glad to hear it then its agreed blood elves dont belong in horde
I agree that Taurens do in fact not belong in Horde, as their leader did questionable things multiple times.
Working directly with Alliance, warning them from Horde threats.
Straight out betraying the latest warchief -which in itself is punishable by death.
yeah, Taurens are lowest of the lowest And Highmountain are just the same.
Not sure why we still let them hang around the core races as blood elves, orcs, undead etc.
The horde did not betray sylvannas it was sylvannas that betrayed the horde. And thats funny coming from the ones that have even been on the same aside as the alliance in the past. And you are not a core race of the horde Like tauren, orcs, trolls, undead are
I was not referring to Brigante when i was talking about the trolling and necroing.
Then you comment was inaccurate as he is the one who have been trolling this forum the whole time
I don’t think you understand what the term “Agree to disagree” means in that case, so you definitely are just talking nonsense now. I was giving you a charitable way out, to save face.
This forum? My my, even I don’t have the time to do all that, just those threads that interest me do I reply to.
Lets play a game. Report this Thread, and have Blizzard look at the conduct of the people within it, and let them choose who gets a Forum Vacation based upon how they speak to others. We’ll see you when you get back…
actually i understand perfectly but the only thing i agree on is that we have diffrent way of seeing what is correct writing. But i will never sink so low to agree with your point of view on the horde as it disgusts me knowing that some people who are in the horde faction actually consider blood elves as a race that belong there and that is something dont think we will ever agree on. Why would i report this forum? if anything its good that people get to see the truth but if you want to report the post then do so considering that you have made insult about me constantly i doubt it go well for you so you mean when you get back…
Blond Elves are just the most played human-ersatz race
If you want to continue you passion, I’m still waiting for a dm reply with maybe a little bit feedback!
The Alliance needs some diversity, we’re taking them in.
No, they belong to six feet under
The only reason why i am a Blood elf is so i can look like an “Alliance race” while being in the Horde.
Love PvP but oh my Alliance loses way to much.
The reason why people say they are gay is because they are more feminine compared to the other male models as blood elves have usually long hair, no facial hair and they aren’t so muscular like the humans,orcs,night elves and draenei for instance. And not all of them are it’s proven how they procreated, but obviously there are who are gay, bisexual, just as there are females who are lesbians, bisexual and there are other races who are gay,lesbians and bisexual as well. It’s just a “joke” that people say about male blood elves because of their silly emote which says “don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me” and like you said there were two quests were two male blood elves were mistaken for females.
I’m going to preface this with "I know you were trying to explain why people use that childish “Hurr Hurr Male Blood Elves are all gay”
thing, so this isn’t directly @ you as such…
True, all of those others look freakish however, and in some cases biologically impossible. (I’m looking at you, human males, How do you swing a sword with wrists like that! ) Blood Elves actually have the physique of a real world male human at athlete level. Judging them by the over the top manga standard of the other races is just weird. As for the long hair and no facial hair thing, well, that also described the Spartans, Ok, thats a rubbish example, as they were bi, as well as being hard as nails.
Also describes many Celts, Vikings, Native Americans, Aztecs, you know, warrior cultures.
Long hair is not effeminate, not growing a beard is a lifestyle choice. In fact thinking about it, out of my close gay friends, about three quarters of them -do- have beards.
It’s an old joke, but I think people are confusing the singer with the meaning, just because a woman sang the song that the phrase comes from? A -lot- of my female friends describe men they have crushes on as ‘Hot’. The Line is a -Diss- Implying the ugliness of the listener’s girlfriend, not “Don’t you wish your girlfriend actually -looks- like me?”
So it kinda makes sense, I mean it’s basically “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was as attractive to the opposite sex as I am?”
Ahh, thats just because all other races apparently find elves smexy as hell, (So Blizz say anyway, myself I think they look angular and cruel) I can think of Three quests where Males hit on Male Blood Elves, or mistake them for women, one Forsaken, one Orc and one Human.
Interestingly, the Blood Elf males are the ones being hit on by the males of those three races, so maybe it’s just those three races getting confused about their own sexuality (Which is fine) but in each case it says more about -them- than about the male Blood Elf.
But as I say, I know you were just trying to explain why people say it. I just like reminding people how utterly ridiculous they sound when they say it. /rant.
I doubt you you know mutch about athletes with the statement you just made. Im not saying there is no blood elves that are in good shape just like with everything there are a few that stands out from the crowd but most blood eleves have a physique that is below an average human atleast among the male blood elves
i would argue that athletes are unhealthy so are body builders you are pushing your body beyond what its capable of and ultimately end up paying for it later down the road quite a lot of people who do sports end up with serious and permanent injuries
I agree with you to some part but in other not. While most athletes are verry healthy in their youth and mid age there is no denying that alot of athletes get injuries either by overworking their bodies and alot of people when getting older refusing to accept that their bodies cant handle as mutch later in life wich is why you see alot of elders in those careers ending up badly
quite a few of people dont even make it to mid age before they get seriously injuried
I’m sorry I was just trying to explain the best I could. I didn’t mean to offend you or anyone. I would never offend or insult my LGBT sisters and brothers as I myself am one of them.
thats true but thats usually the people that push themself beyond their limits and dont listen to their bodies when there are clear signals that it need to rest between workouts. But that can be said about anything really even if you the opposite of an athlete and works with you brain all days and take extra shifts withouts rest you probobly hit a wall and die early aswell when not listening to the mind when it cant keep up to the pressure put on it during long periods of time
Oh I don’t know, I know an athlete who competed at the International Invictus games in Toronto a couple of years back, brought back two golds and a silver for Britain.
Seriously though, the model depiction of the male blood elf looks more like an actual human athlete, than the human male model. I would agree with anyone saying the female model is weirdly skinny, but seriously, the male one has an athletic build. I don’t mean a powerlifter, or some sort of 'roid beast. That build is emphatically -not- below that of an average human. Well, I suppose it -is- in terms of the fact that the average human IRL has less muscles and a fair chance of being a bit chubby (Not fat shaming,). The Human (and Orc)model in game on the other hand is just a mess. They’d be so easy to beat in a fight, as their wrists wouldn’t work, they’d have no ability to swing a sword anything other than directly up or down or side to side. I’ve fought people who fight like that, and won every time. So what you’re really saying is that the Blood Elf male model is less muscular than the other humanoid models in game.
There I would agree with you.
It’s still pretty ripped as compared to a RL human though, was my point.
I think it depends on which type of athletics they do. I agree on the body builders thing, because to a degree that is unnatural, and far too many of them resort to legal (and illegal) chemicals to alter their body, which, medicines aside, is never a good idea. I would agree with you that Athletes have a higher chance of doing themselves an injury, but equally they tend to be people who have developed a very low BPM in terms of Heart Rate. I know that sounds crazy, how can someone run as fast as Usain Bolt without their heart racing? But they do, they cultivate techniques to lower the rate at which their heart beats, which is incredibly healthy.
I think the BPM for an average human should be around 70, whereas professional athletes tend to vary between 40 and 60, which is better for you in the long run, as if you look at every mammal on earth, the quicker the heartbeat, the shorter the lifespan, and we’re no different. It is a depressing but true fact that from the day we are born, we have a finite number of beats our heart will make, before it is too tired and shuts down. So yeah, Athletes are at higher risk of injury, but generally are in better health than non Athletes.
Oh I wasn’t offended at all, fret not. I always say this, lots of words=/= equal annoyed or upset. Also generally when I type I have a wry grin on my face, I am sometimes mocking, sometimes amused, but my posts should always be imagined in a tone of -at the worst- mild sarcasm.
But the Internet is rubbish for conveying tone and expression, because purely text based communication is the least effective way that humans can communicate with each other.
I’m going to agree with you there. I worked in Fraud Investigation for some years, specifically CT (Counter Terrorist) Fraud investigation. Specifically how terrorist organisations do money laundering. It was interesting work (Not as glamorous as it sounds, we weren’t James Bond, it was just an office job!) , but high stress. (You have to be so uber honest, if you fail to report something you are suspicious about, you can actually face a mandatory 3 year jail sentence) You are under a -lot- of scrutiny, constantly, because well, if you know how to detect the crime, you know how to commit the crime effectively. (One guy I worked with did! He managed to trouser three million pounds then legged it to Africa, he got away with it as well!). It is very intellectually tense, very high pressure, very high burn out. It happened to me. I triggered a police raid on what I thought was a terrorist cell. Turns out it wasn’t Terrorists at all, but it was still an internationally illegal act, of a particularly vile nature that many would regard as even worse. (Picture what is regarded as a vile international ring of people, yeah, that, I can’t describe it much without getting a ban but it involved minors) The Suspect topped himself with a shooter when the Police came to his door.
Now I didn’t burn out because I felt guilty about that person, that type of person can rot in hell, but because I had made a mistake. I’d lost my edge, and I just couldn’t do the job after that, because what if it -had- been an innocent person? I mean obviously an innocent person wouldn’t have committed suicide when cops come calling, but still, I could have ruined a reputation and a life. Basically the stress of the job had burned me out to the extent that I couldn’t do it anymore. So I resigned. A lot of people in that line of work do. A lot of police and armed forces personnel suffer that way also, though that is more physical than what I was doing.
You can push your body, and your mind too hard, until it finally just goes “Enough!”
well ignoring the body builders and athletes you also got military training which can also leave you permanently injured from the weight of your backpack and all the wear and tear your place on your body basically the “ideal” body will soon leave you with ideal injuries from years of pushing your self to far