Blizzard: We are bringing back totems in SL

Enough to cover my binds.

I see. My bad then. Enhancement seems to be looking fine from what I can see here, so I am happy.

It’s a return to Pre-Legion Enhancement, the best enhancement.


Can people stop reacting to whatever class/faction/race someone uses to post on the forums? It doesn’t matter! Someone can post on a Horde character and be an Alliance main and vice versa.
Someone can post on a shaman and main a warlock! Or they might not even have a main but just play a lot of characters!
No one’s opinion is any more or less valid based on what character they are posting on!
We should all post on faction-neutral pandaren!

Sorry, pet peeve of mine when people basically respond with “Your argument is invalid because you’re posting as an X”


stares her shaman on other screen I do not see elemental shaman too ‘bouncy’ on spells actively used in combat, but that’s me. Most of my shaman career I have healed (my favourite era was the lightingbolt-damage-healing build… cataclysm era ?), so I am not pretending to be shaman expert, but I feel my current shaman does not have too many binds.

But hey, as long as shaman players are happy, who am i to judge :slight_smile:

Tehehe, I feel it being funnier since I post on l110 horde character, whereas I am really a dual-class maining (thats kind of weird how I came to that nonsense, where raiding character and ‘main’ are not the same) Alliance with night elf fetish.

Forum avatars can be deceiving.

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I don’t play Elemental.

From what i’ve gathered SL we’ll have (baseline)

Earthbind Totem
Healing Stream Totem
Searing Totem
Capacitor Totem
Tremor Totem

and in talents/spec specific:

Cloudburst Totem
Healing Tide Totem
Spirit Link Totem
Stoneskin Totem (I think that’s what it’s called? The one that absorbs dmg from each attack up to a certain amount)
Ancestral Rebirth Totem (The reincarnation one not sure I have the name right here)
Grounding Totem (PvP)
Totem of Wrath (PvP i think that’s the name, the crit% dmg/heal modifer one)

What we won’t have “back” are

Cleansing Totems (Disease and Poison)
Windwall Totem
Old Stoneskin Totem
Grace of Air and Strength of Earth
Resistance Totems
Sentry Totem
Weapon Buff Totems
Magma Totem
Fire Nova Totem

So seems to me they’re largely avoiding adding the “place for a buff” totems, that were simply things you clicked without much mind to situation, it was just a button to press for the sake of it. Exceptions to this rule are Magma and Fire Nova Totems.

I will admit I miss the thematic of placing totems for buffs, but i’m not massively upset that I won’t be getting them back. Having to press X button every single combat pack just to get your buffs up when over classes have theirs on a 1 hour duration that sticks to players was a bit annoying. I’d rather totems are largely situational but somewhat remarkable abilities (Like Grounding, Tremor) rather than something you place to min-max but you don’t really notice if it’s been destroyed until you see the buff icon is gone.

A lot of the old totems could be reinvented to satisfy this purpose like the talented Stoneskin (still unsure on the name) is. For example make Strength of Earth totem a moderate duration AP buff for the group (say lasts 25 secs, 1 min cd) s it’s less “place on cooldown” and there’s a bit of thoguht behind when to use it, but at the same time it’s cooldown makes usuable on the regular.

Combine this with the “element restrictions” philosophy if enough are brought back. So you can go back to having only 1 of each element active at once. Or, if that’s too unfair, rework it so if another totem of the same element is active, the effects of all totems of that element are divided by the number of totems. E.g.

Earthbind - Slow by 50%
New SoE - Increases group’s Strength and Agility by 10% for 25 secs.

If both are active at the same time, the slow is now 25% and the Str/Agi buff is 5%, etc.

A possible way of “bringing totems back” without making them simply filler buffs, but also the flavour of the “elemental restrictions” (numbers are just for example, they could be changed to whatever is balanced)

Nor did I, but BfA enha made me feel ‘meh’. I always prioritise melee in this game - I like melee gamestyle. So on hybrids with options (druid, shaman) I always go 1st melee. And BfA melee shaman just did not speak to me.

And me, healing… well yeah - you dont want to see that.

We are all different. I’m quite happy with the amount of spells i have as resto, but i suck at keybinds and dont want too many for my fingers to fiddle with. I would however manage fine with a totem bar where i could place 4 totems at once. Having to use 4 gcd to place totems sounds like a nightmare. But like i also mentioned, i’m not too fuzzed about getting more totems either, i still feel totems are a part of the resto shammies at least.

Enhancement was dreadful at the start of BFA.

Feels way better now with gooder gear.

Ironic, since at the start of BfA it was much better in PvP than it is now at the end, due to its healing being cut in half. Now it’s at least more viable with good corruptions, since you can just burst someone down before you die.

Was expecting more too, it was the support/support DPS aspect that got me into Shaman back in WoTLK.

I’m fairly certain I can clean up my bars a bit to fill some of with the new abilities, but the main issue is that with our “toolkit” we do not have any meaningful utility bar Wind Rush totem.

Tremor works on only 50% of the things it supposed to remove and is on the GCD, we have one boss every raid tier that it works on most of the time (every two raid tiers if you raid Mythic like I do). They’d need to take it off the GCD, make it work on every single bloody fear and charm, I am tired of the inconsistencies this thing has.
Earthbind can be useful in Mythic+ and maybe a raid boss or two /expansion.
Capacitor totem is one of the weakest AOE stuns around, but I guess it is good to have around.

Half the abilities I’m getting back in SL with Resto are going to be useless, Primal strike? like really?
Lightning shield might see some very niche use in PvP and maybe solo leveling and that is about it. Same really with flametongue weapon.
Earth shield will be nice, but it will be obviously undertuned with the Talent that comes with it.

Searing totem is buggy and pulls the whole world, now it will also be calculated into shaman DPS. Frost shock is a welcome change if it has no cooldown on it.

It would have been nice if we get back some actual meaningful utility instead of abilities for the sake of it. I’d gladly trade my currently dreadful chain lightning to have grounding totem again with the spell reflect effect, that was actually a fun and meaningful utility to have.
Skyfury would be a great buff totem if it would be toned back and put a bigger CD on it for PvE.

I wish they brought them as short term cooldowns to use in raids.

For example the old ele crit totem. Make it a 10% crit buff on a 15 sec duration with 4 minute cooldown.

The melee haste totem, same.

Rework old mana tide totem to have spells restore 50% of mana on the same short duration.

I mean, come on blizzard if I can come up with these ideas while on a poo break, I’m sure tens or hundreds of designers can come up with better ideas.

I disagree, not without fire nova.

A return, not a FULL return.

Totems should be back entirely IMO. That includes even buff totems. It is not that big deal to press it if they gave us 4totems skills back.

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I would like to see this return. After playing Classic, I really miss being able to properly cleanse poisons and diseases.

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I prefer the current dispel model atm. In classic if you’re a class that relies on a debuff and against one who can dispel it, it’s basically written off. Low mana cost instant no cooldown cleansing is not the way forward.
Shaman similarly, having a totem do it for you automatically (in addition to having a no CD cleanse of either affliction) just takes the nuance out of dispelling. It changes dispels into a “difficult situation” (you can’t cure X) or “completely trivial” (you can dispel X and you can dispel it on everyone within a few secs). Very black and white binary.

The current model makes you weigh up who to dispel, making dispelling a bit more nuanced. It also means the fact a class can dispel your debuffs in PvP doesn’t completely gimp you. It’s not perfect however, there is huge disparity in debuffing usefulness between types other than magic. I also wouldn’t mind if the cd was reduced to say 5 sec (or reduced by haste) but having no cooldown whatsoever i’m not a fan of, nor auto-cleansing (totems, abolish disease and poison)

I don’t disagree. But having once been able to remove poisons and now being completely unable to feels bad to me.

Yeah shaman got wrecked I’ll agree

Cleansing poison and disease to cleansing magic and curses (yuck)

I mean cleansing magic is awesome and useful, but disease and poison are very useful too, curses are too infrequent to be on the same level of usefulness.

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