Blood elves belong in the Horde

i was talking about athletes not body builders but with that said athletes variate alot depending on what they specialise in. For example a runner and a shot putter are both athletes but dont even have close to simillar body build so its abit tricky subject to be fair :slightly_smiling_face:

Da tauren belong between two slices of bread with some cheese, ketchup and a leaf of salad.


yeah right i like to see some troll that been freeloading in durotar for i dont how many years try to make sandwich out of a tauren good luck with that

Yes, that’s the actual problem here. People simply want to play beautiful human-like can-do-anything characters which saddens me a bit. I also think many of the Horde-players aren’t comfortable playing monsters or animals.

Speaking of animals, many people associate Tauren/Worgen/Pandaren as furries which is kind of a stigma but given how stupid these people act, it’s no surprise to anyone.

looks suspicious at you


You’re actually part right with the first part of that rant. If Dark’han Drathir had not betrayed his own people, then the Ban’dinoriel gate would have stayed up and Arthas would not have been able to invade Quel’thalas as easily, if at all in fact. However, they didn’t exactly ‘run between the two factions’. They were in the Alliance of Lordaeron -because- the Horde attacked them, with the Amani, after that war the nation pulled out of the Alliance and became neutral. Some volunteers (mainly those who lived in Dalaran fought alongside the Alliance in the third war, including the crown prince Kael’thas. We know how that worked out because, well, Garithos. After that the Blood Elves were firmly neutral and pulled back to Quel’thalas. So they weren’t actually enemies of the Horde or Alliance.

Hang on, have you made a Nightborne character ever? This is how it went down. Vereesa and the High Elves went to help Suramar, Tyrande and the Night Elves went to help Suramar, Liadrin and the Blood Elves went to help Suramar. Once it was liberated the High Elves just went away, Tyrande started making veiled threats to Thalyssra, and Liadrin hung around and said “Y’know, we have the same mana problem, so we can sympathise with your plight, ours is a bit different, we call them Wretched, not Withered, but in both cases it is to do with mana, you should visit us and see how we handle it”.

Now which one of those would make you most likely to make you go “Oh, these people are being friendly to us”. When you unlock them as an Allied Race, it is the Blood Elves who send you to go and speak to Thalyssra and recruit them into the Horde. When Thalyssra does visit Silvermoon Lor’themar is a charming host, and takes her to see the Sunwell, keeping good on Liadrin’s promise, and Thalyssra agrees that the Nightborne will join the Horde.

It is totally the Blood Elves that brought the Nightborne into the Horde.

Look at the similarities.

Elves. Yep.
Problem with Mana. Yep
Incredibly powerful mages. Yep
Given grief by the Night Elves. Yep
Past problem of a Leader who sided with the Legion. Yep

Also the Nightborne are a type of Highborne, the Blood Elves are a type of Highborne, I mean thats why they were exiled from Kalimdor, I mean for heavens sake, the novella about the times before and after the Scourge invasion is even called “Blood of the Highborne”.

I gave you the definition of ‘Vermin’ and none of it fits, stop being silly, if you’re using it just as an insult, fine, but the definition does not fit Blood Elves.

They’re both long lived races with incredible power over the arcane. How is that not the same? If anything, because the Nightborne stagnated for 10,000 years whereas the Blood elves did not, arguably the Blood Elves bring more to the table, in the form of the Farstrider rangers and the Blood Knights heavy cavalry as -well- as the Arcane thing.

I don’t know, it may be a language barrier thing, but the way you type looks pretty crazy. If it is a language barrier thing, and English is not your first language, then I apologise, as I try to make a policy of never criticising someone’s skills in English unless I can speak -their- language fluently, but you do tend to write in a wall of text without any spacing.

But do tell me, what is it that the Nightborne bring to the Horde, that the Blood Elves do not?

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No i havent made a nightborne and i dont have to either but i have done the whole questline and bringing them into the horde quest and just because both of them are addicts and they showed them silvermoon dont make that the whole reason they joined are you serious? It was definitely not the blood elves alone that was the reason for them joining even if it was a part of it. And i already knew the definition of vermin and i used it entirely correct are you blind? cause it describes them perfectly and not just as an insult so dont be silly yourself. Yeah they are both long lived races and are good with magic what does that have to do with it? that just biological simillarities. Among thing Thalyssra have actually shown to step up with initiative and help out since they nighborne joined the horde and not to mention that the nightborne are alot more trustworthy than the blood eleves are. So even thought the nightborne have not been in the horde for long they have definitely contributed more than blood elves have. And i obviously speak better english than you so you are the least one that should criticise. And i been given you that answer i almost every comment but i quess you just scroll past without even reading the responds given to you as usual…

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Nightborne definitely work in the horde.
They do bring stuff belf don’t. It’s about their specialisms beyond generic arcane mastery.

Both are very proficient arcane wielders.
Belf additionally have blood knights and farstriders.
Nightborne additional specialisms are in telemancy to a lesser extent chronomancy.

I would say that belf are definitely more well rounded as a nation. They have a decent supporting military and special ops, and a leader with lots of combat experience.
Nightborne are definitely less rounded, but I’d argue their arcane aptitude edges belf out slightly. It depends how much “brain drain” they’ve suffered after liberation of Suramar. When you look at what some of them were capable of they’re very much top of the pile in arcane magic. But they’re a nation of snobs and scholars by large so this is natural, they are less fully functional though. I imagine the belf military overshadowed theirs vastly.

I see it like this. Belf are a civilised nation who happen to have magic as one of their primary talents. Nightborne are a civilised nation that revolves entirely around magic.

Makes perfect sense to me. Baine is practically a member of the Alliance already.


Oh yeah, completely, The Nightborne are clearly more experienced with Telemancy, the Blood Elves with Enchantment.

Yeah, that sounds about right I reckon.


Clearly you been living under a rock if you think baine is loyal to the alliance. the horde have been forced to meet with alliance at sevral times in almost every expansion and if any1 is likley to betray us its the blood elves


Baine is pretty much the weakest Horde leader in terms of loyalty to the Horde.


I can see you have a very strong dislike of the blood elves. I don’t agree with your opinions but it’s always fun to see how other players feel about stuff.

Part of the reason I supported Sylvanas is because Baine and Saurfang seemed to be more Alliance than Horde this expansion.



Have you seen the average human irl?

Big difference in pushing your body for health gain and pushing it for some sports, which is ultimately draining on it.

But both are still better than not doing any sports at all.


Uff… not being a genocidal maniac means “more alliance than horde”?

I guess you are a defender of an outright evil horde. It is fair enough, but not all players agree with that.


Apart from their freakish lower forearms Male Blood elf bodies aren’t really impressive.

And I’ve seen those kinda forearms on my downhill biker friends too :woman_shrugging:

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I don’t think we really need another Sylvanas debate, it’s been done to death, and I don’t wish to steer this into an off topic discussion. Some people supported Garrosh, each to their own.

The Blood Elves belong in the Horde, some wont ever like it, I think over time we may see more options for the Void Elves so that they can RP HElf. I don’t think there is much point to adding High Elves at this point but I don’t object to their addition either.


How about this ;
The Tauren stay in the Horde, where they belong.
The Blood Elves stay in the Horde, where Blizzard decided they go in their universe, and where they now belong,(for people with the Lotr mindset…they can play…Lotr online, it’s a thing, or just be happy with what the Void Elves and Night Elves are getting in SL and play those).

As for Baine, I hope he gets a paradigm shift or is killed off somehow, his stances are illogical considering everything that happened in the past, and that makes him a horrible race leader, because he’s completely detached from events since his upcoming in Cataclysm.
But despite him being badly written, he did fight besides the Horde in most other occasions…I think the character just needs to make amends, to his people first and foremost and to the Horde as secondary, perhaps he’ll be more likable after that.

As for the trolls that keep regurgitating the same stuff over and over, There were NO official talks between the Blood ELves and the Alliance about rejoining, there was Lor’themar considering the possibility and Varian being open to it, but if you check out all the texts and cinematics about it, there were no actual talks.

So it’s either one end or the complete other half of the spectrum? That’s okay, Blizzard seems incapable of nuance as well.
Apart from my opinion that BFA was a horrible narrative from the start, they could have written Saurfang and Baine to actually act like Horde leaders and take responsibility, not wait for Anduin Wryn to take them by the hand and show them what to do.
This was MoP 2.0 the even worse version.


I won’t leave without nightborne… My faction leader has developed a strong ties with Suramar

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I can whole heartedly agree with that :slight_smile: