Blizzard's Timewalking badge nerf

No it is not in any way beneficial to anyone unless you consider that someone being required to spend twice the time to farm an item after October 8th than the time you took to farm the same item prior to October 9th is a “benefit” to you.

With 70k already farmed I guess I am safe that I can buy all the upcoming TW rewards but I do not in any benefit from the fact that returning players will have a much harder time getting these items than I did.

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I’ve well over 100k of them already so I doubt it’ll impact me much

It dosen’t make sense. The system worked fine all this time, there’s a saying if it aint broke dont fix it. Clearly this change was to fulfill some devs quota for the month in order not to get fired.

I have around 48 alts without the change i could have collected 24000 badges just by taking my alts through the TW dungeons.

With the change 1(500 first run) + 47 (200) it’s total off 9900

Now i’ll be realistic on this max id run is 10 dungeons so 10 alts with the change now i earn 2900 TW badges Without the change i would have earned 5000 and that would have been enough for those expensive mounts.

With this change we are forced to run two times more making the grind more tedious as it demotivates players, this literally does not respect players time anymore, the developers notes is just not justifiable at all.


Beneficial? Of course not. But it still makes sense. We can not like it, but you can’t honestly say it doesn’t make sense and that you didn’t see it coming

Blizzard decided to implement Warbands.
Blizzard decided that TW badges would be one of the currencies of WB
Blizzard decided that the transfer of WB would have no transfer fee

And then they somehow blame the players and decide to punish anyone running a TW dungeon on more than 1 character ?

I was very happy with the old system, didn’t need the transfer system which only provides minor convenience.

I would definitely and gladly be in favor of getting the 500 per alt reward back and lose the transferability or have a 60% penalty on transfer.

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Just bad and insulting to peoples time.


Honestly a little PO’d about this. I’ve never had more than 500 tokens and suddenly it gets nefed for my alts all because some veteran players hoard theirs.

Hey Blizzard, what’s that about valuing alts and valuing player time? Oh yeah! You lied. Again.


How about lower prices as well? Blizzard is keen on ruining its own finest game

They were never account wide before.

You don’t get the point.

The system was working fine before without any issues. The Player collected badges, purchased rep tokens, and sent them to alts. But now the grind has become more tedious than ever before.

Another thing when it was September 18th we had TBC timewalking active and turning that time the badge gains were 500 per alt still for a dungeon and you could trade them between alts without any issues.

There were no issues the “no fun police” hadn’t arrived. But as soon as the wotlk timewalking was close they announced the update the day before the reset just to hinder the gains.

AGAIN the system was fine before, if people want to farm let them rather than pushing for artificial scarcity.

We had a stable gain now you do 20x more grind for less pay just to get something you want. Smh

This doesn’t respect the player’s time anymore it’s just a big L.
I will never understand blizzards policy on touching things when everything works fine.


You never mentioned rep tokens. However with tabards it’s really easy in Wrath and Cata.

Whilst i share the feeling you do, i do not blame the players as i feel its a blizzard issue not updating vendors enough and the event itself.

By now they should have added a MoP, WoD, and Legion raids and updated there vendors as well. Also BFA should be here by now with more new pets and mounts and cosmetics to buy.

This change is silly and affects new players and returning one’s no need for it to be done tbh also , they removed the “classic” PVP rep tokens from the vendors as well so that is annoying.

So yeah all on blizzard not players hording :slight_smile:


Ah yes. Someone said to me that this nerf made it so, so much worse for them. They could get 20 rep tokens before. Now with this change, they can only get…wait for it…18! A whole 2 missing. Laughable first world problems.

Its affects new players and returning ever so slighty. I think people don’t know what they mean when they say “this will affect this and that” and not explaining why instead of “not respecting time” or “more tedious”. Unless Blizzard makes the badges matter for something that isn’t cosmetics, getting tons of badges within a smaller timeframe than farming loads of them on multiple characters for months is way better. Getting what you want much faster. Blizzard is not encouraging players to play with alts. Use it.
The pvp tokens shouldn’t have been on the vendor to begin with. Want pvp stuff? Go do pvp.

It was just rep nothing to do with gear or anything and the did it for other expac’s, also no need for you to be so aggressive in tone at all it is just a game nothing be be wound up about at all.

I wouldnt call it a small change as you put it like Kiz explained above.

I have many alts, and have been using the anniversary event as an easy way of getting Timewalking rewards. Some of the content is trivial, so I was geting a big chunk of badges by simply doing the bare minimum on a dozen alts each year. I’m 220 badges short of completing the TW mount set (inc. the new one coming later in the month) and have never touched a TW dungeon.

That pathway has now been effectively removed. Getting TW badges from the anniversary event will mean running lots of content and buying them with the new currency at a much lower rate than previously possible. To be honest, I’m not complaining and think I’ve been lucky to get away with it for so long. Good TW rewards should come from TW dungeons and Anniversary rewards should be a seperate thing.

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I don’t understand why they needed to do this, they are just cosmetic items it doesn’t hurt anyone else if I farmed them quicker because I had more alts.
And the point people make that them being transferable now makes little difference is a valid one, all the items are account wide you just needed to wait a little longer to build up 5k on a character if you needed to to buy a mount or any other costly item.

For me personally this is the worst change they have made in the expansion so far and I really hope there is enough push back that they revert it.


It’s still pvp things. The rep would’ve given you pvp only titles and tabards.

That would still be 500 on each character if we’re talking before the warband. Not during the specific one week of TBC which i saw a ton of people glossed over the though of transferring badges.
Almost 10k TW that you can funnel all to one single character with the warbands is still better than having 500 on 48 separate characters.

And you still missed out they didnt remove for other expac’s but ok i see you like to be right and be aggersive for no reason im just going to mute you from now on.

I don’t like the change, but it doesn’t upset me either. (Referring to the Badge-nerf, I don’t care about the pvp reputation)

Also, if they feel like people buy stuff too fast, then they can just add more expensive things to the vendors, what’s the issue. The trading post is a fail anyway, because it just ends up being a monthly login reward without any gameplay attached to it, so might as well move Trading Post rewards to timewalking vendors.

Didn’t remove other expacs? My god don’t be such a child.