Blizzard why do you keep ignoring reports about FULL premades in epic bgs?

hard to achive fairness on gear, when people want to also feel accomplished, i don’t see how it can happen

u either satisfy grinders
or u satisfy the ones that want the game to feel equal

i think there shouldn’t be a MASSIVE diference in IL from fresh to top, but gear should still somehow impact the game, it cannot be gearless, because changing stats, getting different builds all that matters, gearing is also fairly easy… im never touching my alts, my evoker has like 1 day of DF and he is full conquest… so its dfeintely not that hard…

I mean as a non-pvp player it’s a bit weird to make such a statement.

You could learn PvP. Just one option imo.

Was tried in Legion (was horribly boring and people quit) and in BFA where it was an absolutely buggy mess.

you are just wrong.
We are the best premade that has ever existed. Tell me someone who will win against us? Ive played in pretty much every group and no one has played big BGs at that level.
You, on the other hand, are just a bunch of randoms with bad gear.
What are you talking about tactics? You play against randoms. We dont even need tactics against you because we are absolutely superior to you.
Stop dodging. Ah yeah sure u can only fight randoms

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forbidden by whom?
My accusation is the truth, Larkus had it on record, and even had to delete his Twitch for the whole evening to avoid reports.
You organise your community the way you want, but then don’t come and act as it’s legit. You started it by stealing members from Fado’s community, seducing them behind Fado’s back with alluring words. If your community was started picking up randoms, it would be legit.
I didn’t cry when Iksy kicked me out after insulting me (and Rezal behind his back), I asked for an explanation about his behaviour. I didn’t care much about your community, as I said, it was only a 3rd option. But even that I had closed and moved on until Iksy came on Larkus’ video stream for the sole purpose of insulting Fado. All were trying to appease tensions between communities (as in, with yours, as there were no tensions between the others) and Iksy barged in and started a war.

we’s who? I was just standing there one day waiting for a bg when Iksy started to insult Rezal for queueing. When I confronted him, he started to insult me, and kicked me out of the community. My (then nerfed) surva dps was later used as an excuse for the kick.

I believe there should be an option, when a bg is unbalanced, similar to (I’ve seen in other games) Shuffle teams by XP. (or by gear, rating or whatever). This would restart the bg with balanced teams, randomly shuffled so the overall effectiveness is balanced. Of course the losing team would start that a lot so it needs e.g. 80% vote (from both teams) to pass. This way, randoms on a team with a premade can shuffle it if even they don’t enjoy the game.

Nuashoa, yes, Pandora’s is a very good premade, crushing randoms as in they don’t stand a chance. Congratz. Now go read what other players think about you, just higher in this thread. There’s such a thing as playing well and there’s such a thing as anti-game practices.

I play rbg, solo, randoms, whatever. I happily help out randoms with one group or just by myself. It makes for a challenge and the opposing team might enjoy it. Wth Pandora’s premade however the opposing team leaves bg by groups of 20 and are replaced by newjoiners who don’t have a clue what’s going on. You guys must feel so empowered.

I remember a discussion in the lines of Pandora saying “we steamroll the Horde - if you want to struggle join another premade”. That’s the bottom line. I like premade, to play in them or to lead them, but I don’t like too easy, I like a challenge. Rezal’s premade was a blessing two years ago coz Alliance was always losing and this gave us a chance - we still had to play right or the Horde would still win. There’s the whole spectrum and each premade is somewhere in between - except for Pandora’s, which, as I mentioned, was started by backstabbing Fado’s community by recruiting top players behind Fado and Nepha’s backs.

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first of all fado started the war.
It was just a reaction to fado talking bs behind other people backs. The whole thing live on twitch.
What are you talking about?
We have no choice because all of your crazy tactic people are dodging us. You leave every game against us.
We just play the game and dont boost.
Why should we play with people who afk and have 0 gear?
And this talk about stealing people is also a joke.
Why should anyone good play with randoms like you?
Even without the people who have played somewhere else, we are absolutely superior to you.
Que kids que and get stomped.
what pathetic premades who wear green gear and cant play their classes

Again false accusations.
You were on our Discord server, on voice with us, when people SAID that they asked me if they could join my Community; these are COMMUNITIES, not Guilds, people are allowed to join MULTIPLE Communities and play with multiple members and leaders if they want. I have the same requirements for every player who asks me to join TSotH; so I invited some and I declined some.
And again, you HEARD people on voice say how they got into my Community, so the fact that you still accuse me of “stealing members” is not only silly, but also the proof that you’re salty. (if I recall correctly you called the other leader salty for reacting the way he did, supporting people wanting to join multiple communities, it should not be a problem you said, people are free you said…)
Also, the boring thing about us not being allowed to have requirements and invite in our Community only geared/experienced people and therefore “winning easily”.
Don’t the other Communities do the same?
An organised group of people, with a leader, on voice, against randoms.
The fact that we are better players or more experienced players does not remove the fact that you guys STOMP randoms with the other Communities too (maybe sometimes you lose, but oh well).
You decide to come here on the forums and cry only because finally there is a Community that destroys yours; after years of having the complete bracket in your hands. And it’s sad and hypocritical.
Also, one more thing about this topic - building a WAY smaller Community, based on requirements is harder than doing what the other leaders do; it takes more effort, more time, more dedication, we became a family over time, we all know each other and our roles; this was always the goal. We never wanted 18 Communities with 999 members each, where any name is unknown, invisible.
Also - we DON’T DODGE anyone, EVER. Even if we enter a Bg in 8 or in 5, we still try to win the game. Whilst the other leaders leave at the sign of ANY OF US, even when we are ALONE.
And last topic - my officer warrior topic. You need to stop accusing people of racism on the forums, like I said NAMING AND SHAMING IS FORBIDDEN.
I joined that Discord server that day because the leader was streaming while playing with the other leader - and I heard some false accusations that I had to clarify.
We are tired of these butt-hurt tears and salty comments because you guys finally lose Epics too, consistently if you’re matched against us.
And we felt the need to defend our members since you non stop accuse us; there is no racism.
If he was racist then you threatened my life and his life with that screenshot you posted of us hanging on a tree branch.
Move on, lose your Bgs in peace, stop spreading false accusations and fix your damn rotation and mog.

tbh, i don’t think a veto to restart the bg would work, they need to find a way for bg to be more pleasurable to finish, punishing leavers doesn’t seem to work too, deserter is ancient history, nobody cares about deserter, rewarding people for finishing a bg might be better than punishing a leaver

still, for the imbalance in bgs, idk how you could fix that, tonight half enemy team quit at the first fight because when the bg started they were down 3 players, and they got crushed pretty quickly… i wouldn’t know how to “fix that” personally i usually leave only when i see seething shore loading screen

Can we please see a Premade vs Premade? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Wow, entitled much?

Drama in the “professional” epic bg community is what this thread needs :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Increase deserteur to 1 day and it only gets less when youre logged in.
But then we wouldnt see Ballistix and his friends anymore


drama I only see dogs barking while they run away

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58% win rate in RBGs is nothing to write home about yet you talk like you’re god’s gift to PvP. Carried more like.

Is that to me? I did not play rated seriously since SL my friend.
It’s great to hit the rated button when lacking other topics, shows great intelligence.

deserter every q dodge that scales up

problem solved.

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No it was not directed at you if you must know. It was for a certain someone else claiming to be the bestest ever at PvP.

What’s your highest experience in rated then?

Around 1700 as I have the title for that rank (Blood Guard I think?), but that is irrelevant because I have never claimed to be any good at PvP unlike some others around here.