Blizzard's Timewalking badge nerf

Thoughts on this?

Personally i think this is just bad. Especially for new players coming in. I will never understand the logic behind on creating artificial scarcity. If people really want to farm then let them instead going backwards with this.

Developer’s note for me is not justifiable at all this more meant for players to stay engaged for the metrics to show that Q4 is active with players.


I don’t understand how reducing the amount of badges alts receive is beneficial in any way. The developers’ note explaining it doesn’t make much sense either.


I agree with it.
It at least discourages some unhealthy behaviour. Having an army of alts should not be treated as the norm.


i think they dont want that thing where people have more badges then things to buy but that is on the player.

as for that i think it will just make the people with unhealthy behaviour like that double down and use even more alts to go against the change


I have no feelings about it tbh, I barely take part in TW events and I don’t spend the badges I currently have either.

I’m not seeing the logic in this, all the rewards are account bound so you stand to gain nothing by being able to transfer currency. In the past when I cared about TW currency I just planned to buy certain items on certain chars and let them collect until they could purchase.

Nerfing it doesn’t seem to make sense because it’s not like you stand to gain anything you couldn’t do before.

That’s when they should have a way to dump those extra redundant badges into something “useful”; Either direct gold, or a token for renown, or crafting materials, etc.

This change simply extends the grind for whoever hasn’t finished it.

The nerf doesn’t really matter since it’s essentially uncapped instead of the 1000 per character before warbound.

Even if you’re a new player, you’re not in that mindset of wanting more alts to do everything you can to get the things you want. A new player will mostly focus on their one char and that char still get the full 1000. If they have an alt and decide to either level or do the quest, they can still send the excess badges to their main.

The amount you get is still way greater than it was before being able to transfer. Sure, you could no life the BC event and have a ton of badges over after buying every item on day one. But that’s that. Day one vs 2-3 weeks into the event and with even more alts. Badges doesn’t even buy you anything that can increase your powerlevel.

Great, people that don’t play alts, just like the Fishing Derby, get screwed over…

what 1000 cap ?

Of timewarped badges. You can still “farm” them but the amount is so small for the time invested that its not worth it at this point.

I have te majority of rewards but i still cant understand such changes.

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Sounds to me they are nerfing it to stop people stock piling for when the anniversary patch comes in. Maybe I am being cynical.

Before currency transfer I had somewhere about 40k tw badges on 20+ characters - meaning any character couldn’t really buy anything useful (I mostly use them to upgrade heirlooms), but gathering all of these on one character and suddenly I could actually buy something.

Add to this that it seems tw badges are going to be currency for the anniversary event, I can definitely see why they’re nerfing it. I can dislike it (I do), but I can see why they’re doing it.

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This the new currency? or old one as the old one i still have over 100K to spend

Such BS. They should give it back, as a returning player i will have zero shot to get the next mount at this point…

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The old one. The new one for the anniversary is called Bronze Celebration Token and is only during the 20th anniversary event.

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thank you very much for help

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It makes perfect sense and you know it. They could have nerfed it much more than they did.

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I also didn’t like the fishing derby change. Why can’t it be more like this, first character gets proper reward and the alts get less.