Blood elves are the better thalassian elves

I’m not sure about that
Well, technically it could shorten of course, but the whole deal with the Void, to be somewhat outside the Cycle…
Even the in theory disposable Aquir’s life span - true like the n’raqi they were spawn from an Old God’s very flesh/biomass - in cases (named mobs, raid bosses) are long as hell…
Several C’Thraxxi Generals ‘died’, then got better… regenerated death itself, somtimes over tens of thousands of years or with some ritual even if they were killed by near godlike powers (when Sethraliss killed herself to kill Mythrax for example)
As Herald Volazj said “They do not die; they do not live. They are outside the cycle”
True, the Old Gods are … well… be damned if I know were alive to begin with or just existed, because the Void I doubt could create real life… but their void-connection is I think as close as it could be without being pure void entity and the Ren’Dorei were infused with that cosmic power… :thinking:
Several dying servants of the Void whispered, like Il’gynoth "I journey… to Ny’alotha… "
It would be funny - in a tragic sort of way - if the Ren’Dorei simply could not die, found freedom from the Whispers in death… and, like most servants, either eventually resurrect/regenerate death… or “journey to Ny’alotha” [or similar Old God/Void related outer dimenison] and return again… and again… and again…
Would certanly explain why the small cabal of Umbric and co (even with the curious recruits) are everywhere like cockroaches without any sign of population loss

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Rude and toxic. Typical alliance fanatic behavior.

Yawns You again? How is Lor’themar not a character to look up to, a war hero who endured torture and maiming, who prefers being a soldier, to a politician, who only leads because his people need him and want him there, not for any selfish reason. Honestly, he’s probably one of the best racial leaders in WoW, along with Gelbin Mekkatorque.

Well now you’re just being silly, do you think Blizzard are going to do that? Faction change a race by force? Really? Never gonna happen.

Besides, what traitorous things? You never were able to answer that one?

Yes he is, and you do err, know that bit in the Lore about the Blood Elves already having gotten to Outlands before they joined the Horde, right?

Lets just look at the number of Allies they have stabbed in the back?

Hmm. None.

Lets look at the number of times their ‘allies’ have stabbed -them - in the back, I’m on about 4 now, Humans, Dwarves (albeit that was just spying on them) Night Elves and Orcs under Garrosh.

You forget that the Blood Elves of Quel’thalas were neutral after the Scourge came, they -had- no allies to stab in the back.

You’re confused.

But also, as you were terrified to answer the question previously, you used the term ‘Gelf’ a lot in a previous thread, what does the ‘G’ in ‘Gelf’ stand for?

I highly doubt that to be honest, the exodus happened when Void Elves were released, the huge majority of people playing Blood Elves now will stay Blood Elves, Also how can people going Alliance be called ‘going home’? They were only Alliance for one short war, and that wasn’t even -this- Alliance. They’d be going ‘into Exile’ surely, as ‘Home’ is Silvermoon, Quel’thalas and the Horde.

Why do people have this lore unfriendly idea that Elves somehow ‘belong’ to the Alliance. This ain’t Tolkien, this is Warcraft.

Oooh, an actual sensible post in this thread! I can engage with this :slight_smile:

Yeah, I suppose you’d be right to a degree, but I think the whole deal with being outside the Cycle is more the province of those entities who always have been, rather than Elves who underwent a magical industrial accident at work (They must be due some sick compensation payout! :stuck_out_tongue: )

We don’t know how ‘Void’ the Ren’dorei have really went. If it is just a one off mutation as the result of the accident, then they’re still mostly fleshly beings (Despite what Durzaan was trying to do to them) in which case the Void Energy isn’t ‘natural’ for them, the way like it is for Aqir and N’raqi, So in that case I think that my scenario is more likely, as I say, every Ren’dorei is their own Isolated system, and the entropic energy will only increase over time, leading to some unhappy times ahead.


To take your ideas there, and add them to my own, because you suddenly gave me a real idea there… So lets say the Void Elves become more and more corrupted as time goes by (I’m talking way down the line, after Blizz have pulled the plug on wow, but I do love theorycrafting), The entropy is reaching peak levels, they are feverish, tumoured, barely even look elven anymore, new and bizarre mutations are cropping up (Think Seth Brundle from ‘The Fly’), until finally, the Void energy just becomes too much, and they die, raddled with the corruption.

Then come back.
Except different now, They were Elves of flesh and bone, infused by the Void, Now they are much more creatures of the Void, akin to the Aqir and N’raqi, they are truly out of the Cycle, as those beings are, but the price they had to pay was their elven nature and mortality. The irony is delicious, Durzaan wanted to turn them to Ethereals, well, they have become Ethereals alright, just Void ones.

What if Void Elves were like the ‘larval’ stage for a whole new race of Void creature.

Wild conjecture, but like I say, I love theorycrafting. Interesting points you make.


Neat idea!
But I was thinking more like the line of Rasputin from Hellboy and how he “brought back” more and more from his masters, the Ogdru Jahad every time he died/returned, untill his latest death when the Ogdru Hem Behemoth burst/ “borned” from his body

My thoughts exatly! :face_with_monocle::wine_glass:

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Yeah but Tolkien did it better. And you can actually see a bit of Tolkien in wow, specifically the Allerian stronghold where 4 races are living there:

  • Human
  • High elves
  • Gnomes (Hobits)
  • Dwarves

Can’t get more Tolkien than that. Especially since they are fighting Orcs.

I agree. I have 6 blood elves and 3 Void elves. I won’t be changing my Blood elves into anything. They will remain Blood elves. I’m excited for the customization for Belfs

Also I finally got my Heritage armor. It’s so cool! I will tag my Character so you can see his transmog


/10 chars

No he isnt as he does do it for selfish reasons. And he is by far the worse racial leader who isnt willing to put mutch effort into supporting the horde. Not to mentione being chummy with a lunatic like Garrosh.

No im not being silly its you that are sillu. Where have i nsaid they would do forced faction change?..even though it be the right thing for the horde so we get rid of blood elves. Yes i have shown you the traitorus thing several times as you are well aware of so stop acting immature when you already have the answer.

No he isnt and you know it. And yes they have been stabbing people in the back when it suits them as i have already proven to you so learn some lore instead of making up rubbish. And no im not confused its just you who is the immature to admit that you are wrong when people give you facts.

All elfs are just pure crap after i get my fabulous berserker hairstyle and wildhammer tattoos.

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So being a blonde Barbie Makes them better than us?

Well it all falls down to opinion. I like Edgy style better

You void elves will never have the beauty and grace of us blood elves!

You even demand to steal our beautiful blonde hair! But you can’t have it!

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Oh trust me. I don’t want the blonde hair.

And by the way I own Blood elf character too. It’s fun to play both factions

You are a Beautiful Blood elf I Must say!


The Blood elves are better than most to be honest. Lor’themar is a great leading character to look up to. And i would count on the Nighborne to support you blood elves once they find out all the great things blood elves have done for the horde. I really think anyone that doesn’t see this need to go sober up with all the wrong ideas they have about blood elves


This is way too much, the game supposedly gives you enough character slots so you can have one male/female of each race inGame.

2x each race (excluding the DH on each side)

Ideally you want to have:

Nelf Druid/Hunter OR priest
Velf Priest/Hunter (legion marksmanship artifact favors it as the to-go style)
Belf Mage OR Warlock/Paladin
NB Mage/Priest


Only thing I have against Lor’themar is his attitude towards the Void Elves.

He threw them out of Quel’Thalas and effectively the Horde, then he has the gall to hate them for being “traitors” because they turned to the Alliance.
He lost the right to call them traitors when he threw them out.

If his only problem with them had been the fact that they dabbled in the forbidden arts after being told “Yo, stop that. Now.” then I would understand it.

In my opinion, instead of traitors he could label them madmen or fanatics.

That he views them as a threat is logical considering what they can do to the Sunwell, but him calling them traitors makes little sense.
It would be like the Soviet Union labeling someone a traitor if they were granted asylum in the US after they were tossed out of the USSR.


Not to mention the reason for getting mad at them was bad in the first place. “YOu aRe STudYINg dANgErouS mAGic oF teh ENeMy!” AKA “You are doing exactly the same thing the warlocks are doing.

But we all know that was just an excuse from the developers to make VEs an alliance thing (just as they came up with convenient excuses for the other allied races). It had as much thought put into it as the race in the first place. I get that they needed to come up with something, but they could have spent more than 10 minutes on it.

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I don’t hate blood elves. I have 6 of them. And only 3 Void elves,

I just don’t have this mentality of thinking one race is better than the other. Each elf has something nice to offer.

I love the Nature vibe of Nelfs
I love the Purple/Elegant vibe of Nightborne

I love the Edgy vibe of Void elves

I love the Pretty/Strong vibe of Blood elves


Whaaaa :frowning:

I meant Suramar/Arcane haha

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I think that the Void-concept is fine but sacrificing the very often requested Alliance High Elves for them? No.

Well to be honest that Request has failed ever since Blood elves went Horde.

I have grown to love the Void elves (maybe I’m biased because I’m Edgy) :eyes:

But it’s a blessing that Blizzard gave you guys natural skin and blue eyes. Be thankful