Blood elves belong in the Horde

Dude the role play forum is somewhere else.

you just assumed i was a man like you have done since your first comment. And yes iam a guy there is no secret about my gender if thats what you think.So are you really one to correct about gender assumption?

Well I hardly see ladies complain about blood elves being “in their Horde.” All complaints have come from men.

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yeah i dont even know what to answer on that one to be honest and to be fair i couldnt care less if you are a guy or not… most players i seen play wow are men but i meet both. why are we even on that subject

Blizzard disagree. Thoughts on that?

You do realise I stated that in my very post, yes?

Point out to me a -single- racial leader of the Horde, who does not think the Blood Elves belong. Just one.

I just gave you a whole list, which would be the list that you presumably read and are responding to, given that you reference it, if you could do the same, that would be fantastic.

You’re welcome to check my characters and find out which is my main (I’ll give you a clue, its this one)

So we’re back to insults again? How old are you, seriously? Do you think this is acceptable behaviour?

And yet you can’t tell us why…

Rather revealing that…

Anyway, in your refusal to answer the question on repeated occasions you have shown that you do not have an answer, but just double down on insulting people.


Then stop acting like one.
Actually take some responsibility like an adult and answer questions or concede you are wrong, just wildly flinging out insults is -exactly- how a child behaves.

Lets be brutally honest, I think we know why -that- is…


Why are you even obsessed with this subject?

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If it’s true that you explained why Blood elves are not fitting the horde multiple times as you stated, maybe throw a direct quote to to what you said earlier, maybe we are all just blind.

Surely, one or two clicks are nothing for such a mighty horde player such as yourself?

If not… Maybe you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about? :>

C’mon, man up.


Imagine you’re looking at an application form.

This form says “Opening, the Horde needs you!”

Now, what is that on that form? Lets see whether blood elves satisfy the criteria!

For arguments sake let’s assume the horde is in the condition it was TBC arrival, 4 core races only.

Added bonus: whatever the criteria are must have precedent or lore reinforcement in game up to the assumed time period were work with.

And go!

I never seen them mention that. Yeah i see you say that and still you try to defend them wich is just dumb. No its no point to you as it not just one like i just explained. Yes and i just responded to that list genius(im ironic i dont think your a genius at all quite the opposite) where i proved that list was inaccurate. I dont need a list just cross blood elves and some ally players that wish they got the blood elfs design from when it released of the list and the rest will disagree with you. Yeah you main bloode elf so then that statement was correct when i said “you blood elves and ally on their alt”. And yes you got an insult since you started by insulting me by saying i dodge the question when you well aware that i havent dodged it so like i told you countless times before if you dont want insults from me dont insult me either. And i already told you why try reading idiot how hard is it…So you have already recieved the answere several times but you are to immature to read when people respond to you. Im not acting like achild you are doing that by throwing out insult to me and then crying when you get treated the same way you treat me sotake respnibility yourself instead of acting like you do cause you were the one starting with the insults.

With the pandaren in mist of pandaria horde has a total of 7 core races infact.


I assumed the horde is in its pre TBC state for the sake of the question, so it’s like just before belf joined.

So what were the “requirements” to join the Horde at this point that would have led to belf being told “I’m sorry, you didn’t get the job”.

Im not really obessed with it its just common knowledge but when Brigante decide to respond with idiocy and insults instead of listening to reason it annoys me and i find it wrong that he insults the name of the horde just cause he cant handle being wrong on anything no matter how many times you try to explain to him :slight_smile:

I’m assuming it was Sylvanas who got them to join. The Forsaken are the first Horde characters they meet in the starting zone.

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You purposely find a topic that is almost 29 days old and you don’t call that “obsessed.” Do me a favor, Rudolph…

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I think the storyline between the Worgen and the Forsaken makes them being a Horde race highly unlikely.


Well, I mean, just -once- would have been nice. You haven’t actually answered or explained at all, and when asked keep stalling and calling people idiots.

I mean if it is ‘common knowledge’ it shouldn’t be difficult for you to explain, should it? But it seems to be.

I mean you haven’t tried to explain it to me once, not ‘how many times’, and if you -had- explained it once, how difficult is it to reiterate your explanation?

I have not actually insulted you. You on the other hand have called me an Idiot, Dumb, and Senile. Can you, or can you not answer the very simple question posited to you, because so far it seems you cannot.

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i didnt find it purposely so dont assume things about me when you dont have a clue of what kind of person iam in facts i dont even check the date on posts when the post i read only if they are still active or closed

“You didn’t find it purposely.”

Oh yeah right…a 29 day old thread that was a day away from being locked. Don’t insult us with those sorts of lies…it does your cause no favors.

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Im aware. My question is more aimed at people who seem to believe they’re not suitable for reasons.

“They had beef with the horde” - looks awkwardly at lordaeron humans aka forsaken

“Horde races aren’t human like” - looks awkwardly at forsaken and the absolute lack of such a thing being stated anywhere

“They don’t fit the horde culturally” - looks awkwardly at forsaken.

“They’re too femme/not bulky” - looks awkwardly at forsaken

“They’re too pretty” - looks awkwardly at the one female troll Face everyone uses that is as pretty as possible and the complete lack of such being stated anywhere

“They hate trolls” - looks awkwardly at forsaken and at the clear difference between Amani trolls and Darkspear

“They were alliance” - looks awkwardly at Forsaken and at the Alliances treatment of Belf

Yeah I’m not seeing any airtight logical reasons why not so far, the only reason I’m seeing is “they’re not raaaargh smash” but like, neither are Tauren or Forsaken so…yeah. Tauren are one of the mildest mannered races going.
Remember the time the Thalassians tortured an Amani leader by gouging out his eye? Or when they matched into Amani lands fully aware they were sacred and decided to try and kick them out anyway? Compared to “now can’t we all just get along? Please don’t hurt us Centaurs” Tauren Thalassians are brutal.


No i didnt find it on purpose so shut it peasant. And you are the one being insultive here. Also in what way does it my case no favor? a post spreading lies that blood elves belong with the horde so its the complete opposite of doing me no favor if anything it was good that i came across this thread