Blizzard, why the hell did you screw up Echo?

They went to 49.5% just to realize that Silvana is not dead. You didn’t even say it’s not gonna be 50%. Are you doing it to give another win to Limit due to reset?

To all comments from BOTs and haters, there is no official information from Blizzard about changes in Silvana’s health in any patch the numbers were data mined and are not official.

Simply Blizzard managed to screw up Echo and give the race to Limit. It was a sneaky backstab.


Honestly very sad… Echo was clearly pushing harder this time.

If Limit is doing it due to reset I’ll just skip on watching this fiesta lol.


The week is not over.
The 50% was an assumption no one knew that was the number to hit or not.


She dies at 45% on Mythic, and the change happened on July 8th, it was in the data. They never share encounter details, and she getting defeated at 50% even on Mythic has been a suspicion to begin with.

It does suck, yes, because with the earlier reset, this pretty much means Limit can bag the kill, unless their re-clear is botched, which it won’t be.


Blizzard now even screwing up the top 0,1% sums up Shadowlands pretty good.


She dies at 50 on any difficulty and that’s how it must be what the f… It’s the mechanic that determines Mythic not the % at which boss dies!

Someone wasn’t there for previous encounters that changed % for mythic difficulty. Where this happened to Limit. :3

People that foam at the mouth watching these world first raids are something else, tbh.


And that’s wrong Pickpawkit, very very wrong.

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didn’t they supposedly data mine 45%?

Isn’t it Blizzard who has to announce it? Not to screw the race

yeah which makes the boss fight very likely impossible to kill this week since squeezing out an extra 5% on Sylvanas is like squeezing out an extra 10-12% on a regular mythic boss due to how her hp works.

It cannot be done this lockout which means that whoever gets there first after the reset with better gear will get the kill.


They don’t have to announce anything, the ‘event’ isn’t even an official event from Blizzard.


I have the feeling Blizzard just wants to kill everything wow-related: they are killing the game (obviously), there is a mass exodus and now they will be killing the RWF instead of improving it.


It’s so funny to see people upset over this

No, they didn’t deserve the kill, the boss didn’t die

If it dies at 45%, it dies at 45%, simple as that


I will skip the race now… It’s a huge advantage to get a kill due to reset… What a shame


Who cares about that 0,1% shoud fix the game for the rest 99.9% instead.


You have absolutely no idea… It’s not a race if the boss is tuned to only be killable with a day of reset in advance. Why EU still bothers to take part of the race is not clear to me at all.


Why must it be?
Past encounters have had mythic only phases and things that completly changes how you do the fight.
This is the first time a boss dies before execute phase.

There is even a cinematic trigger on mythic at 45% and 50% on normal and heroic that wowhead had found at least a day or two ago.
That does not mean that is the trigger they used but it does seems like it is right now.

Could literally all play on US servers, nothings stopping them.

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Latency… So again you have no clue about technical stuff right?