Thrall is why we got Garrosh as well.
Thrall was fine in WotLK, he only got messed up after Cata. His wife would be better warchief than him.
No the average irl dont look worse… oh well bad day at the beach by the sounds of it if all look worse than blood elves
Are you dense?
Like actually blind irl?
I swear you have to be trolling.
funny comming from the person that keep throing out insults against the horde in every comment you make
It’s like a soap opera on television, when the writers totally decide to go off at a tangent and ruin the character to suit the outcome they want.
if any1 should be killed it should be Lor’themar along with the rest of the blood elves
Well, he was part of the treason too, but the bigger b’stards were Thrall and Baine. But yes, the whole quest was really stupid. Let’s just kill one more Sunreaver and the one eyed b’stard is fine with it.
Come on, be nice now
This topic is not new, don’t throw the insults around, you’ll be whooped by the ban hammer and we don’t need the forum to loose more posters
you just decribed yourself as you are trying to forcethe outcome by trying to make people to have the same opinion on blood elves as you just cause thats your opinion even when you been proven wrong
But you clearly are dense, all the fat swelling up your brain making you unable to think?
wallahi no wonder eastern europe is like this
Im being nice aslong as they act a mature way but aslong as they insult the horde i will keep defending the horde and if those 2 want to get banned by insulting me then thats their problem
I wasn’t just thinking of you, I can read as well
But the conversation back and forth between posters already past the point where it was a conversation worth continuing
Edits: Typos typos typos
When they are rude I just stop replying. If they want to sink to that level, they can just talk to themselves XD
Conversation can just carry on with out them
No im neither dense or have fat swelling up. Btw isnt it time for you to go back to the beach and look like a stranded whale?
I don’t really think it’s a 2 way conversation. It’s more like a survey about what are the perceived values of the horde.
I remember the upset from some when the Vulpera’s joined and the equal upset from some Alliance players who wanted them too.
Gnomes always seem to bear the brunt of various jokes too.
Apart from Magic. I mean that is stated both in game and in novels.
Think you’ll find its just you. And you can’t even provide reasons, other thank “I don’t think they belong” and then dodge the question when asked to provide factual reasons.
Really? What do you think real life humans look more like? They sure don’t look like Warcraft Humans ( we have working wrists for a start, a warcraft human does not), The female model isn’t so bad, but the male model does not look like a RL human.
-What!- You think that the Goblins look more like Humans? That is madness! Goblins do fit in the Horde, but they look nothing like humans at all!
You have never given any facts, you just keep repeating that they don’t belong because “I say so”
Let me outlay for you the reasons why they -do- belong -again- as you seem to keep ignoring them.
1.Thrall said they could join the Horde if they killed the last Scourge Warlord in the Eastern Kingdoms. The Blood Elves proceeded to kill said Warlord, and Lor’themar Theron wrote a letter, which Sylvanas signed also, detailing this fact. Lor’themar also included the sweetener of informing Thrall that the Mag’har still existed on Outlands.
These are not Tolkien Elves. They are more like the Elves from our real life myths and legends, You know, the ones that worked with Orcs, Goblins and Trolls, Ogres and all sorts of horrors. Traditional depictions of them had them riding out in Faerie hosts with all of the above.
Elves aren’t nice people. Oh they may -look- handsome or beautiful, but their hearts were black, they were creatures of terror and savagery, in English folklore they stole children, broke into houses and killed the occupants, loosed arrows that drove people mad, and used to partake in the Wild Hunt, where they would just go on a killing spree, not for any reason, but just because they -could- They are the reason that many older houses in the UK have horseshoes nailed to the door. To ward off Elves. Specifically Elves.
Savagery is a state of mind, not a state of ugliness or looking scary. Irish poets described them as “Fair of Face, but Foul of Feeling”. Savagery does not mean dressing in BDSM leather with spikes and having tusks, it is a method of acting.
Since their admission to the Horde, the Blood Elves have done a -lot- for the Horde. They went to war alongside everyone else, against Kael’thas, They provided magical and practical support against the Lich King (Who do you think are flying those Dragonhawks giving combat to the Frostwyrms around Icecrown Citadel) Nobody really did much in Cata, apart from Thrall, in Pandaria they were heavily involved, and even the racist Garrosh acknowledged they were useful, and used them as cannon fodder until Lor’themar got sick of his kodocrap and invaded the Isle of Thunder. In WoD they are the only Horde troops from Azeroth to invade en masse, in Legion they are the only Horde troops who take part in the liberation of Suramar, in BfA they play an ample role, as much as anyone else, and Lor’themar and Thalyssra are the heads of the forces in Naz’jatar. In a cutscene from Shadowlands, of all the Horde forces squaring up to the Alliance, Lor’themar is at the front, sword in hands.
Refute these points if you can.
Here we go again, you throwing out insults because you have no actual points to make.
You…know the Horde isn’t real, right? That it is a fictional construct in a game, besides, how are people insulting the Horde, you’ve never really made that clear?
it is true that losing him which is obviously an intellectual like myself would be a loss for the community. let us hope people do not flag his posts for trolling and inappropriate masked swearing
you cant sink to that level as you are the one who acts rude and is at a lower level so if anything it be an improvment if you responded in a mature way for once in your life