Block certain names of being used

Hello Blizzard/community,

Can we get a ban on certain names or add to your very incomplete list of things you block. Today was the second time I encountered someone from a German server with a name after a concentration camp (Dachou). No special characters used to go around it just straight up the name. And this is just a fraction of the example I would like to use. I use the LFG tool quite a bit as a healer so people sign up. I have seen a lot of names pass by of which I think wow that isn’t block really…
Anyway a bit weird that my example isn’t already blocked but can you take action please it is really far over the line.

Also I don’t mean to be harsh on this but 3 of my friends no longer want to play the game after having several run ins with German players. One was technically on one of your other games (OW2) and just doesn’t want anything to do with Blizzard in general anymore.

Please get some quality control/testing in place for this because it seems like there is barely anything else then a report for name right click button. Which seems as very little for players you clearly do not want running around pushing their ideas in your game.

This kind of signaling might not be spotted by players of different backgrounds however it serves them as a signaling and to hurt the ones that understand the meaning. This brings me mostly to our German players. You guys have to see this, are you actually reporting? If not why not? I mean come on man in 2024 really. I don’t even speak German I can filter them out so I am very sure someone speaking it could.

I am not easily impressed by what people saying online or of the opinion that everything should be sugar coated and blocked/filtered. But come on that 1940 stuff on WoW is just sad man it really is. Nothing but bad intentions of the players that do this.

I also urge you to consider something else than simply “you used a bad name go change it”. It is simply not sufficient punishment.

Kind regards,


If you find it offensive you may report it and a GM may review the name.
For it to land on the Blizzard name block list it may have to pass certain internal criteria, but as you see:

They may still try something silly as this, with the actual forbidden names I sometimes see going around.


Several names also blocked for no reason as well, thats what i never understand.

No they’ll be blocked for a reason

I use that name in diablo 4, also my battletag, yet in wow i cant use it. Strange indeed.

It’s Dachau not Dachou.


I can’t use my battle tag name as character name in wow, even though there’s nothing offensive about it. Yet I see rude names in game from time to time, Blizzard’s banned name list is very weird.

Dachou also means Ostrich in Japanese.


Multiple languages have words that mean something on another language lol, that Sika named npc in shadowlands literally translates to “pig” on my native in Finnish which is funny as the npc is an owl or some of the sort.


I still find it silly that king is a restricted name but queen isn’t.


For real? Thats stupid.


I wonder what about Prince, would definitely reserve one for Warlock :smile:

That’s actually because of the company “King” that was part of ABK. Activision is also not allowed as a name

I though that thing was so cute i wanted to name one of my characters after it.


Its Dachau and its a placename in Germany. Maybe you need to take a break from the internet if placenames make you write a tldr like this. Would “Katy” be also denied to secure your insensitivies?


Lol the name Sika on an owl humored me quite through shadowlands, I was so confused at first why Im seeing Finnish and why its an owl named pig :smile:

It is spelled katyn. Not katy.

Katyn was a mass execution event perpetrated by the russians on 20.000 polish officers they captured during their invasion in the opening days of ww2.

The allies were so embarrassed by this they ordred it to be buried and not talked about. We cant have the allies supported mass murderers, can we.

Merely mentioning the russians here is enough to get this tread locked as blizzars wants nothing to do with hurting the feelings of those who pay them money. Kind of like what the USA did theo the public over there. Dont tell anybody since we need their help getting rid of the germans.


Words mean different thing in different places.

As I mentioned in a thread a few weeks back, skitters mean diarrhea where I live yet it’s commonly used in the game.

Same with slag. That’s a very unpleasant name for a woman who sleeps around here but is used commonly in the game

The other thread had plenty of other examples.

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I don’t know why you find this name offensive?

First the name of the concentration camp is Dachau not Dachou.
Second, there is a town in Germany called Dachau (it is near the area where the concentration camp was located). There is a district called Dachau where the town is the capital. There are vehicles with “Dachau” license plates there (I know that because I traveled to Germany several times for work and the company I was working with is located in the Dachau district). There are several thousand people living in that area.

We are having problems with the atrocities committed in the camp. The problem was NOT the name.


List should be updated. Word bikini is also inappropriate but it’s used all the time.
edit: i mean, used in a inappropriate way.