Blood elves belong in the Horde

Like you have already been proven they dont belong in the horde

They do. Brigante has given you plenty of reasons why. Now cut it out. You lost.


They dont. And where have he given me that? cause i dont see any while i on the other hand have given him several reason only that he pretends he cant read so cut it out yourself cause you know you beaten so just accept the facts that are right infront of you instead of this nonsense. The blood elves will never belong in the horde

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Don’t respond to it. It’s sole purpose is only for this thread. It’s only post count is for this thread. If you ask me, it’s obsessed with this thread.

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If it was up to me, I would put the following races in the following factions


  • Humans, Worgens
  • High elves/Blood elves
  • Dwarves
  • Gnomes

As was the original Alliance back in Warcraft 2, which fits the fantasy better kinda like Lord of the Rings where Humans, Dwarves, Hobbits, and High elves were allied against the Orcs.


  • Orc
  • Mag’har Orc
  • Ogres
  • Amani trolls
  • Zandalari Trolls
  • Darkspear trolls
  • Goblins

Putting it like that, everything fits the Aesthetic perfectly, which is why I tend to favor Warcraft 2’s style and lore over the other future lore.

The point of the matter is that Blood elves were put in the Horde for two reason

  • To fix the faction balance

  • To give a (Humanoid) attractive race to Horde.

They are Horde now and what’s done is done. Blizzard put a convincing story as to why they went Horde, and the purging of Dalaran was just the frosting on the cake.

End of discussion.

It’s not like we don’t have a Thalassian elf on the Alliance, so I don’t see what’s all this complaining is about

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I see. I will stop responding to his childish antics.

Yet another glorious day for Sin’dorei of being core horde race.

Praise the Sunwell.


Why excuse me, my fabulous sin’dorei brethren! You may enjoy being allied to the grubby ruffians and criminals of the Horde… but I belong to no one!.. Apart from my fabulous wardrobe. I am a slave to it.

Yes, fabulous is my favourite word.


Yaaaaas Queen.

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you are the one being childish accusing me of things but then you cant even back it up because all you say is empty words with no facts behind it

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Way to go the basic wiseness noble Tauren: never trust an elf ! NEVER !

Especially crackhead and junk one who already returned their vest countless time and have broken a blood pact, you may use it as living disposable tools and mea tshield if it gives you horde any advantage.

Though everytime they fought us Aliance or old Aiance be it on a warfront or a neutral city or everywhere they of course badly lost and got their sticking rear kicked but hey one take what he can to use as troops, i for sure woudn’t want to be associated with losers when you do so you stop keep on winning over and over and over again .

The random junkies f sivermon without even a king left and his idiotic and obtuse dynasty erased , oh wait he never was able to procreate any child to begin with pfff money in the matrice!

Behold the only true master race who keep winning and killing your peoples ver and over again and their leaders or champions , you will subject to our will or be crushed ! Nothing stand in our way.

There are no glory , no greater power under the sun and history to make than was not made or to be made by humanity ! For I am the Lioness, the sun queen and JUSTICE , i am always victorious and right !

I’m so glad Blood Elves are a core race of the Horde these days, by Blizzard’s own words, It must feel really odd and foolish to be one of those people who think they aren’t, when there are plenty of reasons why they are, and Blizzard themselves say they are. it is always good to have facts on your side, as well as the game company.

Remember that the High Elves were only in the Alliance during the Second War, for a short time, and then the Blood Elves worked with the Alliance for a short time in the Third War (and even that was only Volunteers, Quel’thalas stayed out of it) until Garithos did his thing. The Nation of Quel’thalas has been Horde for more than ten times longer than it was in the Alliance of Lordaeron, and it has -never- been in the current Alliance.

Also, if I wanted generic Dwarves, Hobbits, Elves all joining the humans club I could go and play Lord of the Rings Online (Its actually not bad for a FTP game, it looks pretty, and the classes are nicely balanced)

But I don’t. I want to play the Elves from our myths and legends, the ones who rode forth, shining bright in the darkest of cavalcades, the Faerie Hosts of Elves, Goblins, Ogres, Orcs, and all the horrors that the Otherworld could bring.
Blood Elves fit that perfectly.

You should indeed never trust an Elf, because Warcraft Elves, like Elves from our world’s myths and legends can be trusted to do only one thing: “Whatever is best for the Elves and to hell with everyone else”

I think you vastly confuse things there, and thats a bit hard to decipher, but do you actually think that the Alliance High Elves don’t have the same mana addiction? Do you actually think the Blood Elves lived off Fel? You know thats not what happened, right? I mean we -see- what happens to Elves who continually drain Fel. Selin Fireheart from Magister Terrace says “Hi”

Are you…wait, hang on, I’m from a Roleplaying realm, and this is an OOC discussion, are you…are you roleplaying at us here?

Errr. What? The Last King of Silvermoon quite famously did manage to sire a child, he was…quite famous you know, like, err, he was on the Box Art for TBC, and was a major Hero unit in WCIII, and later a villain in TBC, He’s quite famous, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider, you may have heard of him? So yes, the last King of Quel’thalas, Anasterian Sunstrider did indeed manage to have children (Plural as it turns out, though I think they are all now dead). I mean, you can go and have a chat with the last King’s son himself in Shadowlands…

You really are Roleplaying at us aren’t you? Right, look, there is a time and place where you roleplay, the rest of the time you are Out of character, Like, even at big LARP fests you don’t spring out of your car as your character in a leather jacket and trainers swinging a broadsword and speaking as your character!

Careful there, that sounds like Heresy to Alliance beliefs, only one people on Azeroth worship the Sun, and that is the Tauren in his guise as An’she, and the Tauren are Horde…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Tolkien has a lot to answer for with this modern idea that Elves ‘belong’ with Humans and Dwarves, That ain’t how Elves worked in real life myth and legend.

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Quel Thelas joined the Alliance in the second war, after Sylvanas showed the council a Troll’s head. It was the third war that they were independent and looked only towards themselves.

I don’t see why the alliance is always blamed for Garithos, it was Also Kael Thas at fault too.

Yeah, thats what I said. They were Alliance in the Second War, seceded from it along with Strom and Gilneas after that war ended, and the nation did not involve itself in the third war -except- for those volunteers who aided Kael’thas.

Well, He was a Grand Marshall of the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Where does that come from? As it doesn’t come from Garithos’s Wowpedia entry, the one with linked canon sources.

Of course he didn’t imprison the whole race, most of them were in Quel’thalas, His canon entry -is- however that he had those volunteers following Kael’thas imprisoned for ‘Ceremonial’ Execution, and it also states that he deliberately manufactured the situation by knowingly withdrawing all support troops from the Blood Elves and deserting them, forcing them to take alternative measures. Garithos did this in the full knowledge that his orders would ensure the death of the Blood Elves in his army and that they would no longer be his problem.

Point remains, the Grand Marshall of the Alliance (who did not get his rank by merit, remember) deliberately withdrew troops to allow the destruction of part of his forces, because he was a racist (He wasn’t keen on the Dwarves of Ironforge either), When they survived, through allying with the Naga temporarily, is when he ordered them arrested and executed. This means a lot of humans must have been complicit in this act, as one bitter racist would not have been likely to be able to arrest one of the worlds most powerful Archmages -and- his army, so blaming the Alliance of Lordaeron is not that unreasonable at all. Kael’thas was not regarded as a traitor to the Blood Elves at all at this point. That happened far later, when Grand Magister Rommath discovered the true nature of what energies were in the crystals that Kael’thas had sent to Silvermoon.

Garithos had intention to kill off the Elves right from the start, so he is very much to blame, later, when the arrests happened, the rest of the humans of Lordaeron became complicit, and therefore it is entirely just that the Elves blame the Alliance.

They do however realise the difference between the Alliance of Lordaeron, and the Grand Alliance, and Lor’themar understands this and enters into talks with High King Varian about the Blood Elves seceding from the Horde and joining the Grand Alliance.

Then a human orders the imprisonment of Blood Elves, and sets loose paramilitaries with no legal powers to murder and torture others.

In Dalaran.


You can see why that would -really- nark the Blood Elves.


They are not a core race so dont make lies in Blizzarads name when you know its not true but only your dilusional opinion. And yes it is good to have fact to bad you never use any and only talk trash with no evidense behind it cause the blood elves have never and will never belong in the horde as you have already been proven

Shame that Blizzard stated that both Blood Elves and Draenei were core races when they announced the customisations coming with Shadowlands. So that is a fact for you right there.

Try to make a Blood Elf on Alliance side (No, not a Void Elf), see which faction allows you to make a Blood Elf character (I’ll give you a clue, their banner is red)

You don’t know what you are talking about.

You have proven nothing, and when asked to repeat what you have ‘proven’ you cannot, and refuse to do so, and insult people.

Lets look at who thinks the Blood Elves belong in the Horde.
1.Blizzard (and its their game)
2.The Blood Elves in game. Lor’themar makes this specific point to Garrosh, in Tides of War. Garrosh “I am glad to see that you alone it seems are loyal to me” Lor’themar “We are loyal to the Horde” Garrosh “I -am- the Horde” Lor’themar “No, you are merely it’s Warchief”

It is only when Garrosh starts betraying the Horde that Lor’themar goes “Nope, done with your nonsense”

The other Horde races in game?: All think that the Blood Elves belong in the Horde.

The playerbase?: Almost unanimously think that the Blood Elves belong in the Horde.

The Ethos of the Horde?: The Blood Elves fit it.

Now who -doesn’t think the Blood Elves belong in the Horde?

Angry people who think that the Horde ethos is about looking monstrous, when that was -NEVER- the core ethos of the Horde. That is not what the Horde was formed around as its core tenets, not ever.

So lets try this again, and if your answer is “I have already said!” then you are conceding defeat. You have not already said, and have repeatedly almost ten times now dodged the question, but I am in a charitable mood, so I will give you another chance.

“Why, in your opinion, do the Blood Elves not belong in the Horde?”

Answer the damned question or just concede that you are wrong.


Just ignore little ussrainblood and his forum RP which makes no sense. He’s another little man but likes pixel women. (Probs can’t get a RL Human female.)

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No they are not core of the horde but i never said anything about dranei not fitting in with alliance so i dont get where that is coming from so no its not a fact.And yes unlike you i do know what im talking about. Yeah just shows how good judge of charachter they are agreeing with Garrosh who went agints the horde: Stop talking trash cause the horde reaces dont think the belong and the player base definetly dont think so what rock have you been living under? And noone agrees Blood elves blong exept from you and people who mainly plays ally and you have still at this point not given a single reason on why they belong. And i never ones dodged the question as you have recieved it several times so try reading idiot. And no i wont give up because you know that what i says is true just face it blood elves dont belong.

unlike you im not a child and since the only argument you can come with is a little man you are probobly just some loser in his parents basement

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Assuming gender now are we? I thought that was against the law, these days?

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