Injecting any rating on mmr won’t change a thing
MMR is based off the activity of the ladder
Currently no one plays
If you give us even 300 points of mmr, making 2.3cr obtainable much more easely, you might make people queue for a bit but once they get their elite they will go back to one of your 5 different wow classic version
MMR is a good system, it is NOT broken, it’s working as intended
That’s why you gotta change that
Make mmr locked at 3.4 for every season
Why ?
Because I’m tired of thinking that I will never beat my 2.7cr from SL only for the fact that no one is playing, not only because of the mmr, but because of how poorly you balance the game.
What does cr mean ? nothing, what means is your position on the ladder
2.4 in sl in 2v2 : top 3000 at LEAST
2.4 in DF : top 100
Locking mmr at 3.4 will :
Make a bunch of people spam queues
Encourage them to beat their season 2 SL records ( lol sorry )
Inflate the ladder automatically so that r1 gets somewhere near 3.8 every season, and more why not !
Ofc with this kind of changes you should make gladiator mount % based back
(Don’t you find that funny that it is harder to make gladiator with this system than before in DF ? )
Let people get their enchant at 2.4 cr if 2.1 is too easy, do not change tmogs, casuals should be able to get it without too much efforts, but enchants and tabard, and gladiator mounts will be given to those who are really implied in pvp
As a discipline I am 2450cr in 2s, and I just CANNOT queue
I had a friend who sent me a picture, he was 2.3 mmr and faced 1.8 ! ( It was 6 am, but you need to realize that it means that, in the whole EU, no one was playing at mmr from 2.3 to 2.4 all the way down to 1.9 )
Fix the game blizzard, we are paying monthly, even more than classic users since we bought the expansion for at least 30 e ( i think ? )
Yet you give ten times, heck, 100 times more communication for classic community, this is not fair, not professional and profoundly disrespectful for us
You don’t want to balance the classes because you are incompetant ? Fine
At least make mmr changes accordingly to the ladder behaviour.