Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

Yes we did. And no its not one of those thing i claim happended that never did cause unlike you i dont write garbage. And unlike you i been sticking to lore the whole time while you have never ones backed up the garbage you write

Stop trying to argue with him. It is pointless.

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ofcourse it pointless for him to argue against me when all he respond with is lies that is proven wrong by the lore

Ther eis no lore proving anything for you. You are just a maniac with a psychotic anti bloodelf flex. Go outside instead of harassing people on the forums.

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*cough *
Same could be said about a certain maniac with a psychotic anti High elf flex.
Go outside instead of harassing people on the forums.

Not until high elves are deleted. Alliance never deserved the thalassian elf model. It is wasted on you.

It was wasted on the Horde actually
Elves should be 1, rule the world 2, intependent

The Nightborne and Blood elves will stand together as united people against any alliance bias and agression. Your bias has no power here. Bal’a dash.

I’m not sure the Shal’dorei would ever consider a Sin’dorei or Quel’dorei equal and united…
Elisande’s not that kind words somewhat reflects the whole Suramarian nobility
And whats happened? The Magistrix died… but the noble houses are remained, even the House Duskmere, that embraced the Fel and their close allies, the House Stelleris…
Suramar not really changed; I think they see the rest of the elves like their Magistrix described them
I wouldn’t trust the Shal’dorei… they have a habit to turn their back on others
Don’t forget, Suramar and the Nighthold is the only Horde racial “capital” with 0 acces and not even a Blood Elf could visit them in their Ivory Tower… while Silvermoon is full of undead and Trolls and orcs, you know, the enemies of the Elven people…
I wonder why…? :thinking:

Humans are the biggest enemies of elven people. Stop being delusional.

Usefull tools, maybe
Not enemies like a world threatening undead menace, or invading green-from-demon blood aliens on the leash of the Legion or you know, Trolls, who tried to retake what was theirs what was ours for generations… :thinking:

The Horde stood by our side when we were at our lowest and even helped us to get rid of our nemesis(The Amani and Zul’jin). All what the humans care about is world domination and being mean to non human races. They are not to be trusted, and neither should you. Pathetic. spits

We sure are

How many son and daughter of Quel’Thalas need to die “For the Horde” before you relise your are wrong?

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I am never wrong. Blood elves fit perfectly in the Horde, you are just too biased for the alliance to see that.

How many? :drop_of_blood:

All of them. Lok’tar! For Quel’thalas! And for the Horde!

I just leave you now to your fate
I think your Elven “brothers” will deal with you after this

Speaking in orcish? That’s disgusting.