Blood elves belong in the Horde

Some like to use it on multiboxers as well :wink:

Boldly stated, yet I remain unconvinced…

Given that the average human being contains 0.4% salt, I think that is a fair statement, I mean we all contain salt, hence the calling someone ‘salty’ is a ridiculous teenage fad with no real education behind it.

Only by people who don’t know their lore…


1.its not really anything bold with my statement its rather you that is oblivious accusing me of not knowing it when i clearly knows it better than you by you statement that have nothing to do with lore. 2. i i know the body contains salt but i really dont really see the point with that commnt cause i didnt talk about anything to do with human biology if thats what you think. 3.again like i told you before i know my lore wich clearly you dont if thats the only respons you can repeat over and over vermin

OK, lets try this in a simpler fashion.

Why -Don’t- the Blood Elves belong in the Horde, in your subjective opinion?

I was mocking the frankly tired and over-used usage of the word ‘Salty’, People need to get more creative with their wordplay these days, such terms are generally used by angry teens and even they should have stopped using it a while ago, it is just passe now.

Well then, as I say, explain to me why, in your opinion, the Blood Elves do not belong in the Horde, with this exceeding lore knowledge you profess to have.

Also as a pointer, whilst I never report people for disagreeing with me, you call me Vermin one more time and I will break that rule. We’re not Roleplaying here, so are both human beings behind the screens, so quit it with the ‘Vermin’ schtick,

I mean, even if we were, it would be a bit rich for a newcomer race yet to earn its place truly in the Horde to backchat a person of the race of one of its longest standing members… Just sayin’.


first off i never said my opinion was lore based and if anything before telling other to explain themself you might want to do it yourself after accusing me of not knowing me lore for no reason. As for why i dont think they belong is obvious to everyone their quite full of themself and in general being verry diffrent from all other horde races , and if you look into before they joined the horde you can find that there have been conflicts with horde and bloodelfs, and not to mention they havent really done anything to earn a playe in the horde since they joined. Also i didnt call you vermin i called blood elves vermin so if you took that as an insult its on yourself for roleplaying since i dont and if you want to go down the road of reporting me then go ahead cause i just report you then for insulting my intellect by saying i dont know my lore with no reason behind your insult causeyou been insulting me several times saying i know nothing about lore. Also i find it unsulting that you call blood elves true hordes so why would i stop with it? its a fitting description of blood elves. Its just as insulting to other horde players to hear this bs that they belong after bloodelf players being aware that if given the option we vote them out of the horde

Fair enough.

Because you were saying they “Don’t belong in the Horde” Which the lore clearly does not support, especially now, when it seems Lor’themar is actually quite a dominant figure in the Horde leadership.

What? You don’t think the Orcs are full of themselves? Or the Forsaken? or for that matter the Tauren? The Goblins certainly are, the Zandalari most definately so. What does their appearance have to do with it? Horror and savagery have nothing to do with looking bestial or fierce, Who is genuinely scarier? Freddy Krueger or Hannibal Lecter, Also, look at real life legends and myth, you get your fair looking elves working with ogres, trolls and all sorts of horrors…

  1. The Second War.

Thats it. They were Alliance for the duration of the Second War because it suited them to be, and they left it promptly when that war finished. Kael’thas and his troops were volunteers, the nation as a whole was not involved. They have been Horde far longer.

Think you’ll find that them having to “earn their place” was one of the conditions that involved them joining the Horde. Thrall said they had to finish off the last Scourge Warlord in the Eastern Kingdoms. That was Dark’han Drathir, which they did. Lor’themar also had some information as bribe material which was that the Mag’har still existed. Since then they have very much proved their place, to an extent that even a wicked racist like Garrosh sat Lor’themar at his side, believing the Blood Elves to be the loyalest to the Horde, which at the time, they were.

Well that is just your opinion, isn’t it? I mean you are -wrong- as no Horde leader in game has ever felt such.

yeah, given that Lor’themar seems to hold the whip hand in the Horde Council right now, good luck with that one. They are more Horde than the Tauren are right now, given Baine’s antics.

Just face lore facts, The Blood Elves are Horde, and belong there. More than newcomers like the Highmountain Tauren, for sure.


This whole viewpoint is so 2007. :sleeping:

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yeah i was saying they dont belong in the Horde since they dont and you insuted the horde by saying that they do. And when have you ever seen Lor’themar take the lead of annything? he is defenetly no head of the horde the only thing i seen him do recently is help out abit in Nazjatar as a minor role so yes the statement said defenetly support what i said. No i dont find the Orcs full of themself as they went out of theyre way to help the tauren against the centaurs when needed help and they are also helping the goblins after they lost theyre capital. Sure the forsaken i can agree but 2 things in in theyre defence one they are resurrected humans so abit of bad history of formers enemies that was influenced by the Lich king and two later influenced by Sylvannas who later on betrayed us so not exactly good history of leadership to influence them. Tauren full of themself? not sure where that comes from they are a strong and proud race sure but usually peacfull so i dont think full of themself fits. The goblins are greedy but it also helps the horde both economy and in war since the horde tends to lack in technology compared to alliance so that benefited the horde when they joined. and yeah the second war verry good point especially “since it suited them” so maybe if its “suits them again” they stab the horde in the back cause i dont think anyone would be surprised if they would double cross the horde. And yeah the gave some iformation that benefited us but i sure doubt they have ever even been close to being the most loyal. And no its not just my opinion about them not belonging in horde almost all horde players feels that way the only one trying to defend them is alliance players on their alts or people who been convinced by their friend group to play with them on the horde side. And i never seen him hold the whip in the council just seen im come with sugestions so yeah the luck is better for me that for you guys and theyre defenetly not more horde than either the Mulgore tauren or highmountain tauren as both of those races have pulled theyre weight to support the horde wich is more than can be said about blood elves and i will never admit that those vermin belong in the Horde cause they dont /spit. so look at the lore facts yourself and you can see plenty of reason why they dont

But your just a little man, so why should we listen to you and your 2007, little-man opinions?


They are horde.

Alliance are pathetic waiting 12 years to play a race, just for goldshire.


cause im right and your wrong thats why=) and the only one stuck in 2007 must be you since you keep repeating that year :sleeping:

Brilliant logic there.

WoW, Ok, great comeback, certainly makes a lot of sense when you put it like that.

Hmm, Since TBC when he was rather famously the Regent Lord of the Blood Elves. I also can assume that you didn’t play MoP then with the whole Thunder Isle thing? and later the Siege of Orgrimmar, you never played that raid I take it? Then he is one of the leaders in Nazjatar, and then he is the one who takes the lead in forcing the discussion about the future of the Horde’s leadership, You missed that bit as well. You’re going to hate SL then…

No it doesn’t.

You know they are a Clan based Warrior society, right? that they -pride- themselves on being full of themselves?

You know what the statement “Full of themself” means? You can be full of yourself and it not be a bad thing you know, like, just being proud of yourself or your people’s achievements.

Well, Garrosh thought differently.

No, no, it really is just you repeating the same thing again and again, and when asked for any reasoning just saying “They don’t belong because I say they don’t, and everyone agrees with me”

My sides…

What are you -talking- about, the Highmountain Tauren have literally -just- joined the Horde, and whilst they will undoubtedly prove a worthy addition have simply not had the -time- to pull their weight!

You are, objectively, wrong, and being unnecessarily rude about being wrong.

I do, and they support my viewpoint on the subject, and they refute your viewpoint on the subject.

You are simply incorrect.

Some solid mature argument there…

Would be someone who comes out with this tired routine of “But I don’t want Blood Elves in Muh Horde” despite them having been in the Horde since 2007.

I didn’t particularly want a cheap knock off Allied race that are Tauren who double up as novelty coatracks, bring nothing new to the Horde apart from the fact that they learnt how to do facepainting, but we are where we are.

Suck it up, Blood Elves belong in the Horde, and are there to stay, and the lore supports it.

Deal with it.


Ok 13 year old hard-man. Keep playing your “Grr grr grr look at me, I’m hardcore” races. You are only showing yourself to be vile and toxic.


Ok I really don’t care for the topic, because the Alliance already has Thalassian elves, so I really don’t care if the Blood elves are horde. Good for them!

But from a logical point of view, it never made sense why they originally joined. Yes Sylvanas was leader of the Forsaken; but she’s a forsaken… her choices was small. Even now she says “the Horde is nothing”

Yes Garithos was racist, but he was literally one guy that got killed in the end, and probably would’ve died of the Scourge anyway. Garithos was also racist to Dwarves, and yet they are still Alliance because Dwarves know one ignorant man doesn’t represent a faction.

Orcs have invaded Quel Thelas and put the heads of Elves on a spike outside of Quel Thelas. Literally slaughtered whole families, like the Windrunner family.

Trolls were always a enemy to Quel Thelas, regardless of which Tribe. The elves would be mistrustful of any Trolls as they have beef with them since the High elves moved to Quel Thelas in the beginning.

Trolls in general have beef with Elves because of Azshara starting it all.

Garithos was from Lordaeron, the kingdom that’s now mostly Forsaken. Oh the Irony! They are allied with all the previous enemies.

Even aesthetically they didn’t fit the Horde.

Some of these elves in Quel’thelas were given the titles “Orc slayer” or “Troll Bane”

But it was added to the Horde for one reason. The Asian community wanted a pretty race for their Girlfriends to play on the Horde, meanwhile this would also fix the faction balance.

This video is beautiful and shows why Vereesa and Alleria reject the Horde (although it doesn’t include the Windrunner genocide) it does show Lirath Windrunner fishing peacefully at his home, and then the Horde shows up which causes suspense.

I think Elves being on both sides is kind of cool, to be honest, it utterly reflects what Elves in Azeroth are like, they really are -in it for themselves-.

Yeah but Sylvanas is just rubbish writing saturday morning kids cartoon villain type rubbish, she’s not a barometer to use.

OK, People always use this excuse “But Garithos was just one guy”

So let me get this straight. -One Guy- somehow was able to arrest one of the most powerful mages in the world, Crown Prince of his nation, and his entire army, on his own, march them off to the cells in Dalaran and arrange their ceremonial execution?

How powerful do they think Garithos was?

It pretty much wasn’t just “One Guy” at all, he obviously had his human lackeys backing him, in sufficient numbers that they -were- able to apprehend the -entire- Blood Elven volunteer army. So not just “One Guy”.

Shame they couldn’t have finished the job, would have saved us from bad writing…

Yep, they did, in the Second War. All the nasty stuff the Alliance did to the nation was Third War and onwards. You remember a punch in the face last week, than you do a punch in the face ten years back…

Nuh uh. The People of Quel’thalas had only come into contact with one tribe, the Amani, who were always their enemies. In fact Quel’thalas has only ever been at war with two tribes of Trolls, the Amani, and briefly the Zandalari on Thunder Isle.
They have never specifically been at war with the other Tribes (any more than anyone else was) and the -only- Interaction they have ever had with the Darkspear tribe, was as Allies. They have never fought the Darkspear.

I mean sure, the fact that they are -Trolls- is a bit of a trust issues thing, but Darkspear look physically different from the Trolls the Thalassians had warred with (Darkspear are teeny tiny in comparison to the other tribes)

Only if you take that aesthetic as “Must look monstrous” when that was never a sign up criteria for the Horde was it really? It was more “Alliances of necessity” Which is why the Blood Elves in particular had to prove themselves -worthy- of joining the Horde by killing the last Scourge Warlord outside of Northrend.

And? My Grandad was given medals for fighting people of a certain nationality during a war, didn’t stop him having friends of that nationality after the war. Sometimes when you put away the sword, you really do put away the sword and move on. Some do, some don’t, but thats just people, there is no reason to imagine that Thalassians are any different.

Ehh, people often quote that guy, but never include the bit where he said “I Vaguely remember there was a poll in the asian market”


Apart from anything else that just reads as “Company does market research as to how to address a problem with their product, gets results, and acts upon them”.

Its like…“So what? it’s not like that has continually happened throughout history?”

So what? They did a poll, the results showed the idea was popular, they tried it out, turns out it was popular, so rolled it over into the game as a whole, turns out it was popular. I mean people always complain that Blizz never listens, but are very quick to sneer when we have a perfect example of when they -did- listen. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ehhh, its more just mass murder, than a genocide. Still nasty, but not -quite- the same thing.


I don’t think it’s the Alliance that are arguing that Blood Elves don’t belong in the Horde.

Nearly 14 years later it still makes zero sense.

Alliance vastly outnumbered Horde in Vanilla, so much that some census sites werer reporting 3 Alliance for every 1 Horde, overall.

And surveys were reporting that Asian players felt no relation to the Horde, so they needed to inject it with some anime.

Blood Elves are the one that put a Horde logo tattoo on their chest and butt, but really their “friends” would rather they just catapult themselves into the sun, never to be heard of again.


Of Course it makes sense, people just need to stop thinking of Elves as these do-gooders who belong on the side of the Alliance and for some reason predisposed towards being ‘Good’ whereas in Azeroth (and our myths and legends) that has never been the case at all.

What they -are- is selfish monsters who happen to be appealing to the eye to the other races. You can always depend upon an elf to do one thing, and one thing only.

Whatever is best for themselves.

If they looked like Orcs people would find it easier to rationalise what utter self-serving jerks they are, and how horrific as a concept they are.

But oh no, people keep going “pretty race” as if that wasn’t what elves have always been? Pretty monsters.

Doesn’t make them less monstrous because they dress in silks and style their hair, I mean when has that -ever- been the case?

And so you get people who have only read Tolkien who go “But they belong in the Alliance” No they don’t. They joined it once, when it suited them, the instant it became inconvenient most of them apart from a few volunteers dropped it like a tonne of bricks.

Even worse are those Horde ‘fans’ and I use the word loosely, as you can’t be a ‘fan’ of the Horde without understanding what it actually is, who go “They don’t belong” “Why not?” “Because they’re…pretty?”

Seriously? Is that the criteria that any self respecting tribal and clan based structure would use when selecting allies? “Must look Ugly”
Who thinks that way? Do people seriously think that Tauren think they look ugly, themselves, or Trolls, or Orcs? Forsaken might possibly, but then they are unique in that they -used- to look human but now do not.

Do people seriously think that the other Horde races are so insecure that they think of themselves universally as looking physically repellent, or, as is more likely, do they think -they- look normal, but -all- of their allies look different? So Y’know, same as all the Alliance races would? As, with the exception of Worgen in their birth form, they do all look pretty vastly different. So which Alliance races don’t belong in the Alliance, based on what they look like, not what they contribute?

Like it or not, the Sin’dorei gave the Horde something they did not have. The Magical Edge.

They are pound for pound (along with the Nightborne now) the most magical race on Azeroth. (Sure, the Shen’dralar are good-ish, but few in number, and they lack the advancements the Blood Elves made in Enchanting, the Draenei too, just not numerous enough)

-One- Poll that -One- guy -Vaguely- remembers may have happened. Not Surveys. and so what? You saying Blizz shouldn’t listen to customer feedback? What’s that avatar you’re posting from there? Is it on a -classic- forum? Guess they shouldn’t have listened then either?

The reality of the situation is that the Horde in Game do not feel that way at all, so if you really want to play Horde, then, Y’know, thats just how it is, if you want some weird Uruk Hai fantasy or some Zombie stuff, then, you crack on, but stop pretending to be fans of the Horde.

Also, you think that the Anime elements were added with Blood Elves? Mah Gawds, I have a bridge to sell you! did you never see some of the human Hairstyles in Vanilla? The stupidly overproportioned muscles? The Dark and Brooding Forsaken styles? The fact that there was a whole -CLAN- of Weeabo Orcs?

Oh man, the Anime was there from day one…trust me, I remember.


My Death Knight exclusively enjoys the suffering of Alliance dogs.
For the Horde!


Thanks Kim for necroing this forum thread.
Now look what youve done lol

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my comeback makes alot more sense than what you wrote cause atleast its true wich what you wrote isnt. Yes i have played both mop thunder isle and siege of ogrimmar but it sound like you havent cause otherwise you wouldnt have known better so no i didnt miss that part there just wasnt anything about what they did that was worth mentioning as they had a minor role. And no i wont hate shadowlands as it have already shown things i look forward to in it so dont make assumptions. Yes my statement do support what i said like i already proved. Yes i know the orcs are a warrior clan but i dont see how being a warrior clan and being full of themselfs is the same thing as they still go out of theyre way to help theyre allies in the horde. Yes i know what full of themself means and i stick to what i wrote to you in earlier comments. Yeah Garrosh thought diffrently and look what happen to him by thinking blood elves could be trusted. And no its defenetly not just me have you been living under a rock or something or how can you not have seen it when playing wow and i never said “all agree with me” i said that most people do after all this forum shows that there are a handfull of blood elves that cant handle the truth. ofcourse the highmountain pulled theyre weight they both gave the horde and advantage by gaining highmountain as horde territory and they have also shown highmountain forces sent out to help out when needed. No im not wrong im right all i did was tell the truth and you refuses to accept the truth for what it is so in what way is being honest the same as rude?. Clearly you did not look at ithe facts as it supports what i said as you are the one being incorrect just that you refuses to admit it cause you cant handle being proven wrong. and The cause im right and you wrong wasnt intended to you and incase you didnt notice it the only reason i responded Leifa in an immature way was because she made a immature statement by refering to a little man and being stuck in 2007 wich neither of those statement is accurate if people refer to me in an insultive way then i do the same and if Leifa would have gone at it a matture way and not accuse me of being a little man and stuck in 2007 then i would haveresponded in a matture way aswell its not that complicated. And suck it up yourself cause you dont belong in the horde like the lore already shown and dealing with it is what i do right now by proving you wrong so deal with it yourself