Blood elves belong in the Horde

clearly you are a dumbass if you think im 13 as its not even close to accurate but then again its not like kids of you age can come up with someonething more creative than that so i didnt expect anything more from you than that to tell the truth so have fun with your little child insults if that makes you happy

Your welcome :smile:

Just. Stop.

First you go on telling people they don’t know their lore…then when pressed you turn and go “my opinion isn’t based on lore”.
Then you go and say “Blood Elves did nothing to earn their place in the Horde”,…ironicly a large part of the Blood Elf starting experience revolves around just that, them proving their worth, wich in conclusion was then unanimously accepted by the Warchief and his advisors(Cairne, Vol’jin and Sylvanas).

You think Baine Bloodhoof is that Horde leader that you’re characterizing? He’s basicly Anduin’s doormat- Since you’re posting on Highmountain tauren characters, let’s look at Mayla…oh wait, she’s literally Baine’s shadow, it just stops there.
So are Tauren more worthy of the Horde? Currently allot of people are wondering what the hell they are still doing there, because they seem allot less Horde lately then Blood Elves.

Your opinion seems to be based on looks alone.

For all the people that keep parroting about the Blood Elves rejoining the Alliance.
It seems it was really nothing more than talks about having talks. I don’t get the idea that actual talks off the Blood Elves rejoining the Alliance were actually initiated before Jaina started blowing up Blood Elves in Dalaran.


I keep seeing alliance players say this, but then that would also mean night elves should not be in the alliance as they where not part of the alliance until World of warcraft.
So if you think that is a good reason for why alliance should have high elf then by the same reason i can say alliance should not have night elves at all in the first place as they did not exist in the alliance until world of warcraft.

The “issue” i have is that it makes no sense to have factions at this point.

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Yes, the LGBT+ elves belong to cringe faction together with furries.
Half naked, gigant blueberries are only real Ally elves!
We don’t want that fugly city either. Tree house was way cooler.

That’s why he’s just a little man, who’s stuck in 2007 and believes that because he plays a bull with Rudolph-horns, he’s hardcore of the hardcore.


That sentence needs taking out back and shooting.

I mean what are you trying to say there, that Blood Elves are more progressive in their attitudes towards sexuality than the Alliance?

That is surely a -good- thing?

Also how is there a ‘Cringe Faction’, You keep using that word ‘Cringe’, I do not think it means what you think it does. To Cringe is an action. Something cannot -be- Cringe, a -Person- can cringe, because it is an action, something can be ‘Cringeworthy’ but it cannot ‘be’ Cringe.

Honestly, the youth of today.

As for Furries, Which Faction is it that has Worgen again?

Think you’ll find that anthropomorphic races are the norm on Azeroth.

I am sure Vereesa and her Silver Covenant, and Alleria, Umbric and the Ren’dorei will be dismayed to learn they are no longer ‘real’ Elves.

By definition, it -was- pretty cool, then it got -very- hot. Briefly…

True, they also seem to be unable to answer simple questions and make coherent arguments other than “No, I say so and everyone agrees with me” before descending into insulting people, Sort of like a mini-Trump.

Rather tragic, really.


So You admit that blood elves are gay. Good.
If they are so progresive and being gay is a good thing than why my sentence needs shooting eh?
Why did You get triggered when I said that LBGT+ race belong to the horde?
Think about it.
And worgen are just humans.
Wait, It’s sounds like You think being furry is bad thing too.

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Well, I mean if some of them are, then what is wrong with that? fine, but the evidence suggests otherwise.

I mean the Windrunners are High Elven trailer trash, who all went for males, just unfortunately human ones.

Lor’themar and Liadrin before the Scourge invasion were a thing, but after it their respective duties put the end to that relationship

Lor’themar and Thalyssra are now a ‘thing’ which again, is a Cisnormative relationship (At last, an elf going for an elf not a human!)

Every ‘Oh so comedy’ incident of people in quests mistaking Blood Elf Males for females has always been…

The member of the other race being a bit sexually confused, never the blood elf.

I refer you to the Maximillian of Northshire quests in Un’goro, The Day Deathwing came quests, and the whole Sludge Fields stuff.

Ho ho ho, much homophobia, but still, in every case it is a human, an orc and a Forsaken that are confused, not the Blood Elf.

Because the angle you were going for was blatantly that LGBT+ was a pejorative. Why specify LGBT Elves? Why was that a defining point of your statement? Blood elves likely have the same range of sexual predilections as anyone else, and that is neither a good or bad thing? Why was that your defining term?

Because you already defined the Horde as ‘Cringe’ (Which also needs taking out back and shooting, use the word correctly) so therefore you were implying a negative to LGBT+.

Well by definition, they’re not, are they? They are Humans with a curse that means that they turn into vast furry creatures with fangs and claws, I mean we have a word for those, and they are never regarded as ‘just humans’ in our myths and legends.

Well it doesn’t float my boat personally, but it is a kink, so, eh, as long as it is two consenting adults, whats the problem?

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or just stop yourself cause i wasnt the one starting the thing about lore that was him making insult about me not knowing it try reading before accusing maybe? and yeah i admit i find Baine Bloodhoof a decent leader but it have nothing to do with me playing a tauren in game you think everyone think exactly as the leader of the race they play? what an idiot you must be then cause im not some roleplayer. An you call Baine Bloodhoof a doormat for Anduin what rock have you been living under?. And if you would have paid any attention at all you would have seen why aturen belong far more than blood elves cause my opinion is not based on appearance at all when it comes to why tauren belongs

again its you who is stuck in 2007 not me moron since you cant let go of that year so go ahead and keep up you childish insult cause you clearly dont have the brains to say anything else than 2007 as and argument kiddo

coming from the person who demands answeere that i have already given you several times already while you yourself dont answere anything so yeah you just roasted yourself there cause if anything you are tragic the way you act

Hey grab this:
For all your hard work in virtual signaling.
What a hero.
Horde is cringey do You fit there perfectly.

I don’t think that means what you think it means, or is it another word the kids are trying to promote or change these days?

Why can’t you just be mature enough to go “Yeah, I got caught out for saying something intolerant, I’ll be adult enough to fess up to it” instead of coming out with that nonsense.

I only do what I can, if others think me a hero, I will not disabuse them of that opinion. I promise only to use my newfound hero status for good.

If actually being not bothered about LGBT+ people and just letting them do what they like is now what youths regard as ‘Cringey’ then I am happy to take that accolade, rather than be socially awkward. And also happy to be an adult, and not to have share such trash attitudes as finding different sexualities a pejorative.

Seriously, if you think being tolerant of LGBT people is -Virtue Signalling- then a) you are using the term wrong, and b) the problem is you.

No, you have singularly failed to answer the very basic and simple question I asked you. It was a really simple question, and you couldn’t answer it. I notice you have started calling people morons now, You might want to watch your attitude.

I will however be charitable and give you another shot at the very simple question.

“Why do you think (apart from ‘because I say so’) that the Blood Elves do not belong in the Horde?”

Really straightforward question.


Dude, go and think your a big “grr grr grr hardcore boss man” in your own private space to fill your own ego. You play a cow.


Pahahahah!!! Cracked me up. Thanks for a good laugh bud. Don’t take it as a compliment though, you’re a moron.

All good, we don’t wanna give it to you either. At least we can agree on something.

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Insult all you want, I won’t lower myself to your level, but the fact you think Baine Bloodhoof is a decent leader shows how much you care about lore or the Horde.
He did literally nothing for the Tauren, he’s a doormat, don’t agree? To bad man, that’s the WoW you play, with Blood Elves and all. You had thirteen years to build that bridge and get over it, what is your childish namecalling going to change now?

oh btw…when it comes to racial leaders LTT >>>>>>>>>>>Baine, sorry, not sorry, just facts.

You might also want to consider that belfs were the only race that could pick the paladin class in TBC. So I’m not sure how many wanted to catapult them away from the uglies given how useful that class was.

Regardless, the Belfs are Horde, more Horde than other races. Only wish the writers would stop painting them as if they are just waiting for the Alliance to ask them out on a date.


No i havent failed to answere it as i have answered it several times but i quess reading is hard for you if you to dumb to realise the answere right infront of your eyes. And no i wont watch my attitude when he was the one started by insulting me by calling me a child and that im stuck in a year that dont matter one bit to me so im not gonna act nice to people who act like a-holes to me in the first place and like i told you before i only insult people who insult me first and if people act mature to me i do the same so maybe watch you own attitude. And like i told you before i given you the answere several times all you need to do is read im not gonna repeat myself over and over cause all you need to do is scroll up and you will see that i answered it already several times

i dont think im hardcore just you who act like a immature child