OK, hows about this. I will explain why they -do- belong, and you explain why they -don’t- belong. Deal?
i have already eplained several times so you can read just by scrolling up but it be great if you for ones gave some reasons instead of empty word
Ok, lets go over this chronologically.
Elves have never cared about anyone apart from Elves, this has always been a thing, and still is.
Elves taught Humans how to use magic so that humans would help them against the Amani.
They swore a treaty with the Arathor.
Thousands of years passed.
The First War? Elves didn’t get involved
The Second War? Elves joined the Alliance -Of Lordaeron-, for the duration of that war, and then left, the instant it became inconvenient (Mainly due to poor choices by King Terenas that also alienated Arathor and Gilneas)
Some Elves who were in Dalaran, including the Crown Prince Kael’thas decided to aid the Humans in the third War, the Kingdom of Quel’thalas however, did not involve itself, as frankly it had too much going on with a Scourge Zombie Apocalypse aftermath.
The humans (Because Garithos could not have done this on his own) decide to imprison these Elven volunteers because they allied with Naga, whilst at the -same time!- allying with Scourge Remnants and actual Demons! Like, what the heck are you on Garithos?
The Elves are unsurprisingly, not impressed by this, however still remain a Neutral nation.
The Alliance, in the form of the Night Elves, send ships and troops to invade Quel’thalas and attack people, also to sabotage Arcane sanctums, knowing that Quel’thalas just took one for the team, they decide to put the boot in. Because thats classy.
So the Blood Elves go “Alright, the Humans have kicked off on us, the Night Elves have for some reason kicked off on us, lets explore the option of not being Neutrals, and joining the Horde”
The Horde however want them to prove themselves, by destroying the last Scourge Warlord on the Eastern Kingdoms.
Lor’themar gets some interesting information from Rommath on Outlands, that looks useful to Warchief Thrall,but hangs on to it.
Violence ensues. The Blood Elves do indeed kill the last Scourge Warlord on the Eastern Kingdoms, and Lor’themar goes “Here’s his head, can you go and get Sylvanas to vouch for us as well, and -also- there’s this” Pulls out mysterious letter
The Horde player delivers said head, Sylvanas’ letter, and the Mysterious letter which makes Thrall go “Yes, you’re in the Horde, right now, right this instant”
The Blood Elves presented the Horde with something it lacked at that point, which was the Magical edge. Pound for pound the most powerful magical people on the planet, who had the Magical heritage of the Highborne but had augmented it with stolen Amani knowledge of Enchantments and made it their own.
A people who had, like the Tauren and Darkspear Trolls, the Forsaken and the Orcs themselves fallen into dire straits and needed an Alliance to survive in a world turning against them against Alliance incursion.
In short a people who only brought a strength to the Horde that it lacked, who have the mental savagery that even people like the Tauren lacked and were only an asset, and not a hindrance, as they have shown since.
That is why they belong.
You are wasting your time trying to get something out of him
I’m sure Brigante enjoys this.
Feel free to be reported. Being insulting has consequences. Enjoy your stay.
The way people float that wretched word around without knowing what it actually means, disgusts me.
I can take the c*** word or the t*** words, but the moment you use the word he used…then I will join you in said report.
Yeah they helped take out the scourge warlord and thats the only thing they done right and afterward not really anything of value. And on the other hand they done alot of questionable acts that that dont suit well with the horde. A magical edge lol? the only “magical edge” was with paladin but aside from that all horde races have had magic withing orcs,trolls,tauren, undead the only dffrence is that they were mana addicts wich isnt something to be proud of. An didnt lack strength before they joined up with them. The blood elves have both questionable backround and is still questionable in their ways and it just proves further how mutch they dont belong with the horde
You know Leíá before saying that you should make a report on someone perhaps you should take a look at your own comment history considering you have insulted other people by calling them words like p**hetic or c*w so you are really not in a good position yourself by trying report neither me or anyone else for that matter
Yeah, but who has? On their own? Everything else has been a Horde collaborative effort, because thats how the Horde works, They killed the Scourge Warlord and told Thrall that the Mag’har were still alive and that got them into the Horde. Since then they have played their part just like every other Horde Race. They are one of the four Horde Factions who work in WotLK along with the Forsaken, the Warsong and the other one (Who admittedly I can’t remember).
They unquestionably did bring the Magical edge, they are the most superior species when it comes to Magic, a fact that the Horde itself recognises. The Paladin thing was just icing on the cake.
What questionable things have they done that do not sit well with the Horde?
Orcs, Trolls Tauren and Undead are not, member for member as good as the Blood Elves at Magic. And so what, they have the Mana addiction thing? So? The Orcs were jacked on demon blood?
Since TBC the Blood Elves provided access to Dalaran during Wrath, aided just as much as any other Horde race in Cata, were a -major- asset in MoP even in the eyes of Garrosh, and then when Garrosh turned traitor, they were part of the triumvirate of power that took part in the Darkspear Rebellion, in case you forget, Vol’jin and Baine actually have that conversation at the Crossroads, before the Rebellion moves against Orgrimmar “We be waitin’ be Lor’themar to get back from Thunder Isle, once we have the Blood Elves wit’ us, we strike” So clearly the future Warchief thought they were important.
In WoD they were able to project forces into Draenor (The Sunsworn) and were the -major- Horde presence in Talador, everywhere else it was a scattering of races, no one race did more during WoD than the Blood Elves.
in Legion they were the only consolidated Horde forces put into the field apart from Sylvanas’ personal entourage and were the only Horde forces who broke the back of the Legion grip on Suramar, and as a result gained new Allies for the Horde.
In BfA again they have played every bit as much a part as other Horde races, and in Nazjatar they, plus the Allies -they- had recruited into the Horde played the major role in vanquishing Aszhara.
Lor’themar is the one who starts the discussion about the future of the Horde after Sylvanas turns traitor, and Lor’themar we already see is going to play a major part in Shadowlands.
Seriously, what more do you want?
That’s a good one. You tell him nothing but the truth.
Well everyone have exept the blood elves during diffrent crisis when it been either war leader or as a spokesperson for the horde. Yeah i doubt that they are superior in magic they dont stand out mutch to me in that matter as a tauren or undead can perform any role related to magic aswell if not better than a blood elf. Lol What questionable things have they done that do not sit well with the Horde? a better thing would be what havent been questionable for ones sthey have ahistory of the past on working with alliance so you never know when they decide to stab you in the back again not to mention Lor’themar Theron was pretty chummy with a madman like Garrosh and no i would not question the loyalty of orcs, trolls, tauren and undead ok maybe undead abit with that recent incidednt with sylvannas so you never know if they have some loyalist infultraiting the ranks as spies but is still trust the forsaken more than the blood elves. Yeah mana addiction is bad i dont know about you but i dont really want some crazy already untrustworthy blood elfs puting a knife through my neck over a mana potion. Trust me the horde would have found dalaran even without th bloodelfs and its not like dalaran benefitted horde that mutch as we was forced to have the alliance there with us it be a diffrent matter if they had actualy done something usefull so make the horde get there before the alliance but acces to a shared territory is no real use. Yeah and taking down garrosh al was part of but blood elves was no more importan than the other they were more of aminor role. Lol what are you talking about no race did more than the blood elves in wod??? the most noticable ones was the orcs and the tauren was seen aswell and maybe there was a few blood elfs there but none of real importans from what i remmeber but the orcs defenetly did more there. In BFA they did the least as you mentioned Lor’themar is found in Nazjatar giving you a few moments dring that but that about all he does standing by a campfire while the rest of the horde does the dirty work. I havent seen him do any importans for shadowlands this far and untill that comes we done know but at the moment Baine is the one who have been dealing with most things when there is no warchief
ofc i do i always tell nothing but the truth
I wasn’t talking to you.
Looks to me like you mix twisted lore with gameplay mechanics so hard just to fit your agenda xddd lol
And who said Belfs didn’t…?
oh well too bad for you then as your comment was inaccurate if you refered to someone else since im the one who stayed to the truth this whole time
No its accurate its just you blood elves who wants it to look like that when someone gets abit to close to the truth about you
we should kick out the blood elves and replace them with ogres.