed and otherwise greed. butaround mop/cata more and more people just started to roll need for any piece of equipment they could equip wether they needed it or not. some people just needed every single item anyway even for example priests needing 2 handed axes or plate. because of the big increase of those scumbags they eventually implemented personal loot. Now those greedy scumbags just use add ons to beg people for items less than a second after a person loots it

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What if:
When a guild has progressed through normal and heroic, they gain the ability to use master loot in a guild group for mythic difficulty.
ML will only be available on mythic difficulty, and will automatically disable as soon as there are no longer enough players from the guild in the raid to make it a guild group.
Iā€™m not entirely sure if itā€™s possible to kick people during boss fights, but if so then this should be changed to facilitate loot rule changing automatically.

Benefits of optimized personal loot (modified from itā€™s current state).

:+1: Your loot is your loot. You are free to give it away but are in no way, shape or form obligated to do so.
:+1: Fair chance for everyone to receive loot regardless of skill level, attendance, status or external scores (IO score example).
:+1: No restrictions on loot trading.
:+1: Bad luck protection, force the hand of fate in the favor of the player, guarantees that the player receives an upgraded piece of loot if the same boss was killed and did not drop loot 2 times in a row, or if a player completed 3 m+ runs without loot, the dropped piece of gear will ALWAYS be the one corresponding to the playerā€™s current lowest item level item (deleted and or removed gear is also counted).
:+1: Emphasis on ā€œIā€ rather than ā€œTeamā€ is correct. For any reason whatsoever, at any given point in time whatsoever you can be removed from any team without any reason or explanation needing to be given, this system makes sure that your dedication does not go to waste.

People can see this however way they want and share their opinion, itā€™s fine, but I believe this is the most neutral way of giving someone loot. Absolutely no favouritism, fail-safe system in case of bad RNG also active. Virtually no room for exploitation. If you would want to force for example a weapon upgrade by deleting your wep and using a low ilvl one (example) it wouldnā€™t work, as it would check every item you ever deleted (exactly like the item restoration system does) and base itself upon those results as well.

or just let ppl choose lol,most pugs will stick with personal loot anyway because of wf/tf so whats the point in taking choice from us?