Tastes like nectarines makes my skin glow and is also an anti oxidant, why pick anything else?
People can call us whatever they want to make themselves feel better, we know what we are capable of and we are an amazingly resilient species.
Tastes like nectarines makes my skin glow and is also an anti oxidant, why pick anything else?
People can call us whatever they want to make themselves feel better, we know what we are capable of and we are an amazingly resilient species.
I think you’re assuming Blunderhoof would get banned despite them not breaking the Code of Conduct. Unlike you.
I know, I was astonished to find out my main character made me a White Supremacist, perhaps I should have posted from my Draenei, Gnome or Human to avoid such an accusation.
12 years eh? Thats some good going! Sounds like you have a ‘Keeper’ there.
Resilient would not be the word I would use to be honest… You are a amazing race of self sacrafice just Like my race btw… But to anwser your first question i will pass on the arcane brew…
This character is clearly one.
Of course not. You don’t need to be a race in-game to feel empathy for them. I am a very empathic person and try to think what it would be like if i was a member of that race. I try to remove the cynicism of a player mindset to understand the characters.
I can go create one if you want though. XD
I don’t have time to play every race. I do play horde too though.
Not wrong on that last point though.
Oh, so you came around and realised the following ;
If you don’t consider yourself a member of the Tauren race, then what legitimacy do you have of talking about Tauren lore and leader? None. You just want to be entertained as a player and are not interested at all in the Tauren people or the story being told.
Thanks for confirming. You just don’t care, but here you are trying to argue lore issues. Priceless.
Was actually a load of manure then, well good for you!
Thanks!..but aren’t I though? You’re still wasting time
Although, it can’t be that much, right? Considering the contents of your replies.
Shame, means more for me then although I do like good company with a warm drink.
Ooh, Now I get it - Yeah, I guess that’s why I really don’t like Baine as a Highchieftain.
I am curious i have read your posts about baine and all but who do you think should be high chieftan then?
Really? That is exactly what i said.
You need to think in the shoes of a member of that race. What do you think you are seeing there?
You are thinking of it as a player, not as a member of the race. You come out and say Baine needs to make amends cause he wants peace. How does that make any sense except, as you admited from an outside cynical player perspective?
I know you are eager to find a gotcha moment where badmouthing a leader cause they are the bigger man is acceptable, but it’s incredibly difficult.
If you are so upset that i reply feel free to stop replying yourself.
You keep pinging me, i might reply. It’s the risk you take.
No they wre not. And like i told you before no im not trolling this forum so clearly it was accurate to write ret*arded as i keep having to repeat it to you caus if you werent then you would have understood it by now when i keep repeating that im not a troll and like a already told you before im only unpleasants to people who acts that way against me first so suits yourself when you started it. and clearly it is not what a normal person would cal fine reading comprehension when i have repeated my self more times than i can count and you still dont read it.
There is currently no one else that would fit.
My issues are with how Baine was written, he sues for peace at the worst times.
I can’t accept a race leader that coldly shrugs off a massacre as if it’s nothing, exactely as I already wrote.
If you want me to think as a Tauren then look at this ;
You have a friends and family in a settlement like Taurajo, the Alliance comes and raids it under the cover of night, killing some of them, sending others with children into the dead of night into harms way, it’s not like the Barrens are someone’s backyard.
Allot of your people get killed, if not by Alliance troops, then by hecklefangs, quilboar or that murderous plantlife.
Then after all this, the High chieftain declares it’s just not a big deal, it was a legitimate target, and anyone who wants to fight back against the invaders will not be allowed to set foot in Thunder Bluff again.
The Dwarves wiped out the Stonespire tribe before that, so he knew they weren’t friendly, but did nothing.
He wept for theramore, but did not care for his…you know I wrote all of this down, not going to rewrite it again.
If this was your leaders acting like that, you would find it great and respectable?
You’re quite full of yourself
It doesn’t change anything, my reasons still stand, unchanged, wether from a player point of view or if “I was to see myself as an actual tauren”.
The only thing I didn’t notice was that you were going on about the ingame race’s view, there’s no reason at all to believe that it’d be different, in fact that makes him even worse, as an tauren could not see the ‘bigger picture’, they see their relatives and friends being slaughtered and their holy sites defiled.
I already said I am a tauren player and I love the tauren race, and am invested in the lore enough to care…so your assumptions and questions there after were already out of place, unnecessary and therefore confusing.
I think you were the one going for a ‘gotcha’, well, trolled me there, congratulations.
I think i pass on trying that and i you may call it grouchy i call it being honest
wow that is a lot of repetition since you are obviously a genius like me who can count real high. the best way to learn and therefore to teach is to keep repeating until it sticks so do not give up. that is how they win
Dont know why you went through the trouble of repeating some parts but I got my anwser in the first sentence…
No, they would want to not die themselves in wars that will accomplish nothing and just bring more wars. They would want to live in peace. To break the cycle.
Warcraft is a fun concept for a game, but i cannot imagine living in such a world where there is so much war. Anything anyone would want is to get away from it. More war just means more death. More family and friends lost.
I would drop the accusations cause from my pov you are the one doing that.
No we didnt establish that it was without reason as i have already shown. And yes saying that i dont know my lore was an insult so not it was not correct as i do know the lore. So yeah that was an insult from me after he insilted me first so yes it was the case of me responding with an insult from an insukt given by him. And yes you are right its there in written words that you see that he was the first to insult me
Sure, that’s why it’s just a game.
Now, why don’t you level a tauren character, read up on tauren lore, play through the related Kalimdor questlines, especially the Barrens, afterwards read the Shattering and all that with the Tauren mindset, and come back to me on how you view Baine Bloodhoof as your leader.
I mean, how else would you know what it’s like, right?
Well, that’s just your pov, after all.
Me neither, I knew you weren’t sincere from the getgo, since otherwise you wouldn’t have asked me that question, courtesy on autopilot, I suppose / shrug.
I can’t believe this conversation is still going on
Wait let me grab my popcorn
yeah its a point of view. Hahaha more sophisticated part of the Horde??? i would not call having past alliances with the alliance, mana addiction and a race leader that was chumy with a lunatic like Garrosh “sophisticated” but your right its you point of view and my view of sophisticated is diffrent