Sadly yes but that was a forced onesided introduction to the horde that was not wanted and you have never been true members of the horde you just gonna have to accept it. Well if you think Blood elves are not vermin then thats just your opinion and i accept your opinion (even thought your wrong) but if truth be told blood elves are no more horde member than the rats in dalarans sewers are citizens of dalaran city and they are definitely not glorius
the ones that are trolling here are the blood elves that wont listen to logic
OK lol. For the horde rofl
It will only work if the Alliance either gets true High Elves or blond hair options for the Void Elves and a cosmetic glyph to change the void-form appearance.
You know it won’t. It will work only if belves and nightborne get kicked out the horde (mandatory race change to orc and troll and goblin and Tauren) to restore the true horde that has millions of followers playing private servers and vanilla. No true horde wants to play with barbies who obsess with transmogs
Well, human-players who want to play on the winning side, of course!
And that’s why retail is 1mil subs and dying
how horrible … with retail dying i guess you’ll finally leave us and go play the wonderful classic
Blood elves belong to the horde. 13 years membership and still going strong. Suck it up male human paladin.
I can’t recall a single example and I’ve read many High Elf threads.
I have no interest in it actually happening, however I do approve of an in-game desire for High Elves to want it returned to pre-Blood Elf days. That’s just story and faction conflict though which is in fact another argument.
No you haven’t! You’ve given your -opinion- several times. Your Opinion is not the same as Fact. I have already explained why they do, using the in game lore.
You keep using the word ‘Vermin’, you might want to look it up, in fact, I’ll do you a favour, here is the definition of the word.
“wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or which carry disease, e.g. rodents:”
Well, Blood Elves are not wild animals, they obviously have farms to grow crops, and are no more or less harmful to farm animals or game than anyone else, and they don’t as a rule carry a communicable disease. So they don’t really fit that description, do they?
I think the trolling started when you piped up to be honest.
Ahh, the well known meme returns, in usual fashion. Look Retributor, everyone knows you just hate Blood Elves, its like, pathological with you, you have become kind of a barometer for bad arguments, generally if you start backing someone up everyone goes “Oh dear, they’re clearly wrong”
Do you seriously, even in your fevered elf-hating imagination think that will happen for a moment? Get some perspective and pull yourself together man for goodness sake!
Look, you don’t know what the Horde is, so you can’t comment with any credibility on the subject. Or are you one of those wierdo’s who think a race has to be ‘ugly’ to join the Horde, because those sorts -really- don’t understand the Horde.
You really do have a massive chip on your shoulder, don’t you? Thats not healthy you know.
I mean it is also stupid to call Blood Elves Barbies, and think that all their players care about is transmogs, but we have come to expect this level of post from some people.
Factual Source?
Who am I kidding, you never have a factual source for anything. Say, what’s the percentage of Dev’s who are Horde these days according to you? Is it still 96.4%
We can but hope.
If I recall rightly it is actually in the current “Quel’dorei as Alliance race” thread" but this was months ago, so you’d have to wade through it to find it, and it only lasted a short while till everyone kind of rounded on them and politely went “No, that is an absolutely stupid request to make”
I mean In character they can want it back, but this person’s rationale was that Alleria had said “I am sure One day Silvermoon will stand alongside the Alliance” in ‘Three Sisters’ without realising that was wishful thinking, and then -Void- Whispers trying to persuade her she had a right to the throne. (She doesn’t, the Windrunners never did, only the Sunstrider bloodline did) and they also ignored the fact that it was The VOID telling Alleria this, so hardly a reliable source.
It was pretty funny…
Vulpera, forsaken, blood elves, nightborne, zandalari.
That’s 5 races outside of your average savages barometer. They fit the horde just as much and well as the three core races trolls, Tauren and orcs do.
To be honest i dont mind the nighborne staying in the horde atleast with them you got to see the hardship and simillarities they share with the horde and it actually feel like they belong. but i totally agree with you on the part with blood elves out of the horde they have given the horde a bad name for along time now and should never been allowed to stay aslong as they have
Yes i have done it and it was facts i gave you not just an opinion learn the diffrence between the to cause you have never given a fact. And i dont need to look it up since i already knows what it mean and have used it correctly. And no the trolling didnt start then it was when you spread lies about them belonging with the horde i just corrected it so you would insult the hordes good name by saying thing that was the opposite from the truth on the matter.
Yeah and no1 ever said they hade to be savage to fit in with the horde as i agree with you that Vulpera, Forsaken, Nighborne and zandalari do belong cause they have actually proven their worth for the horde and have similarities that makes them fit in well with the horde unlike the Blood elves
And they all fit the Horde’s actual ethos, which is alliances of convenience, shared interests and protection from the Alliance.
Can you imagine the criteria for entering the Horde if it were otherwise?
Warchief. “No, Vulpera, you can’t join the Horde, you’re too furry and small”
Kiro “But, wait” Points at Tauren, then at Revantusk, then at Goblins
“See? Furry and the last is small!, we bring problem solving skills, survivalist tactics, viciousness, and we’re already fighting the Alliance!”
Warchief “I don’t make the rules”
Kiro “I think you’ll find you do”
Warchief: “No, Forsaken you can’t join the Horde.”
Forsaken “You what?”
“You don’t meet our ugliness criteria”
“Are you kidding me, we’re freaking Zombies, if anything we’re uglier than all you lot combined, look, we are literally rotted corpses held together by dark magic, if looking savage is your only criteria how does that even work?”
“Nope, Sorry, and take that scary smell away with you”
Warchief: Nope, sorry Lor’themar, you can’t join the Horde"
Lor’themar" Are you for real, You asked us to kill the last Scourge Warlord in the Eastern Kingdoms and we did, and as a sweetener we told you about the Mag’har on Outlands!"
“Sorry, you’re just…not ugly enough.”
“We’re the best at magic in the world, you need us!”
“No we have…erm, OK, you are the best at magic”
“You’re God Damned right, and the Alliance has already attacked us, we bring a new string to your bow, as for savage, what’s more savage than something that looks nice, but is actually hateful, vindictive, spiteful, I mean that is pretty savage?”
“Sorry, too pretty”
“You’re an idiot”
Nightborne rinse and repeat the Blood Elf one.
Warchief: “Nah Talanji, you’re a bit too, well, civilised”
Talanji “That’s our ting mon, we be de Nobility of the Trolls”
“Yeah, we already have Trolls”
“So you won’t mind more den, plus we be damned good at building fleets, de Horde could rule de seas”
“Sorry, you stand up straight, that makes you look less savage”
“Are you for real? I’ll show you savage!”
Yeah, the Horde would have been annihilated by now if that is how they thought. Annihilated easily.
You do know those hardships are the same that the Blood Elves faced, and that is -why- they joined the Horde, because of the Blood Elves, right?
No part of the definition fits, so you really have not used it correctly.
Yeah, you are just trolling at this point. You can’t claim Nightborne belong and Blood Elves don’t as they contribute -exactly- the same thing to the Horde that the Blood Elves do, do you know how crazy that sounds?
I can say for sure that this thread taught me a lot about getting spelling and spacing right. Two people can write walls of text, but even then they can differ in coherence.
Are we talking well built athletes or bodybuilders here?
This is obviously just my opinion, but I think the problem rather lies in the number of people playing belves.
If the same were to happen with vulpera, instead of wow of elvencraft I’d name it wow of foxcraft.
In other words, to me a healthy environment (just like in real life) consists of a mixture of different things and not so much uniformity.
But that’s clearly a player’s/human fault, a tendency to look for such “beautiful” features, be it when looking for an avatar, a mate, a worker to hire and so on.
No its not the same as the Blood elves hardship where done to theme by themself by running between the to factions and making enemies with everyone so dont try and make it sound like the blood elves hardship wasnt well deserved. And yes i know that both blood elves and night elfs was a big part of the questline in suramar but you have to be a fool if you think the blood elves was the only reason they sided with the horde cause it wasnt it was cause in whole the nightborne had more similarities with the races of the horde hardship in comparison to the alliance throught history just like they nightborne had. Yes the definition fits and i used it correctly the whole time. No im not trolling and i never had its you that trolls with your ridiculous bu**sh*t. And yes can say that the Nightborne belong and blood elves dont cause that the truthcause they dont contrubute the same. And its not i who sound crazy just because blood elves and nighborne are both of the elf species dont make them the same do you even realise how dumb that last sentance you wrote look?