Well you cant, not enough mascara.
Okay please don’t, I’m already upset enough that Blizz has given Blood Elves no makeup options, let alone the void elf purple makeup to Blood Elves.
There there, i know that beeing the inferior GF is hard, but you are beutiful on the inside.
You are both beautiful in equal measure’s
Hard to contest this…
Besides, there is literally no difference between High Elves and Blood Elves bar diet, heck, Blood Elves -are- High Elves that renamed themselves. (Before anyone says “Ah, but Green eyes” that is what happens to the entire Species if exposed to Fel, whether they call themselves High or Blood Elves, Blizz confirmed this)
Basically the difference is like that between a vegetarian and an omnivore. The High Elves stayed Vegetarian and refused to learn how to cook Steak, the Blood Elves embraced how to learn to cook meat.
Because thats all it is, Both are addicted to Mana, just the Blood Elves learned the technique to take it from living creatures, because it is a learned technique, not an inherent ability. Theoretically a High Elf could learn to drain mana from living creatures also (Though that would defeat their principles) and new Blood Elf children have to be -taught- the technique.
There really is no difference between Blood Elves and High Elves apart from a slight change in diet, and political affiliation.
Void Elves are different, as they are infused with a cosmic power of entropy and destruction, we have no idea if they can have/would want to have, Children (Highly unlikely, given what the Void is, they are likely all sterile) and we have no idea if their lifespan is lessened by the Void (Again, highly likely, this is a cosmic force of destruction and more importantly, Entropy) A Certain amount of Entropy is inevitable, without it evolution would be impossible, but an excess of Entropy or unrestricted alteration leads to increases in things like the Big C (Oddly Troll Regeneration would likely have the same risk, as it is unrestricted cellular growth. The Second Law states that in an Isolated system, Entropy can only Increase, not decrease, so a Void Elf is likely subject to a lot of biological problems as they age, that High and Blood Elves would not be. Chances are high it will reduce their average life expectancy as the Void causes more and more disarray in their bodies pattern.
They are however infused with a form of cosmic energy, but just as Infusion by Light will extend the lifespan of its host (Which brings its own attendant problems, largely mental and societal ones -Turalyon has some rough times ahead-, and can make for an unfeasible society) then Infusion by Void, it’s opposite, will decrease the lifespan of it’s host (as every Void Elf is their own Isolated system) but the societal fluidity would as a result become much less stagnant.
They’re -something Else- than High or Blood Elves, even their DNA has been altered, the very building blocks of their bodies, as we can see by the fact that their blood has changed colour.
What advantages and disadvantages that gives them in the future is something Blizz are never realistically likely to touch upon, so really, No type of Thalassian elf is ‘better’, Two are exactly the same, and the third have not been around long enough for us to know yet.
Haha erevien and brigante the Blood elf supremacist duo.
Entertaining stuff for sure
There is a reason why I own
1 Night elf character
3 Void elf characters
6 Blood elf characters
And 1 Nightborne character
Each elf has something to offer and each elf is better in its own way.
The mentality of “my elf is better than yours” is very normal for Elfs. That is the personality of elves. Spoiled and full of themselves
I agree, my elf is better than all other elves.
Goth GF>Regular GF.
I would say “What are you on? I’m disagreeing with him! Did you even -read- what I wrote?” but then I look at the Guild name and go “Aww, bless, no, you probably didn’t, you just guessed you knew what I was typing didn’t you? Bless yeh you wee scamp, I remember being young and impressionable as well, and going for buzzwords, don’t worry, it -is- just a phase, and you -will- grow out of it, until then, cherish your childhood”
Or just read better.
Incorrect, High Elves have almost the same traditions and culture as the Blood Elves.
They are literally the same people, and the only difference between them is political at this point. In lore they don’t even have different eye colors anymore and that wasn’t a rule without exceptions anyway, as there were green eyed High Elves and blue eyed Blood Elves.
But I don’t expect you to understand this.
Because “BLUE IS BAD! LONG LIVE RED!” am I right?
The Blood elves are not better than anything to be honest. Lol what you mean undamage cast of lead charachters? Lor’themar sure aint no leading charachter to look up to. And i would not count on the Nighborne to support you blood elves ones they find out all the traitorous thing blood elves have done againt the horde. I really think its you that need to go sober up with all these delusions you have about blood elves
Who cares they both aren’t even close to Night Elves anyway
Go home you’re drunk.
He really is. A Blood Elf with integrity is a rare thing.
No im not but it seem like you are
No he really isnt. Tthe blood elves have always been a shady bunch who dont really care about the morals of the horde in fact they originaly just looked as the horde as a means to an end and then go to their so called “promised land” not to mention all the other past allies they had in the past that they stabbed in the back.
Isn’t Void/High Elven hatespeach a second nature to you?
Can’t even breath without an anti H/Velf spam or thread
Don’t be hypocrite
Or you are just sour because realised in 4 days, the Horde will lose most of its Blood Elven population - those who were forced for years to be there to play an elf finally could go home - and the Vulpera babyboom will come?
Pass the popcorn Sinaaki!
This will be glorious!