Blood elves belong in the Horde

I can’t believe this thread is still going on lol. It’s a bait and troll thread with inflammatory wording such as “fanatics”, it would be acceptable if it was just allowed to rest, but it keeps getting necroed, i’m putting flags on posts that necro it, but nothing happens and it keeps going on and on, and it’s filled with toxicity and name-calling. I’ve seen threads getting closed by way less than what is going on here.

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Yeah i agree with you and dont get either why brigante and Erevien tries to bait and troll us like this its so obvious that the blood elves dont belong and like you said whenever someone tries to reason with them all you get in respons is toxicity :yawning_face:

I think you are getting confused and think people are agreeing with you… They aren’t.

I also think you will find I have been civil and when asked for evidence, have given it.

Ermm, What? Lor’themar takes the lead on Thunder Isle I mean he has quotes stating that he -loves- being back in combat again and away from paperwork.

Liadrin is heavily involved in WoD, I mean she is one of the first through the portal, and then later when the Sunsworn come through she is leading them then (She does seem to be Lor’themar’s ‘Go-To’ person when it comes to leading their military, which does make sense, her being the Blood Knight Matriarch), then in Legion we see Liadrin leading Horde forces in Suramar, in BfA Lor’themar himself is at the Siege of Undercity, and then the events in Naz’jatar, and if you actually -do- the quest chains you will see that he, and Thalyssra for that matter do actually do things (Usually whilst snarking at Genn or Shandris) in the Cutscene we have seen of Shadowlands (The one everyone goes nuts over thinking that it proves Calia is new Forsaken leader, which it does not) he is the Horde leader in the front of the scene, directly squaring up to the Alliance, so obviously he has a part to play, (Given that ya boy Kael’thas features in the expansion this is not entirely a surprise)

You can doubt all you like, but you’d still be wrong. Blood Elves simply are the superior magic wielders in the Horde, which you can even see being discussed in TBC with the Ambassadors visiting Silvermoon before they had even joined the Horde. In fact heck, because Blizz are lazy, you can -still- see the dialogue to this day because the city has never gotten an update. Seriously, if you want sources, look up Blood Elf on Wowpedia, and it will explain it all there, with the canon sources of lore and links to it.

Ermm, Quel’thalas as a nation was in the previous version of the Alliance. Once. The Alliance of Lordaeron, during the second War. Then you have some volunteers under the then Crown Prince who worked with the Alliance in the Third War. Since then the Thalassian Elves have been members of the Horde for -far- longer than they were ever in the Alliance.

What are you talking about? Vol’jin and Lor’themar Theron were the only two people who directly challenged Garrosh to his face, in fact if it comes to it, Lor’themar Theron is the only Horde leader who has had the stones to BTFO both Garrosh -and- Sylvanas to their faces. Seriously, read ‘Tides of War’ he schools Garrosh in what a Warchief is, then play SoO raid, he threatens to kill Sylvanas if she messes with his dead rangers. Sylvanas backs down.

So you don’t think Orcs defending a madman like Garrosh against the rest of the Horde is dodgy? You don’t think the Troll Leader face to face threatening to kill the Warchief is dodgy? You don’t think the leader of the Tauren conspiring against the Warchief is dodgy, you don’t think the Forsaken outright going against the Warchief’s commands in the invasion of Gilneas is dodgy, but Blood Elves are dodgy just because you say so?

Well they’re not going to, are they? Because they have the Sunwell back, and therefore they don’t need to drain items, or people or anything, seriously, thats like saying “You can’t trust Tauren, they have this addiction to breathing” “Yeah, so does almost everyone apart from Forsaken and Death Knights” “Yeah, but its an addiction…” People massively overplay this mana addiction thing these days, it was a problem for them -once- when the Sunwell was defiled, you know, same way as if you put a plastic bag over someone’s head (I do not recommend this unless you want a guided and elongated tour of your countries penitential system) and keep it there, they are going to suffer from that pesky Oxygen addiction!

Thats…actually debatable, just the very first premise there. How would they have found it? It’s floating over Crystalsong forest, what Horde forces are there in Crystalsong forest. Oh Yeah. Blood Elves. Only Blood Elves, No other Horde at all. So actually the basic premise of them even geographically locating it is questionable. Thats before you even go into “Would Dalaran let the Horde have half of it, or access to it rather, without the Blood Elves?”

The answer is a solid “No” The -reason- the Sunreavers were in Dalaran to start with is because they are either the people, or children of the people who actually helped create the city in the first place. Thats why Dalaran is so magical, it was created by Elven and human Magi, and the Humans only knew their magic because the Elves had taught them. No Blood Elves in the Horde would mean No Reason for Dalaran to even allow Horde in the city. Of course the Alliance were in Dalaran, it was one of the original kingdoms (Or Magocracies technically speaking) of the Alliance!

Name me one other Horde race that sent a whole army. I’m not talking about the native Frostwolves, name me one other Horde race that sent a whole army. You can’t. Because they didn’t.

Absolute nonsense. Do you want NPC’s to do everything for you? I mean I’m sure Lor’themar would have been happy to oblige, he very much likes getting into fights, but it would be a weirdly dull experience just following around a supremely skilled ranger as he one shots everything, don’t you think? Thats just nonsense, it’s like saying Thrall did nothing during Cataclysm because the player character does the quests…



What a -good- example of strong leadership. I don’t even dislike him the way some do, but no, you cannot cite Baine as an example of a strong Horde leader. There is a reason that Baine is getting a lot of screen time, and that is because Christie Golden is on the creative team for plot in WoW now. Christie Golden has freely admitted she favours Alliance, she has even said which her three favourite characters are in WoW, and they are Anduin, Jaina and Baine, because Baine likes the Alliance. Unsurprisingly, which three characters get a lot of screentime these days?



Keep the good work going Brigante. You’re doing everything right. :smiley:

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They should so i can watch the faction implode

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Blood elves keep the Horde alive. We are that important and awesome.


no im not confused cause yes they are.And no you havent been civil when asked for evidence as you have already had the evidence before and then you throw out insult to me that are inaccurate. In word i bm sure the orcs did most perhaps Liadrin did something minor unoticed things there aswell but it was withoubt a doubt the orcs taking the lead in wod you cant deny that. And yeah he does “help”/ stands around being lazy by a campfire in Naz’jatar and making some fancy words in cutscene along with thalyssra wich resulted in taking out that boss lady yeah i admit i forgotten the name of her. No he is definitely not the new leader of the horde nothing indicates that anyone would accept him as the new warchief just because he talks to the alliance in a scene.Yeah ofc i can doubt it i just showed that i do and no i would not be wrong about it. ofc i know you can check wopedia where do you think i get most of my info? thats why i have accurate info to back up things with since i check the lore. And while it may have been some time since they worked with alliance it dont change their dirty backround. Yeah but i dont change that it showngarrosh and Lor’themar was up to some fishy stuff and to be honest its just seem like Lor’themar cut his ties with garrosh when the rest was on to garrosh crazy ideas why else would garrosh even admit that he had some respect for Lor’themar? it just dont add up. Dude at the time garrosh made it appear as he ment well for the orcs but when they found out not all of them where loyal and defended him. And if you refering to conspiracy against warchief that being against sylvannas i assume? then no i dont find that dodgy did you even see the cutscene when she throw poison on her “allies” from the walls that turned them into undeads? Sylvannas needed to be dealt with for the greater good of the horde. And no not just because i says so because of all the reasons that i just wrote that proves they are untrustworthy in previous comment. How do we know theyre not going to? i sure dont want to put my trust in it not happening when turning my back on a bloodelf. And breathing really? yeah because it really the same to make a comparison between oxygen and to get a kick of consuming some mana its their own fault for becoming addicted in the first place after all. Not really debatable what you think just cause it floats it the air noone would see it? sorry but not all horde members have tunnels vision and never look up you can even spot dalaran fom some other zones when you are close enough. Yes i can as it was seen sevreal diffrent soldiers of diffrent races and i sure didnt see a whole army of blood elves among them maybe a few troops but an army is an exaggeration.No that wasnt nonsense and ofc no one wants a npc to do all but he could have atleast done something you know like the other leaders do when they are involved. Actually i can cite him as a strong leader as he steps up when needed of him. and sure try blaming it on the creative team that a good excuse… you are just upset cause they you know it would look wrong witha blood elf in that situation.

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you got that the wrong way the blood elves is whats killing the horde. You not that important at all

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More then half of the playerbase play bloodelves fron the horde fandom. Admit it. You already lost this fight.

all im seeing is emergency beef food supply …i see no horde here


No theyre not. and you have lost and i have proven why that is wich shows as you cant come up with anything good to counter with so admit defeat yourself

I can’t even reply to you Kim. I know I have a habit of writing walls of text, but the format you have written in there just does not lend itself well to responding to you.

I am aware this may be a case of English is not your first language, and I am not for a moment mocking that, the instant I can mock someone’s English skills is the instant that I can speak and type in their language fluently, and damned well not before that, but I simply cannot extract what you are trying to say, I’m sorry.

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Dont worry we withing the horde dont see blood elves as nothing mor than vermin so no wonder you dont see any horde with all blood elves around

Stop replying to that troll. He is obviously not interested in a serious conversation. He just spits insults on others because he can’t come up with actual arguments.

well ofcourse you cant repsond to it as the facts i given you make it impossible for you to keep up your lies. And clearly english is not your first language of you cant read what im writing but sorry to disappoint you cause english is what you will see most on the time on forums so tough break for you maybe take a few lessons and you probobly get the hang of it eventually :slight_smile:. Clearly you cannot as i use english at work day in and day out its really easy to tell you are not used to have conversation in english if you cant understand

you guys are the people who are trolling and like i told you before you are the one who started with insults i only do that when you insulted me in the first place and i have given you evidence and like you shown you cannot provide any proof to back up what you say as im serious in what i have been writing

Actually it was the diction, lack of punctuation and any breaks in text that made it difficult.

English -is- my first language, I am an Englishman, albeit of Scots and Irish parentage, but born an Englishman and like to think I have a fairly strong command of the language. Your suggestions that I should take English lessons are therefore rather insulting, and also unwarranted, I also use English at work day in and day out, as I am a Voice Actor, therefore it is kind of a prerequisite.

I was referring to the structure of your post, not the words, it simply did not seem like a statement, more just words slammed together, which works well for Rant Poetry which was popular in the 90’s, but does not work so well in the modern age.

Can you try to explain what you were saying, this time with some punctuation, and I might be able to formulate a response?

As I say, I am not ‘dissing’ your language skills, I am simply saying that as a native English speaker, I found that almost unfathomable as to where one point began and another ended.

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well i dont see an issue with my puncuation as i made several and i dont feel like writing it all again when there is no need for it. The fact that it reminds of 90s might have to do with that im born in the early 90s but i find it working just fine in modern time aswell so i quess thats just your opinion. Quess we just have to agree to disagree on how to write

Oh well, in the early 90’s I was making questionable lifestyle choices and dating women I really shouldn’t have, The 90’s were therefore a mental time, so let us agree to disagree, and disengage from this argument and let it recede.

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You be takin’ dat back mon. Him be no troll, da trolls have cunning and wit.

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