Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

pat pat no vulpie can get away with everything forever, my friend.

This is kind of a swallow observation but I’ll honor it. The main issue with the writing, in general is, how Brigante has already written about it in the pats, is that everything is homogenized. There can no true outbreak of the norm because the writers aren’t that good to begin with and the player base has evolved with each storyline.

The Horde - and the color red - are generally about aggression, passion and the underdog mentality to survive against all the odds. The Horde-aesthetics are the dominating factor in the overall design, similar how we have the classic fantasy setting on the Alliance-side.

Story-wise the Horde is needed as the bad guys because that’s their overall role to fulfill. Misunderstandings, wrong decisions and all the jazz. That’s the purpose of the Horde, you cannot have two good factions at once. No, I’m actually mocking you here. Of course can have it but the writers lack talents or are unwilled to go the Legend of Korra-way which is also present in the promo- and video material to Hearthstone where both faction coexists without the “war-aspect”. What most people forget about it is that “war” does not mean blue vs red. You can easily bring in a Korra-season 1 conflict which involves revolting against the system and that coexistence isn’t given out for free without problems.

Blizzard purposely dismisses big “events” because it leads to disaster. However, after Legion, they needed something so desperately stupid to give both sides a reason to fight again with only the Alliance being the one who have rightfully being pissed about the nelf-genocide. The backlash was evident and how the developer scrapped the datamined warfronts. They underestimated how much the current Horde-fanbase sees them as the “good” ones. And that’s an overall problem which ends in a vicious cycle and how we can break it at all. The only logical step forward is to dismiss the blue/red-faction system at all and bring in smaller stories about the races and an overall endgoal which will constantly force everyone to work together.

The Alliance writing is stronger in the books, because we have a somewhat fanboy-writer in Golden who actually gives them moral-grey conflicts which is not present in the MMO-story while these parts are canon. I think most people will start to see the full picture when they release an animated TV show based on Warcraft - which will likely happen within this decade, given that Diablo gets their own animated show as well (confirmed and in production as far as I have read it years ago).

[quote=“Leíá-argent-dawn, post:244, topic:191082”]
Alliance seem content with Humans, Humans and more Humans and then cry wolf, when they get mocked for playing the boring faction[/quote]

While not wrong, it still does not reflect the actual problem: Lacking diversity and Blizzard’s inability to adept accordingly without compromises.

Oddly they were sort of an allied race I was thinking of for the Alliance. With a twist. Let’s assume the Kal’uak of Northrend are like the Taunka are to Tauren, yeah, an offshoot of a Species. Now the Kal’uak tuskarr are blatantly Walrus people.
Now there are a type of Fae/Creature from particularly Celtic mythology called ‘Selkies’, who are basically all kinds of Seal people. They strongly exist in Inuit folk lore too. The Celtic version are a bit Worgenesque, in that they are humans who can shapeshift into Seals of varying types, the ones from Inuit legends are genuine Seal-people, a humanoid Seal. The Culture exists, I mean Kal’uak sounds Inuit, their ethos in game seems Inuit. But rather than limiting it to Walrus-people, make them Seal-people, we just haven’t seen those yet, just the Northrend dwelling ones (The Tuskarr) Kinda how Tauren and Taunka are similar but shaped by their environments. You’ve got a non human looking race that -seems- to be well disposed towards others. Why have we only seen the Walrus-people and not the Selkies?
Because they have been bitterly at war with the Naga, fighting their own War in the briny depths, only now, with the defeat of Aszhara after so many thousands of years can they actually rest and take up normal lives again. The Walrus-folk were their embassy to the surface lands, to keep the others up to date with what was happening above the waves.

Give them neat racials like obviously cold resistance, no need to breathe underwater, in fact give -all- classes a Seal Travel Form where they go full on Walrus, Leopard Seal, Sealion or whatever only useable in Water, but as with the Druid ones. Perhaps bonuses to Fishing skill in some way, similar to the Pandaren related food ones.

They’d be pretty cool.

For the Horde, Gnolls. Use the Tauren model, scaled down, they have a reason to hate Alliance, after all, Stormwind built it’s kingdom on Gnoll Land, as for culture, why not the one with all the Hyena legends in it? Zulu/Masai culture. Why do they join up now? Because they are the Rainmakers, the weighers of Value, the consummate scavengers, everything has a value, even the dead, bones for weapons, sinews for bows, skin for leather, and meat for sustenance. They are a Death cult that believes even in death everyone has value, friend or foe. Sylvanas upset that balance and affronted their religion, now that it is (Presumably) resolved, they pick a side…and they hate humans…

The shadowlands has to be interested in the mortal realm for the simple fact if one of the other cosmic forces takes over the mortal universe.

If the void or light subjugated, but didn’t kill everyone in the mortal universe. Souls will stop flowing to the shadowlands and it will decay and die ironically.

This is why Draka is shown infiltrating a legion world.

Valid point, I had not considered that, not sure if that invested interest would lead to them joining a faction though, unless that interest literally was to keep the War going so that people keep dying and feeding the Shadowlands, which is a very bleak possibility that would make Anima batteries of us all. Would also mean that Sylvanas had majorly erred and was doing the opposite of ‘freeing us all’, just handing the keys to a different set of jailors. Alternately I suppose they could pick sides just to make sure everything -was- balanced out.

It is an interesting hypothesis, and very plausible, but I still don’t think we will see them as future Allied races, but time will tell I guess.

We better do not.

Yup, this is where the OP has gotten to on his vendetta.

Dance together!
Organize a High Elven Dance Party!
Just immagine, dancing High Elven legion outside Silvermoon!
We will dance our magic dance!

Pushing this again because it is still true. Void elves are nothing. Blood elves are everything.

Actually close to being a correct statement. A void is emptiness, empty is nothing :thinking:

actually spamming the forums says otherwise. because it takes someone insecure to make many threads about how “horrible” void elves are and how they need to be deleted.

i mean… i knew we are amazing, but i didnt think we are too much Amazing. This is great! :smile:

You will be deleted eventually. Blood elves reign supreme.

The blood elves will never be supreme

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The blood elves age of glory is coming

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no its not and it never will

Didn’t we all agree you don’t have a clue what you are talking about and regard you as a figure of fun?

Go on, give us another insight, Traitorous Scum?


No we didnt agree on that as it is you who refuses to give evidence on things so its you who dont have aclue about what you write

No, I think we did, but anyway, adults are talking.

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No we didnt the only thing we agreed on is that your to dumb to read respond people give you and clearly you cant use the “adults are talking” when you act like a 5 year old

Agreed. Anar’alah. Anar’endal dracon.

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I don’t think we agreed on that at all, now did we. Is this another one of those things you claimed happened that never happened, like your lore ‘facts’?

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